White Power (6x 1st in FNM + Game Day)

Standard Monoxidechild

SCORE: 178 | 218 COMMENTS | 36295 VIEWS | IN 119 FOLDERS

ProMo says... #1

October 23, 2013 10:32 a.m.

RussischerZar says... #2

How's the Fencing Ace working out for you? I find him rather weak in this deck, why not replace him with something like Boros Mastiff , that could even further improve your lifegain and thus the counters you gain from Thune?

October 23, 2013 10:41 a.m.

Scopes says... #3

I couldn't work in a blue splash and do everything that I wanted to do, so I made this instead - Celestial Synergies .

Please take a look and let me know what you think!

October 23, 2013 12:17 p.m.

Monoxidechild says... #4

@GamerSonX - Elspeth, Sun's Champion Make me a shit load of trump blockers as well as destroy his devotion to keep him from swinging. The life gain block can be worked around as long as I can keep board presence and their devotion down.

@niddy - My meta was swarmed with Spellheart Chimera decks the first few weeks of Theros. The Dryad Militant s would come in and keep their power down until a Rest in Peace hit board.

@RussischerZar - Fencing Ace is actually a beast in here. With a Path out he's a 2/2 Double strike. With a spear and Path, 3/3 Double Strike. Once an Angle hits board, he is now #1 removal target, I like it when they kill my 2 drops and now my wincons lol

@Scopes I'll take a look now. As far as splashing blue goes, the only real thing that would get put in main board would be Sphinx's Revelation and scry lands. Detention Sphere might make it side board if this occurs.

October 23, 2013 3:45 p.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #5

in my experience, white weenie doesnt really benefit from Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx in terms of actual usefulness. you'd have much better luck with Mutavault . especially when you activate mutavault when archangel triggers go around, it gets the counters and keeps them when it returns as a land. something to think about. and it survives board wipes. i run a similar deck Paladin's Path to Thune - 1st@FNM

October 23, 2013 7:02 p.m.

Monoxidechild says... #6

I've mentioned before I'm just waiting for my local shop to get some Mutavault s in stock, then I'll be adding 2 in the place of one shrine and one Plains.

I'd argue against the deck not benefiting from shrine; I can turn four an Elspeth, Sun's Champion with three Lands on field, in fact I have. No one is ready for that.

October 23, 2013 7:28 p.m.

rakdosrunner says... #7

I play tested this deck against my rakdos aggro deck-large:nope (5th at state) and It was hard to beat. I did best 3 out of 5 and won 3-1. You railed me the first game as I was mana flooded. Then the second and third game went into turn 20 or so. Your Path of Bravery kept bringing you back into the game, however late game you always lost a lot of steam. The fourth game was a blow out because you had 3 land after 8 turns and there was no recovery. But the highest life total I ended with was 6 in any of the four games, game 2 was 4 and game 3 was 6.

I like the deck. I know its a weenie/aggro white but maybe look into making it more versatile in the late game?

October 24, 2013 6:15 p.m.

Monoxidechild says... #8

My response would be simply that the play test system on here is poor; you end up getting janky hands and lumps of mana.

I'd also add that if you're unable to play the deck midrange and last into late game, it's most likely just not your style. I do exceedingly well live play. I can win early and fast, but once I've stabilized with board presence, I close games out.

I've mentioned before, the only twist that my come to this list is blue splash and Sphinx's Revelation .

October 25, 2013 1:02 a.m.

rakdosrunner says... #9

I agree, the play testing on this site is jank. All cards are always clumped together and mana is unrealistically bundled/ separated. However, I felt I played both decks fairly. But I do understand because I don't think anyone is more likely to play your deck successfully then yourself.

October 25, 2013 11:14 a.m.

redben346 says... #10

I think u should add Guardian of the Gateless, Banisher Priest, and/or Angelic Accord

October 26, 2013 5:46 p.m.

Monoxidechild says... #11

@redben346 - Though I do like Guardian of the Gateless , I don't feel it has a place in this deck. It's purely defense, and I can't see taking anything out for it.

Banisher Priest is a great card as well, but my three drop slot is exceedingly tight right now, and other than as a potential sideboard option, I can't see it being put in over anything else.

