White Power (6x 1st in FNM + Game Day)
SCORE: 178 | 218 COMMENTS | 36295 VIEWS | IN 119 FOLDERS
AttentionDeficitDisorder says... #2
I run the exact carbon copy of your deck including the sideboard. It works pretty well. I encountered a Rakdos Control earlier and the deck responded to any threat excep for Stormbreath Dragon. How do you deal with that card? And lastly, do you consider some cards from Born of the Gods?
January 21, 2014 11:49 a.m.
SpankiusMonkius says... #3
I ran the deck today, and went 2-3. So I'm challenging you to produce some results against legitimate control decks. Blood Baron of Vizkopa and doom blades even after i renounced the guilds detention sphere. Also any true aggro seems to wreck this deck. 7 1 drops dont cut it against the decks that buff off of battalion affects, i.e. boros elite, daring skyjek. They have banisher priests that you can only brave the elements so many times and then they still kill you turn 5. Who are you playing against, because I'm not seeing how your deck does so well, and i run other decks and can top 4 with my decks but go 2-3, 1-4 in two consecutive fnm's with everything but stupid mono-blue and izzet decks. if that is what you play against, no wonder why your results are so inflated. Your deck would fall apart against any top 8 large tournament deck. So really who are you playing? I go to MTG top 8 and don't see anyway your deck can have better than a 30% win ratio against those decks besides mono-blue, but that deck isn't played that much to warrant your consistent 1st place wins.
January 25, 2014 2:53 a.m.
SpankiusMonkius says... #4
Further, you must be loading your deck, because the above poster is right about your land issues. In play testing and in actual fnm's where players will shuffle out your deck, get stuck with having to mulligan or drawing cards too slow. shuffling better statement to me is indicitive of you loading your deck like i have seen so many players do since i started playing this game.
January 25, 2014 2:55 a.m.
I would assume his answer to storm breath dragon is celestial flair, its a white card but your targeting your opponent not the dragon, just pray he attacked alone or your opponent is probably going to sac one of the other attackers.
January 25, 2014 5:14 p.m.
ARavenousPanda says... #6
SpankiusMonkius i disagree, after testing mana runs fine. Please stop being an opinionated asswipe and state things in a constructive format. Just because you suck at magic doesnt mean other people cheat, PS i went 4-1 and 4-0. And many decks would fall to large top8, its why they are large top 8. Congratulate players that can win against the meta, instead of crying over the fact that you cant.
Good day sir.
PS love the deck, +1
January 26, 2014 9:56 p.m.
SpankiusMonkius says... #7
ANBUrhino, You affirmed exactly what I critiqued this deck for, thank you. 'Competitive' moniker is to insinuate that it could be fairly consistent. Again, I would challenge you to legitimately state the decks your playing against. At the FNM I play at, everyone is netdecking top 8 decks to the letter or maybe a card or two off. I have ran mono-red 18 land decks that have gone 2nd, but I only want to win (I ran mono-white decks that do better than this deck). 'Asswipe' is not a constructive word, good job again being contradictory. You saying 'Good day sir' is actually indicative of your upbringing. You wouldn't call someone an 'Asswipe' then say 'Good day sir' other than to be a prick. Was I a bit a harsh? Sure. But I speak the truth. I'm glad you can go 4-1 and 4-0 against (I'm assuming now) sliver decks etc. I simply don't get to compete against those decks. One final point, it is obvious someone is consciously/subconsciously 'loading their deck' looking down, counting to the best of their ability. That, in poker is cheating. This is just a card game, but I'll happily call shenanigans when I see it. Like this Volatile Rig deck I saw that stated it won FNM. It was later revealed that the player is indeed only playing against novelty decks such as sliver decks.
I have created decks that I thought would be 'competitive' as I define it (in which is apt), and yet are not even noteworthy. When I figure out how to remove that moniker I will. But thanks for having so many assumptions, now go back to your basement and watch Pokemon you jobless slob. See? Easy isn't it?
January 26, 2014 10:11 p.m.
