Where The Fat Ones Roam

Commander / EDH DimitriBloodmoon


DarkRequiem says... #1

+1. This resembles a bit like my own Mayael build. :)

December 27, 2015 7:08 a.m.

nayrash5 says... #2

A few more good ways to cheat things in if Mayael gets stuck in the C-Zone: Oath of Druids, Pattern of Rebirth, Sneak Attack though this one's a bit more pricey, and//or Defense of the Heart.

Considering your Commander plays from the top, I would recommend: Sensei's Divining Top, Scroll Rack, and//or my personal favourite Sylvan Library.

In my opinion; Armada Wurm, Courser of Kruphix, Nessian Wilds Ravager, and Sandsteppe Mastodon aren't good enough. Wurm, Ravager, and Mastodon are 'just' big creatures, which you already have a tonne of in here, and Courser is generally worse than Oracle of Mul Daya for playing lands off the top. The small amount of lifegain you get from courser is inconsequential when someone swings for a million damage or combos off, and Oracle also gives you an extra land drop.

I'm also not really a fan of Zendikar's Roil. Yes, gaining extra value off lands you draw is a good thing, but a 2/2 is really small in EDH, and you aren't likely to be playing enough lands to get a critical mass of elementals once you've passed the five mana to cast this anyway.

December 29, 2015 7:16 p.m.

nayrash5 Yeah I'm planning on swapping Courser for Oracle, and I'm working on getting a Sylvan Library and Scroll Rack.

Yeah a lot of the creatures I have in the deck right now, including the ones you mentioned and a few others are place holders for better creatures like Stalking Vengeance, Woodfall Primus, Vigor There are actually quite a few creatures I still need to get.

Thanks for the advice!

December 30, 2015 2:36 p.m.

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