AlphaSasquatch says... #2
Hey man I love the deck, could you run me through the sideboarding choices against different decks, as in what you would board in and out against different decks? Cheers.
February 21, 2015 12:14 a.m.
magnetcrocodile says... #3
Thanks man. For the sideboard, here goes:
Feed the Clan: The meta in my LGS is kinda aggro-heavy, where everyone will literally empty their hand just to hit my life for 1 more point(RW Heroic, etc). You know those people that calculate even one point of damage? That's them. So 5, or even 10 points boost to my life will throw their calculation off. TLDR; against aggro heavy, to survive the early aggro.
Peak Eruption: Replacement for Demolish or Desecration Plague if the opponent have
. Kinda self-explanatory
Reality Shift: Helpful against those midrange Abzan deck. Bring their creature down to Wild Slash range
Stubborn Denial: Side against control deck. You can't go wrong with more counterspell
Wild Slash: For aggro and midrange. For staple creature like Seeker of the Way, Goblin Rabblemaster, etc
Treasure Cruise: If you think the game will go long, more draw is good
Aggressive Mining: Honestly I don't really know why I chose this. Another draw option. Kinda viable in the deck since I have those mana-ramp spell
February 21, 2015 12:50 a.m.
AlphaSasquatch says... #4
Thanks bro, I thought about maybe putting shamanic revelation into the sideboard of what I'm looking at doing. Maybe also swapping out sylvan caryatids for Whisperer of the wilds because you have a lot of ferocious enablers to get that extra ramp
February 21, 2015 4:53 p.m.
magnetcrocodile says... #5
@AlphaSasquatch Interesting choice. Please tell me how it goes when you playtest it.
I prefer Caryatids over Whisperer because of mana fixing, but a getting each turn IS interesting.
February 22, 2015 8:48 a.m.
AlphaSasquatch says... #6
Its been really fun playtesting with whisperer @magnetcrocodile, I agree then the mana fixing is handy, but i just went to 4 forests and added a mountain and an island and it seems to be ok on the mana front, hardly ever screwed for colors. Its also a whole heap of fun to go t1 mystic, t2 whisperer + mystic, t3 swallower+ whisperer then on t4 monstrous the swallower bringing the other person back down to no land if they hit every drop and I am on the draw.
February 22, 2015 11:07 p.m.
I really like the idea of land D, but I'm not sure if the cards are available to make it work, and by work I mean work well... I was toying with a build that was Temur, and then looking at a g\b\r. My initial concern is the lack of land D spells. When there were three 4 drop land D spells, it was mostly viable. I don't know if two is enough. You need to hit the mana dork on 1 or 2 to ensure a T 3 land D spell, followed up by a T4 land D spell. Before rotation I think I was running Demolish, Desecration Plague, Bramblecrush, and Frenzied Tilling. But now that half of those cards aren't standard legal, it's making things tough.
My most recent ideas obvioulsy include the Ember Swallower, Demo, and the Plague, but then the Nessian Demolok and Destructor Dragon... but the 5 cmc and 6 cmc are just really expensive- they might be too expensive.... even with 4 caryatids and mystics... I was splashing the blue for the Temur Ascendency and Treasure Cruise. The Ascendency makes the Demolok really strong because if they don't pay tribute then they lose a land and if they do, he gains haste, 3 +1+1 counters and you draw a card... the Ember Swallower draws you a card, and I think I was running the Polis Crusher to also draw a card (and protection from Enchantments seems pretty good)... it ran ok, but still missing a few cards to really work.
The g\r\b version never really took off... 6 was too much for the land D spell- even if it hits a creature too (Spiteful Blow)... I think the Midrange decks are good enough to be able to power through the available land d cards in a deck like this....
February 25, 2015 7:56 a.m.
magnetcrocodile says... #8
@bellz76 I had a similar idea about mana-ramp, Destructor Dragon, and Rescue from the Underworld(since sacrifice=dead) to constantly destroy land. But as you said, the mana cost is too heavy and it's not really reliable since you have to have the necessary piece to pull it off
February 25, 2015 8:02 a.m.
Yeah, that combo is an entirely different deck idea... lol Hopefully we'll see another land D effect when Dragon's drops in April...
February 25, 2015 8:50 a.m.
magnetcrocodile says... #10
Oh, but if you're talking about the deck efficiency, this deck went quite well in my playtesting(both in paper and tappedout). I can mostly win a game if I can pull a turn 3-4 land destruction(with early ramp), which give me enough time to get Ember Swallower and try to finish the game
February 25, 2015 8:55 a.m.
I guess it's going to depend on how you play the Land D angle... Is it a control route, or a tempo route? I think the Control route requires another 4 cmc Land D spell... If you hit an Elvish Mystic or Sylvan Caryatid on T1 or T2, you need to hit the Demolish or Desecration Plague on T3 AND T4 to really control the game... pre-Khans, I wasn't really happy unless I hit the T5 Land D Frenzied Tilling as well... then I would Ember Swallower followed up by a Hasted Mistcutter Hydra. You can't hit the 3 land D spells in a row consistently right now...
However, if we're taking the tempo route, that may be more viable currently. T1\2 Elf or Caryatid into T3 Land D followed by a T4 Knuckleblade sounds really good.... esp if we have the Stubborn Denial backup. You may want to up the count to 4 to make sure you see it. That one turn setback could be enough to keep you one turn ahead...
And I'm really not a big fan of Reality Shift- technically it's card disadvantage... I'd much rather see that as a main deck Treasure Cruise, or even a Divination.
IDK- Land D is only good when you get them early... and when there's only 2 good ones available... grumble. Those 7 slots might be better served as something else....
February 25, 2015 10:26 a.m.
quesobueno123 says... #12
Awesome extreme budget deck! By far one of the better budget decks on the site.
February 28, 2015 7:20 a.m.
magnetcrocodile says... #13
@Algatress I'll quote myself from this deck's description:
"Note that the scry lands are what makes this deck kinda expensive. I used those since I have those IRL. You're free to swap them with gainland for budget reason."
Without those this deck would end up in 70$-ish range. Or do you still think that it's still out of 'budget' range?
@quesobueno123 I don't know if it's sarcasm or not, but I'll take the compliment. Thanks!
February 28, 2015 9:49 a.m.
quesobueno123 says... #14
No it is very budget for standard under 250 is budget under one hundred is super budget.
magnetcrocodile says... #1
Whoa, man. After some playtesting, I really realize the scary part of land destruction. Most removal only gave you 1-1 trade, where you and your opponent both lost a card(e.g. card like Hero's Downfall))
With land destruction, you might think it's the same old 1-1 trade, but the truth is you can STOP them dead in their track since with only one spell, since you make them LOSE a card and then PREVENT them from playing more cards. As you can see, the fastest land destruction possible is in Turn 3, where we lead with Turn 1 Elvish Mystic and Turn 2 Sylvan Caryatid/Elvish Mystic. Two land destruction in turn 3-5 is already very game-changing. Even more so if you can take their precious color
February 16, 2015 6:54 p.m.