ARavenousPanda says... #8
SpankiusMonkius i was indeed intending to be a prick, just to make it more obvious. You make posts full of accusations and opinions, with no justifications other than "it doesn't/didnt work for me". I played against MUD, Gruul, Esper control, a weird devotion to green and red aggro.
to be frank i'm kind of curious as to why you got so aggressive in your first post for no reason. The deck obviously didn't work for you or your meta, great. My meta tries to mimic top8s too and i do fine, albeit with a different sideboard for my preferred playstyle.
Being insulting is easy but i was making a point that there is no point being instantly aggressive with no particular reason or cause. And accusing people of cheating for telling people to split their lands when they shuffle is kind of sad. If so, we are all cheaters.
Question from curiosity, what makes you think you are so much better than anyone else? You seem like an arrogant dick. Do you have many friends?
January 27, 2014 12:16 a.m.
I personally like the original format of this deck, but he is probably adjusting it to configure against his local meta. That being said, make minor adjustments to this deck to make it competitive against the meta you are going against. If it's not working for you or you cannot figure it out, just ask.
January 27, 2014 8:48 p.m.
SpankiusMonkius says... #10
Please let me know how it goes. I will refrain from negative comments from here on out. I want so bad for Archangel of thune to be the card that makes blood baron of vizkopa a mute card, but against aggro control (i.e. splashing black for creature kill for cheap) 5 mana trades for 2 drop even if i pop a brave, that supreme comes a roaring. So I really don't see how this can be fast enough with all of those combinations and Elspeth and sphinx's revelation to even contend with a control deck like that. I lost horridly against a consistent turn 4/5 white weenie deck. It is cheaper in price and mana cost, and got top 4 out of 32 that FNM. And it still spanks mono-blue (which this deck does do well) just as well. He lost to an aggro-burn deck, ash zealot chandra pyromaster boros reckoner etc. not enough protection spells to keep his pace up. All this to say, that I don't feel this midrange is good enough, and the aggro is not aggro enough. I did read your soulmender suggestion, and it might work well. I'm doing a different version with some archangel of thune but has 8 1 drop creatures to curve me out. Hopeful Eidolon and Soldier of the Pantheon . with Ethereal Armor both can be really nasty, especially if i can actually get a Archangel of thune to resolve.
January 28, 2014 12:32 a.m.
Very well built deck! I have built a similarly built deck, and I just have 2 questions.1. I'm just curious as to how large your FnM is. I run a very similar deck, and love how the deck runs, but the competition at FnM has made it VERY hard for me to go 3-1. (Note: I go to Madness Games & Comics for FnM, they average about 150+ people).2. Are there any cards from BotG (Born of the Gods) that you may consider running. I've seen the spoilers, and the cards that stick out to me are; Brimaz, King of Oreskos , Eidolon of Countless Battles , and Spirit of the Labyrinth . These are just cards that stood out to me and I'm curious if you plan on running any of these, or maybe some other card.
February 7, 2014 1:54 p.m.
Monoxidechild says... #12
Hello ladies and gentlemen, papa Monoxide is back. I've been busy starting a business with some friends (no joke, take a look DragonStudiosLA.com). To answer a few questions off the bat, I play at a local shop with a shifting meta and about 15-25 people there a week. Is my deck perfect? No. Is it the deck I as a player enjoying winning and losing with? Yes; it's my own little homebrew that has gone pretty far.
- Comment 1; The reason Soulmender dosen't make the cut is he isn't an aggressive, defensive, nor evasive one drop. Sure he can give me 1 life per turn, but so could a lot of other cards. He never gets better either, it's always 1 life. Just blah. The 4 +1/+1 Counters sounds amazing, but really turn 7-8 is when this would work and by then his 1 life is so underwhelming I can't even imagine it swinging a game.
- Comment 2; No, Precinct Captain is a massive t2 threat that they will normally use removal on not to mention he blocks like a champ. t3 drops need to change the state of the field or not be easily removed. He's too easy to counter/kill to take a 3 drop spot.
