White Power (6x 1st in FNM + Game Day)

Standard Monoxidechild

SCORE: 178 | 218 COMMENTS | 36295 VIEWS | IN 119 FOLDERS

darthfrog says... #1

Very nice deck. There is a mono-white player at our store and he's having a hard time figuring out how to make it mesh well. I will give him suggestions from seeing this thing. Not that I want to face it mind you... ;-)


October 17, 2013 3:40 p.m.

DannyG says... #2

I don't really think Nykthos is needed here, you actually have nothing (or verry little) to ramp for and neither you can use it for making tokens out of Heliod, because there is none of them in this deck. I would rather make here a little splash for red, with playset of shocklands only, just to gain access to Chained to the Rocks and Boros Charm for sideboard purposes instead of Rootborn Defenses . You may also consider adding scrylands here, if you wish to add some more red cards (burn spells presumably, personally I use red splash in a similar white deck, pretty much all for sideboard against controls - Boros Charm, Burning Earth). Notice in many decks on Pro Tour you could see scrylands in monodecks, added just for the scry only, so I guess it's something to consider.

October 17, 2013 4:11 p.m.

Monoxidechild says... #3

The benefits of the shrine for a potential turn 4 angel or elspeth to me is worth it, in fact it's won me several games. Control isn't ready in most cases for me to drop that bomb and still have open mana to protect it with a Brave the Elements . I see your points, but until I get stomped, I'm going to continue down this road. The only color that may be splashed for is green, but that will be after the scry lands have been released for that color combo.

That being said, one shrine and one plains will be removed soon for a pair of Mutavault s.

October 17, 2013 4:32 p.m.

kevinator says... #4

Nice, I run a mono-white deck as well that went 4-0 last FNM (8-1 all games) with 156 participants. Mono-white is strong and the games are quick. I definitely am glad to see you adding some Mutavault . Would like to see some Wear / Tear or Glare of Heresy in SB instead of Angelic Edict and Sundering Growth . 5 mana to exile a creature? Tear gets rid of Gods for 1 mana and Glare of Heresy gets rid of most pesky control enchantments (i.e. Detention Sphere , Assemble the Legion , Sphere of Safety , Chained to the Rocks , etc.) without needing the 2 WW mana cost that Sundering Growth needs.

I like 4x Soldier of the Pantheon instead of Fencing Ace . Chance to trigger Angel of Thune when opponent casts multi-color. Plus protection from multi-color is awesome, and it will speed you up just a bit more. Celestial Flare I have toyed around with but have found that going for the jugular faster is better than trying to control. This could be accomplished with either 3x Imposing Sovereign instead of Blind Obedience and Banisher Priest .

Well, sorry I am just idea vomiting now; I hope there is at least one helpful nugget. Nice work bro +1

October 18, 2013 12:09 a.m.

kevinator says... #5

nvm I see why you have chosen Blind Obedience (lifegain for Thune)

October 18, 2013 12:14 a.m.

FrostyJams says... #6

Super strong White deck, haven't seen that for a while. Great consistency also. I playtested my Orzhov deck Oh the Sacrifices You Make for Me to Win which runs many of the same White cards you do. I used to run Path of Bravery also to pump Archangel of Thune but I switched to Tablet of the Guilds because it triggers for every card cast including Archangel. I think that Path of Bravery works better in your deck than it did in mine, but it may be worth a look. I also like Soldier of the Pantheon but think you should swap just one Boros Elite or Judge's Familiar . Would you take a look at my deck and let me know what you think would help the consistency of it, I either crush or drop only 2 mana and starve out. Great deck, +1

October 18, 2013 2:15 a.m.

Monoxidechild says... #7

I'd have Mutavault now except my shop has been out and sense I'm sitting on store credit I can't see dropping the $30 out of pocket.

Gods are indestructible unless I'm missing something, so tear won't work. I'm serious though, I might be missing something lol. Also I like Sundering Growth for the populate, I know this seems minor, but it's actually won me a game, destroyed an ethereal armor trump blocked, swung for the win the next round with the remaining token and Precinct Captain .

I was planning on removing Fencing Ace before I played last friday, but sense I didn't have the cards I wanted in his slot, I ran him. I'll be damned if he didn't turn into an MVP of the night. T2 Ace => T3 Spear/Path/Ajani and swing for 4. Puts me at an early advantage. He becomes such a high priority the next few rounds they ignored my other threats.

Blind Obedience is amazing, the trigger for the Angel is stupid good.

