The ultimate reanimator! I love using powerful cards early and this one of the quickest ways I could find to do it. This deck wins most of the time on turn 5, if you don't count destroying their hand with Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur or shutting their deck down with Iona, Shield of Emeria causing them to surrender sooner. If they sidein a bunch of graveyard hate game 2 then the sideboard allows you to switch to a Show and Tell deck game 3 and surprise them.
Best possible combo/scenario: Opening hand - Swamp, Dark Ritual, Entomb, Exhume. This means TURN ONE you can put Iona on the board and shut the game down, or you could play any of the other creatures turn one, but Iona, Shield of Emeria is the best choice if you know what your opponent is playing.
There are tons of other combo possibilites for turn one if you have multiple Dark Ritual or Lotus Petal with a search card and Exhume.
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