@TofuFriedRice It comes down to who you're playing, I personally don't like cocatrice, why? In a meta the human element means more, online it's just sterile and people are all running $800 dream decks. I stopped paying attention to the sideboard on here after long because I was altering it to deal with new threats so often. Growths for enchants issues, RIP for whips, renounce for G/W and G/R, pithing needle for super friends, rootborn for board wipes.
@marsil Play aggressive is all I can really tell you, honestly it's a race to get a Slayer out because he will change the state of the game so much.
@Camiji Be aggressive, make them fall back on defense, by then hope you have lifegain or angel bombs up, MBD is by far my worst matchup because of several factors I've listed above. Erebos being the main one.
@SpankiusMonkius Really? I never really have issues against G/W aggro. Did you side in the enchant removal as well as pithing needles for their planeswalkers and monstrous creatures?
- Comment 1; Well let's see, I think you're main issue is play style, are you getting out played on a consistent basis? I have several other players with accounts on this site that can back me up. Am I playing at mega stores with 75+ people? No, because I don't like that environment. Why? Because I play magic to sit across from people, have a few laughs, and enjoy a night out with friends. You can ask ed209, notamardybum, and Wilsonhuangphotography who have all witnessed me do consistently well against aggro and control alike. I get this feeling like you're a uptight netdecker who gets mad when a person with a homebrew does better than you with your $600 tournament copied deck. I apologize you're incapable of winning with less than a pro-tour copied list, but it sounds like a very personal problem.
- Comment 2; LOL Loading my deck? You mean a power shuffle => bottom thirds to the top twice => to a top third to the bottom shuffle? I revert back to my statements above, it sounds like you're being out played, sadly this game takes into account the actual players as well as the decks. I wish I had read this sooner, I needed a laugh, you sir are a joke well worth a good chuckle.
@Fdemo3491 You're right, Stormbreath Dragon falls prey to flares, it is a thorn in my side though.
@ANBUrhino He isn't really stating any facts other than I must be a liar, he's so fucking awesome cause his dick is the size of Worldspine Wurm , and he apparently get's beat a lot.
@SpankiusMonkius (yet again) "At the FNM I play at, everyone is netdecking top 8 decks to the letter" I don't play at these places because I don't want to play 50 people that have sand in their fucking vaginas playing decks they didn't think of but instead stole from someone else and then play them poorly. You claim to be constructive, but you're not, your tone is aggressive and off putting, what you seem to be missing here is most people PLAY MAGIC FOR gasp FUN and not to add some kind of meaning to their life. You go on to complain that people are making assumptions, when you, sir, are making sweeping generalizations about a deck and it's player. Also... what's wrong with watching pokemon? I mean, who the fuck doesn't shed a tear when Pikachu's love for Ash saves him from his stoney tomb?
@ANBUrhino He answered why he's so mad already, his homebrews always fall flat, he can't understand why people like my build, and this makes him angry, because if it's not the deck, then it's him. I'm really not a big fan of the term "Neck-beard" but the image is coming to mind right now. Also thank you for having the back of a complete stranger on the internet. Kudos man.
@Fitzig23 he can't make adjustments because he can't do anything but copy protour decks then still lose.
@SaltySpecula I like you're ability to remain objective man, it's a hard trait to maintain in today's society, so I tip my hat at you.
@SpankiusMonkius with an 8 card shift you've changed the spine of the deck, i support this greatly because if it works for you, and I somehow helped inspire you're own brew, then awesome. I hope you win and your dad tells you he's proud of you and your mom gives you an apple pie then hugs you with one arm and your high school crush bursts through the door and immediately begins performing fellatio on you in front of the 30 other people there.
@SaltySpecula I still don't agree with Soulmender, he seems very lack luster as a 1 drop to me.
@cfl789 I'm glad you like it man!
- Our meta isn't huge, on average 15-25 people, some times more, we recently had 40 but that was kind of odd.
