It escalates quickly. And it is hard to kill.
The newest version of my mono white enchanted weenie deck I've been refining for several months.
Also it's very good budget deck, just take out the Mutavaults and it could cost you less than 25 bucks.
I play at an FNM that people drive to from out of state because it is so competitive. About 150 people every week. At first I got my butt kicked, a lot. My older decks weren't used to so much removal. Destroy target creature, exile target creature, deal 4 damage to target creature, destroy all creatures, etc. I tried to compensate by putting out more creatures than they could deal with but in the end I usually got overwhelmed by their bigger later game cards.
I decided to make a fast deck that had lots of protection against removal. Giving a creature protection from a color (Brave the Elements, Gods Willing) is one of the best ways to deal with removal and burn damage. I started to get 3-1 records at FNM. I was still getting board wiped by control decks because those don't target your creatures. So with Journey into Nyx I added Ajani's Presence and the number of people disappointed after thinking they'd killed my creatures definitely increased. And all of this protection only costs 1 plains to cast, so you don't have to wait forever to play your cards. I also added
Armament of Nyx
and Banishing Light, which were invaluable.
This week I went 4-0, with only one lost game!
First round I played was a white and black humans deck. First game we played I should have mulliganed for more creatures and he overran me. Didn't repeat my mistake. Also good to note, avoiding white removal can be annoying, since if you give your creature protection from white it will lose all its white enchantments. Second game we started with the same number of creatures but mine got bigger and bigger and he had to use his for chump blocking and never built up enough for a strong attack. Soon I used a Brave the Elements to give my creatures protection from the color of most of his creatures and he took fatal damage. Third game I enchanted Fabled Hero with Holy Mantle to get 10 hit unblockable swings to end it quickly. I've had a lot of luck with those two together.
Next guy had an esper control deck but it wasn't fast enough to deal with my creatures. First game he tried a board wipe but Ajani's Presence saved my largest creature and by then he was weak enough to scoop in reaction. He did get close to stopping my attack the second game but my Mutavaults were able to nip away at the last of his life before he could Sphinx.
Then I played a Naya Aggro deck that really did feel like a challenge. First match he ramped to Stormbreath Dragon quickly, getting a protection from white blocker to stop my 5/5 attacker with lifelink. He didn't have a lot of removal so I just kept making him and one other creature bigger and bigger so that by the time he paid for monstrous to make his dragon a 7/7, I had two 8/8's, so I could attack each turn without fear, removing his other creatures until I could get at him directly.The next match we were in a stalemate again for at least 20 minutes with big creatures on each side before I pulled a Holy Mantle to make my biggest creature unblockable.
Last round was a black devotion deck which made me very glad to have all the creature protection in my deck. And Banishing Light also kept him from getting the devotion he wanted. Also, it feels good to make an opponent so afraid of your creatures that he has to keep his Desecration Demon back to block in early turns. Ethereal Armor gets crazy in this deck with all the enchantments. In the end he wasted all his removal cards on my biggest creature, which I kept protecting over and over, and I sacrificed a couple weenies to tap his Demon and get two good attacks in to finish.
Game 2 was all about lifelink. I didn't even try to block his attacks for 8 each turn, because I was gaining 10 or more with Hopeful Eidolons bestowed on Eidolon of Countless Battles. If it had gone on much longer I would have had to use three d20's. Eidolon of Countless Battles really helps with longer games, as he keeps growing as you cast. My policy is to let damage through if it might kill off your creatures. More creatures = bigger creatures because of Ethereal Armor and Eidolon of Countless Battles.
In the end it was a lot of fun, and perhaps I was lucky in my draws or opponents not knowing how to really deal with what my deck was doing, but I fully recommend this deck to try, especially if you're tired of your creatures getting destroyed.
Control their control I say.
Also, I had a sideboard but I didn't really use it much, and I don't even think I ended up drawing any of the side-boarded cards. Everything just worked as it was. I might up my Spirit of the Labyrinth count to 4 to deal with control decks' draw mechanic.