Angelic Accord is a card I've been tempted at working into my deck. Potentially as a sideboard option. The main reason? Control has a fucking hard time managing those tokens and dealing with my life gain. Right now though I can't find a spot.

I may be looking at making a W/U/G Enchant Control deck some time soon, and when I do, a lot of these will be making the cut.

October 26, 2013 8:44 p.m.

mcpilz says... #12

Have u seen this Weekends Open winner Naja Control? 4x Anger of the Gods hmm hard to crack with just Brave the elements!?

October 28, 2013 5:35 a.m.

Monoxidechild says... #13

Anger is only an issue for me turn three if it doesn't look like I'll have a turn 5 angel.

The mechanics of the game are essentially built to be a complex system of rock/paper/scissors; it just seems to be something people forget about this game. You will never build a deck that is fool proof, there will always be a deck out there that has the key to crack your decks code. In my meta at the moment though no one is running anything that stomps me, in turn I'm winning consistently and having a good time doing it. The next city over might be a completely different story though. Just some food for thought for the people that have been advising massive changes to this list; it is what it is!

October 28, 2013 3:45 p.m.

1alian says... #14

So, why did you remove Boros Elite? It seems like a really good card in this type of deck (swaming)

November 1, 2013 6:24 p.m.

Monoxidechild says... #15

Changes in my meta; I always make adjustments based on where the currents are taking my opponents.

November 1, 2013 7:50 p.m.

Pyroshade says... #16

I've been wondering how Heliod, God of the Sun has been working out for you?

Also I've been thinking about splashing red for the sideboard, with things like Chained to the Rocks , Boros Charm and Legion's Initiative any thoughts on how good an idea this is?
With Temple of Triumph and Sacred Foundry we shouldn't even affect the mana base atall either

November 2, 2013 7:33 a.m.

mjolnir117 says... #17

Hundred-Handed One x3 and put Soldier of the Pantheon as a playset in place of the Judge's Familiar's makes this deck a more formidable; it ends up doing better against devotion decks. I'd put the Judge's Familiar in the sideboard in place of the Dryad's.

November 2, 2013 8:07 p.m.

Monoxidechild says... #18

@Pyroshade - He just dropped into the main board this past week, and I was a tad bit iffy about the decision; man did his play change my mind. He is a monster in this deck, with the amount of enchants I have, he just became an amazing solution to mono black which was becoming my largest issue. Black can't get rid of him, even with sac spells, I just make a token, and boom, he's safe and sound.

As for red splash, a good friend of mine and I brewed a deck he's been working with that is similar to what you're suggesting;Millitia (2nd @ Gameday) He was second to me haha

@mjolnir117 - I won't be dropping Judge's Familiar from this list, the amount of early game damage he spills over peoples heads is nothing short of amazing. If the 1cmc flyer weren't good enough, the fact he can be used an an early game tempo breaker to shut down kill spells makes him invaluable.

What's your reasoning for Hundred-Handed One being a strong choice? I'm open to suggestions I just don't see his value sense he is 100% open to removal and dosen't make an impact the turn he hits board. Everything above 2cmc in this deck has board presence when it hits the field, so to replace something it needs to be effective.

November 2, 2013 10:38 p.m.

mjolnir117 says... #19

Hundred-Handed One for me with this deck has stopped a lot of Devotion decks from overtaking me. Hundred-Handed One has synergy with Brave the Elements, Ajani and Shrine to Nyx. You can easily T5 Monstrosity 3 him and use Ajani's -3. He has Vigilance. Sure he's open to removal, but most of your deck is. This is why we have Brave the Elemets. Not to mention, if they do remove it, looks like your Thune or Fencing Ace are new fun targets for Ajani.

November 3, 2013 3:44 a.m.

konawolv says... #20

hey man, nice to see you getting recognition for your deck. I have been trying to get a similar amount for my mono white deck, Heliod's Faithful, but havent yet. We run a slightly different build, but runs very similar. Im going to test your's against mine and see what i like from both. I'll post the results here in a little bit.

November 3, 2013 4:46 p.m.

Monoxidechild says... #21

@mjolnir117 - I see where you're coming from and understand why you are partial to the card, I still believe there are better options, but to each there own and if it is working for you then that's all that matters.