- Yes! Oh man yes. Sunbond is very notable in this. It makes Fiendslayer Paladin a juggernaut. Tonight I won a game with the combo against R/B aggro, was amazing! Brimaz, King of Oreskos is also notable, but I feel like he really requires Aqueous Form or Frontline Medic in order to reach full potential.
February 8, 2014 3:41 a.m.
My standard deck is a lot like this but orzhov so luckily I have multiple black removal for storm breath but I wasn't too sure how you answered to him in your mono white. But I suppose praying to heliod that your opponent isn't running a storm breath could be an answer within itself, lol
February 8, 2014 3:49 a.m.
Monoxidechild says... #14
@Fdemo3491 I honestly rarely get run over by him, most of the time not the other player is praying for a second one to keep on defense! Happened to me tonight, though my new power play is a t4 Sunbond onto a t3 Fiendslayer Paladin .
@SaltySpecula Honestly I don't find myself that dependent on Archangel of Thune , she's a show stopper, but I win games without her all the time. I'm very glad you're having a good time with a similar build though, that's what brought me to magic, good times with new people.
February 8, 2014 4:11 a.m.
SpankiusMonkius says... #15
Monoxidechild i apologize for the aggressiveness. However, you claimed that other mono-white decks had nothing on yours. Yet, I tried your deck several times, as I was tired of the net-decking going on. I have playtested your deck various ways, and for such a statements your deck falls short. That usually is an indicator that you may be playing people that don't know how to play their netdecks. As for novel, please check out Eidolons of Courage. Running it incomplete (i have not received all the cards yet), I got 4th place. I was able to out-pace mono-red and cruise by the net-decking U/W decks. So you are coming up with assumptions just as I did. FYI, you're doing the same thing I did. you assume. I have pulled 2nd place several times (again 4th place yesterday) with true home-brews, I simply want to be first. So as I reside in America, I openly and freely express my opinions (I know for the LA folks, 1st Amendment speech when it is convenient is strong in that community). You have not posted any results against the consistent top 8 decks, I would venture to guess that my challenging you to actually produce results (in the form of how your games went) made you all defensive. I have proven that I can 2-4. I just need to figure out the last few cards or misplays I do to get 1st. If, after 30 quick tests, my decks beat yours 70% of the time (and mine aren't hitting 1st yet), I'm failing to see how yours could ever do so well. Again I will re-mention that there was a Volatile Rig deck that won 1st at his/her local fnm. But they don't play against 'competitive' decks. I'm competitive (sorry apparently a bad trait these days) from athletics and academics in college, so I'll happily call out such bold claims. Remember n=30. 30 games against Eidolons of Courage and be truly honest about how your deck performs. Then I wont post ever again, I wont mention you, you can continue to be disrespectful, and I'll keep my mouth shut.
Otherwise continue getting 1st place. I'm truly rooting for you to beat non-critical thinking control decks.
February 8, 2014 1:40 p.m.
Monoxidechild says... #16
@SpankiusMonkius I'd like to preface this with, just get over it, move on, and unsubscribe. I will be having some friends post on here that they have seen me win each of these 6 times, and they will attest to our meta being on par with most. You don't have to read the rest, just move on. If you feel that this isn't enough, then read, I have responded to all of your major points. Even the repetitive ones.
"You claimed that other mono-white decks had nothing on yours." This is called boasting, people do it every now in then in a humorous or fun light at times to set up a friendly atmosphere.
"Yet, I tried your deck several times, as I was tired of the net-decking going on." And it didn't work for you, maybe this isn't a ply style that suits you?
"That usually is an indicator that you may be playing people that don't know how to play their netdecks." No, of course they don't, how do I know this? They aren't playing at amateur or protour events and placing top 8. No shit. Most people are going to make play mistakes.
"FYI, you're doing the same thing I did" I didn't come to your page and make numerous accusations. Therefore, I have a better understanding of the type of person you are, or at least the kind of person you chose to represent yourself as. I wasn't the only one that couldn't understand your anger. My assumption is you're playing at a large venue with people who obviously don't think well for themselves and instead use a build someone else has won with.
