White Black Warrior Aggro

Standard* bobgar


mentor6 says... #1

Get it to 60 cards

January 9, 2015 7:43 a.m.

bobgar says... #2

Thanks for the comment! Fixed it. Switched something that was in the side into my main and forgot to put the other one back into my sideboard.

January 9, 2015 8:08 a.m.

Pal00ka says... #3

You're on the right track for being new to deck construction, here's my 2c to get you further:

Normally you do not see 34 creatures...it's a lot. I would prune that down to cards that a) have synergy (besides only being warriors) and b) allow your curve to flow (means your draws should be better).

Since this is aggro, you should look at adding some 1-3 (instants, sorceries, and enchantments) drops that will complement fast-paced fists in the face.

Spear of Heliod for boost and surprise destruction; Defiant Strike aggro builds need draw because they lose steam fast; Gods Willing perfect for offense or defense; Ajani's Presence cheap indestructible with strive for potential; Oppressive Rays is good early game; Brave the Sands vigilance is solid; Spirit Bonds flood the board easily; Boon of Erebos nifty battle trick; Scourgemark again, draw is important; and Molting Snakeskin cheap boost with potential to regenerate.

Look and play to see what you like and don't, then get full play-sets in here for maximum consistency. Good luck!

January 9, 2015 8:18 a.m.

bobgar says... #4

I really appreciate the advice Pal00ka! I agree with your assessment, I need more instants and enchantments to work my advantage. My girlfriend usually yells at me for the same thing -- I love creatures too much. Its a hard life loving creatures but playing black :( If only I was a green summoner!

Spears seem good because +1/+1 to all is always sweet, and though the ability is situational it will save my butt occasionally, or at least keep my opponent from risking attacking for long enough to buy me some time. I also like the extra card draw you mentioned from the cheap instance and enchantments so dropped those in and I'll see how that works out. I had bought a box of the last set when it came out so I had play sets of a lot of the cards you mentioned lying around. It strikes me that Rush of Battle could also be nice, especially as a finisher, though 4 is a bit pricey and the life link isn't super important in an aggro deck. Ultimately though slightly hard to pick that over something like spear with its +1/+1 permanently.

Harsh Sustenance is a bit pricey at 3, but would work well with the spamming lots of creatures quick play style of the deck. That is in the next set though. When that comes out I'll have a few other cards to consider like Brutal Hordechief, Dragonscale General, Mardu Strike Leader, and Mardu Woe-Reaper (2/1 white warrior for 1) which may shake up my creature layout a little.

January 9, 2015 1:08 p.m.

RiskyRyan says... #5

Why no Bloodsoaked Champion? It's a 2/1 for 1. The can't block is negligible and the recursion is a God sent.

April 4, 2015 11:22 p.m.

RiskyRyan says... #6

Nevermind just saw it.

April 4, 2015 11:23 p.m.

GeraldM says... #7

someone lent me there standard deck for a tournament last night, it was kind of like this...no planeswalkers and had 2 Utter End (I would recommend that card btw....Pacifism and other enchantments is a real pain in the neck.)

July 15, 2015 2:45 p.m.

bobgar says... #8

Thanks for the tips GeraldM

Utter End should probably be in my sideboard. At four mana its a hard fit main board in this deck where I need something to finish executing my aggro strategy. I find my spot removal works better at the 2 or 3 drop level with things like Ultimate Price and Valorous Stance, especially since most things that will really slow me down have more than 4 toughness anyway. I use to run Hero's Downfall which is a beastly card, but subbed it out because I wanted to see how well the deck would do preparing for rotation (though I do have a few lingering Theros cards like Mana Confluence which are going to be super hard to replace -- hopefully Zendikar brings some dual land replacement). I see Utter End as mostly being my answer to non-creatures (and non-planeswalkers if you count Hero's Downfall) which I usually don't have a great need to get rid of, though some Enchantments are just bonkers. It also does have the advantage of Exile over Destroy which is nice against some of the annoying indestructable cards like the gods and Fleecemane Lion. In most of those cases though at a four drop I'd rather have a Citadel Siege to tap out whatever their current strongest creature is on any given turn, plus it gives me the flexibility of using it as an aggro spell if I'm already in control by giving a creature +2/+2 permanently every turn. Combo'd with double strike that can end games on turn 4 if there are no blockers, and force the opponent into bad trades if there are.

I'm not sure Pacifism makes the cut either. Its price point is right, but it can't stop abilities. It is nice for those indestructibles though. I'm also considering Swift Reckoning and Celestial Flare from origins, but again not sure if they make the cut over the removal I have now.

July 15, 2015 8:56 p.m.

anthony429 says... #9

I would out in some hidden dragonslayer and mardu shadowspear

October 29, 2015 8:36 p.m.

chachicnd says... #10

I have a similar deck to this, except I run fewer creatures, it's budget, and it has a subtheme of lifelink. I play stuff like Butcher's Glee onto my Arashin to hit them for a ton of damage and gain a bunch of life. One question: Have you playtested against GW aggro yet? My deck fairly consistently beats 300 dollar Gideon based token decks. Made for a lot of salt at Gameday.

November 3, 2015 10:55 p.m.

SammyRoseBear says... #11

My B/W warrior deck is very similar! I have yet to play FNM though as I am relatively new and now that OGW is in rotation and Khans is out I need to modify a bit to be able to play standard. I felt like I needed mine a little more Aggro to be able to deal with any bombs my opponents (friends) threw out. Mostly "destroy" or "exile". Cause while these warriors have their numbers on the battlefield, they could quickly be swept away with someone such as Breaker of Armies. I wanted a Planeswalkers added, like Ajani, Mentor of Heroes, Garruk, Apex Predator or Gideon, Ally of Zendikar but it just didn't make sense and I didn't feel like splashing a 3rd color was a good idea. Maybe once Fate Reforged is rotated out I will make this a modern deck instead and go back and see what older sets have to offer for warriors. ANYWAYS! I will add my B/W Warrior deck this weekend. Please check it out and provide feedback as I def need it.

January 22, 2016 4:30 p.m.

mentor6 says... #12

SammyRoseBear, Ajani, Mentor of Heroes, and Garruk, Apex Predator are no longer standard legal, i'd maybe try the new ob-nixilis, or Sorin, Solemn Visitor

January 22, 2016 8 p.m.

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