October 18, 2013 2:15 a.m.

kevinator says... #8

haha nah you aren't missing anything, my bad on wear and tear.. fair point about fencing ace as well. and wtf about mutavault dude, why is that card so expensive!?!?! I traded 2 ashioks and a bunch of others for 3 mutavaults and boros reckoner, at any rate, I feel.your pain, get em when you can, they really help

October 18, 2013 2:27 a.m.

Monoxidechild says... #9

@FrostyJams I like your strategy a lot. Two prongs of assault working with a little control, and both being boosted by lifegain is great. I have to admit though, B/W isn't really my strong point, I think I've only played 1 deck with those colors and it didn't go well lol

Have you play tested it live or just via the site? Sometimes the playtest via the site get's janky, if I have a plan in mind I make proxies and run physical tests. Also don't be afraid to mulligan, I just started playing last January, and I was so scared to mull down my hand, I'd keep bad hands and that would cost me matches.

October 18, 2013 2:31 a.m.

FrostyJams says... #10

Oh I mull, found that myself too, I always mull if I have less than 2 lands or if my mana color doesn't match my hand.

I don't have all the cards, so I have just been testing on the site, but I know what you mean about the shuffle. When I get screwed, I look at the card list and can't believe how they are jammed up. This deck just ended up with lots of 3 drops and sometimes I don't get a card down until T3. I don't dig that cause it is an uphill battle from there. Thanks for the input.

October 18, 2013 2:46 a.m.

Monoxidechild says... #11

Yeah I hear you on the T3 issue haha that was happening to me as well so I had to adjust numbers.

October 18, 2013 2:58 a.m.

I like the deck, wondering if I shouldn't change mine up to match, I'm missing 2 angels and a nykthos, and the paladins but the rest is easy, Shattering Blow is cheap and good for god removal. Check out my Champions of the Sun deck of you get a chance!

Thanks <3

October 18, 2013 1:07 p.m.

Monoxidechild says... #13

@lessthanthree24 Thanks for the +1! and Shattering Blow won't work, Gods are Creature Enchants haha

October 18, 2013 1:51 p.m.

I was thinking of the weapons :/

October 18, 2013 2:05 p.m.

Monoxidechild says... #15

Ah yeah no worries man.

October 18, 2013 2:06 p.m.

waaben says... #16

Hey... Super nice deck. Im gonna try it tomorrow at gameday. gonna be awsome. i played white weenies before theros and ahve been playinf selesnya aggro untill now. But after seeing your list and hearing u talk about how it playes im gonna try it.

October 18, 2013 2:35 p.m.

Monoxidechild says... #17

Cool man, I'm glad the list is helping inspire people back to the play style as well as bringing more people in. If you make any tweaks and it runs well for you let me know how it goes!

October 18, 2013 3:28 p.m.

What's the rationale on 3x Judge's Familiar / 1x Soldier of the Pantheon versus just 4x Soldier of the Pantheon ? Seems like the triggered effect from the latter would be more beneficial over all. Do you often use the secondary effect of the owl?

October 19, 2013 5:47 a.m.

Monoxidechild says... #19

Flying is why Judge's Familiar is so useful, and why I run 3 of them, I was actually thinking of switching all my 1 drops to flyers because of the amount of damage it gets across early game for me. The second ability is used a lot though, turn 3 they go to counter my fiend slayer, sack the familiar. It has it's clutch moments.

October 19, 2013 12:09 p.m.

GamerSonX says... #20

So the deck is not for your niece? lol

October 19, 2013 1:30 p.m.

Monoxidechild says... #21

It was, she plays it at my place, but apparently it's also a FNM winning deck haha

October 19, 2013 2:26 p.m.

Vexpy says... #22

This deck looks really fun to play!

October 19, 2013 5:43 p.m.

AJohnson9x says... #23

Solid deck, I could see it being FNM winner, I'd like to see it against my deck Desecrate the Mind (Competitive U/B)

October 20, 2013 12:25 a.m.

MTdude says... #24

I would like to see more Soldier of the Pantheon in here. He is a good 1 drop and gets around things like Detention Sphere , Azorius Charm and runs right through Boros Reckoner xD That does seem ok to me

October 21, 2013 3:05 a.m.

Monoxidechild says... #25

Honestly? He's just okay. Even vs control he get's trumped by Omenspeaker . If anything, I may add a few sideboard, but as of now, the one off is working fine for me. Celestial Flare usually takes out the reckoners just fine for that matter, they'll go to trump my fiendslayer, and boom, sac'd.

To each there own though. I had zero losses today at game day, the few times he hit field he was either burned, blocked, bounced, or murdered. Which is fine, I still like him as a 1 of.

October 21, 2013 3:16 a.m.

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