When I planed this deck the idea was to make sure anything played over 2cmc (so 3 or greater) made an impact of the board the turn it is played. Why is this so key in my book? Because turn 3 and on is where major amounts of removal and control take effect. The one exception could be considered Fiendslayer Paladin but he's hard as hell to remove so I still feel his board presence.

@konawolv - nice man, I like your build, my tip for getting noted is to include the deck's successes in the title. I look forward to seeing what your results are.

November 3, 2013 5:30 p.m.

konawolv says... #22

Game 1: You: kept your hand with 3 lands, two Judge's Familiar 1 Ajani, Caller of the Pride and 1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion . Me: it was a mulligan for me to 6, where i kept a plains, shrine of nyx, Boros Reckoner , Imposing Sovereign , Brave the Elements , and a Fiendslayer Paladin . game ended i 17 life with you at 0. i drew exactly what i needed to finish out a solid curve, ending the game with an Archangel of Thune . You had 3 celestial flares, but all it did was make me sac tokens from Precinct Captain . it was over on turn 6.

Game 2: Kept your hand with 2 Soldier of the Pantheon s, a Judge's Familiar , 2 plains, a Fiendslayer Paladin and Blind Obedience . You got 3 mana the entire round and your Judge's Familiar s and Soldier of the Pantheon s couldnt take over my eventual field state of 2 Brave the Elements , Spear of Heliod , Heliod, God of the Sun , Precinct Captain , and Boros Reckoner . i had 4 mana, and that seemed to make all of the difference. i won that round 32 life to 0. turn 9.

Game 3: You curved out perfectly to an Elspeth, Sun's Champion , you have all of your best creatures at their respective CMC on the field along with a path of bravery. it was too little too late for me when i manage to get a Frontline Medic , Precinct Captain , Heliod, God of the Sun , and Fiendslayer Paladin onto the field. you won on turn 8.

Game 4: You had a good hand to start out with, you opened with Judge's Familiar , Fencing Ace , and Spear of Heliod . However, i opened with Soldier of the Pantheon , Imposing Sovereign , and Fiendslayer Paladin , and was holding a Brave the Elements . i was able to leverage my brave the elements to take down your 2/2 fencing ace, and from there imposing sovereign crippled you and i was able to swing for a turn 5 kill even though you dropped a turn 5 Archangel of Thune . life totals were 15 to 0.

Our decks were pretty evenly matched aside from one thing. I do not think that 22 mana is enough as you rarely hit 5-6 mana and usually got stuck at 3. Also, Imposing Sovereign was the difference maker creature wise as it set you back 1 turn every turn essentially.

things i liked the most about your deck were the Fencing Ace s and the potential synergy between Elspeth, Sun's Champion and everything in the deck that gives out +1 +1 counters with ease. I think you would really benefit greatly if you added Mutavault s and went to 2 Mutavault s and 2 shrine of Nyx and added a plains for 23 lands. then added an additional Brave the Elements and -1 Celestial Flare .

November 3, 2013 6:29 p.m.

Monoxidechild says... #23

In defense of my deck and the play test system; the play test can get janky at times, it's built into their system to take into account bad shuffles. But yes, I believe 2 muta vaults will make a huge difference for me in the long run.

November 3, 2013 7:02 p.m.

konawolv says... #24

yeah i know what you mean. I use to run 22 mana but it costantly screwed me. Your deck runs VERY nicely though when you get a steady flow of mana. i like it. i didnt mean to make it seem like i was selling my deck as better than yours, as it wasnt my intentions, Just wanted to give you the results and some feed back is all :) cheers to mono white though!

November 3, 2013 7:09 p.m.

Pyroshade says... #25

Although not the way you're looking to go, it seems Blessing maybe a very good card to use as a mana sink? i've found that if i ever make it to mid game, i usually have huge amounts of manna with nothing to use it on, could be a thought as a 2 of or something?

at very least it'll make an instant impact when it hits the board + you attack, and makes even the tiny Judge's Familiar (or any creature) a bigger threat than your win con, and thus more difficulty on your opponents decision making xP
any thoughts on this?

November 3, 2013 7:14 p.m.

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