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White Green Aggro (Suggestions Welcome)





Reference !!

This is based alot on Mortem's G/W Kick Butt deck. Mortem Really inspired me to try and run G/W myself as I love White and green but a 200 dollar Abzan deck looked like the only option.I choose most of the cards because I love combat tricks and Aggro and who doesnt want to hit someone with a 8/9 Favored Hoplite + Become Immense for after they left it unblocked.

Main board Instants

Who doesn't like combat tricks. I just have so many options because of this flexibility am I the aggressor then use them as extra damage. Am I the defending player? then use it to get that board control and blow out combat.

Gods Willing : protection and a heroic/ prowess trigger and evasion all in one card.... Sweet.

Feat of Resistance : Gods willings +1 counter it's good but i would run an additonal 4x gods willings if i could over this card 2 mana is expensive.

Defiant Strike : cantrip heroic trigger minor pump. Does everything I want

Ajani's Presence : limited protection temp +1/+1 and in the case of late game play the indestructability may be useful.

Become Immense if we had Giant Growth in standard it would be in my deck instead I am playing two of these hoping that the delve makes it a +6 +6 giant growth also Fabled Hero + Become Immense is basically lethal at 18 damage

Gather Courage is as close to Giant growth as they come after my first build i needed more one mana tricks. now with some green creatures this can be conkoked which makes it more than playable.

Main Board Creatures

The main point is to hit people with huge heroic creatures and do my best not to lose them. As such I need Heroic creatures to pump.

some of creatures are in here for the life gain. My meta is super aggro heavy and thus it becomes very important to recover health to get out of range.

Outlast may work its way into the deck as more cards come out because +1/+1 tokens are +1/ +1 tokens and I make lots of them.

Fabled Hero most of the time its just a removal spell eater. In the few cases this guy can actually stay alive he can win you games very very fast

Favored Hoplite Irreplaceably Awesome the built in protection is great those aggro decks best be scared to attack with him on the field and even one mana open

Seeker of the Way : with so many heroic triggers and Targets prowess just makes sense. While I am busy defiant striking and gods willing other creatures this guy gets big fast and that life link helps against the aggro decks that are just so much faster than me

Hero of Iroas : this card is sweet if there is only one on the board it is easy to cast and may even help me take my deck into a more aura based direction.

Fleecemane Lion the 3/3 body for 2 is just good super late game monsterous is an option but I have never gotten it off.

Side Board Mortal's Ardor that life gain is almost mandatory in my meta SOOOO much aggro it has to be about 15-20% RDW 5-10% Mono black last Friday I played 4 RDW in a row !! Honestly I need help some removal seems needed here. I think I am slow enough that I think playing the control game may make sense but it also hurts my entire game plan to add in non-instant removal people cant be afraid of tricks if I am tapped out...

Ruled out cardsHardened Scales I would like to see this card work but honestly it just feels way too win more.

Reap What Is Sown : Unfortunatly two slow three mana is hard to get two i needed more cheap combat tricks to help consistancy

Soldier of the Pantheon :I wanted more too do with my green mana and he just gets blocked by courser for days. one health sucks to the tokens and sunblade elf just ends up fitting better

Abzan Falconer : flying is sweet but he is not that hard to remove and both phalax and reap what is sown where very hard to actually use as the win condition i wanted. 4x fabled is just better.

Phalanx Leader : double white meant that i could almost never actually protect him on the turn i played him. sad but true i need easier to cast creatures this guy couldn't come out till three mana and at that point he is just not relevent enough.


in progress

That dream hand

in progress

Play Testing

After a number of playtesting games my deck was just two inconsistant and slow. Some cards were just too hard to cast and were added to the ruled out section

Please Note

I am fairly new to tapped out and haven't finished this deck or this guide I love advice and want to talk with the community but please be nice and have fun.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Rares

12 - 11 Uncommons

19 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.49
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