Clog the board and punch through with Brave the Elements
Champion of the Parish - the best card in the deck, if i play this on turn 1, it is usually 4/4 by turn 4
Boros Elite - A decent one drop that becomes significant once i get battalion live, usually played on turn 2 in favor of a champion turn 1. If it can be accompanied by another champion turn 2, it is a very fast and good hand, most likely playing silverblade turn 3
Doomed Traveler - I needed another one drop and this one comes back as a flier
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben - Major disruption to the opponent (if they are playing a deck with more spells) but if they are not, i still have a 2/1 first striker that usually gets buffed.
Precinct Captain - Another first striker that makes tokens.
Imposing Sovereign No more resto shenanigans, buys me a turn with tokens and any creatures for that sake, haste does not matter anymore
Mikaeus, the Lunarch - Permanent Buffs to the entire team, thank you very much
Silverblade Paladin - Major Enabler for good creatures to get better
Frontline Medic - Makes combat hell for opponent and is a 3/3 for 3
Banisher Priest - Removal on a 2/2 body.
Oblivion Ring - Catch All
Brave the Elements - The card that made white weenie a thing
Celestial Flare - Comes in in just about any matchup where they have creatures that block or attack alone.
Fiendslayer Paladin - Comes in against any aggro deck so i can race or any deck with black or red removal.
Immortal Servitude - Mill, removal heavy decks and control
Angelic Overseer - Did really well against bant in general, so it's going in the sideboard against midrange decks.
Pithing Needle - Planeswalkers, Aetherling, Deathrite Shaman, etc.
Renounce the Guilds - Hexproof, any deck with a multicolored permanent that is annoying.
Rest in Peace - Any deck with flashback, Blood Artist, scavenge or reanimator.