"So as I reside in America, I openly and freely express my opinions" as do I, and in kind, I openly and freely flame your opinion with baseless accusations and generalizations; 'tis the American way!
"I would venture to guess that my challenging you to actually produce results" Because I have a life outside of tappedout and taking the time to write play by plays takes time I don't freely have at this time (I do now and am preparing one as you read this).
" I have proven that I can 2-4" And I have proven I can 1-36th, but I'm consistently top 4, winning the top spot on a regular basis. ed209 Sees me win on a consistent basis at our local shop. Oh look, I even have a witness!
"my decks beat yours 70% of the time (and mine aren't hitting 1st yet), I'm failing to see how yours could ever do so well." Do you notice that you are the major factor in this? When play testing yourself you'll always make subconsciously make little plays that help your deck, it's human nature. Like I said, I put this deck together card by card, do I know it's flaws? Yes, hell, last night I was flooded up the ass but kept a land in hand and a plains open on the field, this caused the player to stall. Why? Class does anyone else know? Because he assumed it was a Brave the Elements . He didn't attack, giving me a turn to resolve the board in my favor, and ending in my victory. "OMG HE'S JUZT BAD" No he made the wise choice, he new my deck, hadn't seen any BtEs played, and decided to wait.
"30 games against Eidolons of Courage and be truly honest about how your deck performs." Or I spend the time working, because let's be honest, I have nothing to prove, you do. I'm not claiming your build doesn't work or that it won't. I am a very competitive person by nature. Like wise from school, athletics, even with girls, magic, warhammer, D&D, and so on. But my ego isn't so fragile that I need to prove my deck is the best there ever was. Not to mention this list has been modified for the BotG cards that have been splashed in.
"Otherwise continue getting 1st place. I'm truly rooting for you to beat non-critical thinking control decks." Fuck I can taste the unbridled neckbead condescension. Just because people don't play control, doesn't mean they aren't making critical decisions. If you're talking about W/U/B I can tell you I have a good record, and if your answer is the person isn't good, then you're just a dick. Nothing will satisfy you (other than me spending 2 hours play testing pointlessly with a notably flawed play test engine) and I have no issue just ignoring your posts in the future.
February 8, 2014 3:05 p.m.
Christ this just seems like a fucking chore cause all this reading and typing lol. @SpankiusMonkius you say your competitive and all that, well so am I and Monoxidechild even more so. So accusing of staking his deck is pretty insulting. Hell that even offends me a little cause we know each other to be honest people and players. I've seen him run this deck, I've played against it and I've played with it for at least 3 months so other than Mono I probably know this deck better than anyone else. So you not being able to get the top anything is not surprising cause I'm pretty sure i couldn't do it either. Our meta isnt the biggest, but we still have our top 8 net copies and strong home brews and they all recognize Mono as a challenge. The guy who won first yesterday played me the round before the last and wanted me to move cause Mono and I were sitting at the same table which made me laugh. So in a meta where people know what your playing along with 3 other guys that know exactly how to play against your deck and still placing top 4 regularly has got to account for something.
February 8, 2014 4:08 p.m.
SpankiusMonkius says... #19
Okay, final post. I will not post on any of your decks again. I hope you continue to win. I simply ask you to remove all comments when you get a chance. No final snide comments here.
February 9, 2014 2:12 a.m.
SweetSupremacy says... #20
I'm glad to see a documented case of a successful white deck. I'm gambling pretty hard on a white devotion build I created based on my experience with UW control (which I played pre-BotG) that I hope to play into M15. The major prompt for me to go this route: I think Ephara is undervalued because the mechanic is somewhat new.
As an existing monowhite player, I'd appreciate your suggestions very much. For one, I know I'm heavy on 3 drops which is something you also faced and addressed.
For your deck, I can tell that even the main board is tuned to a degree for your meta - which is good. It's far better to beat the decks you play than to be able to beat the decks you aren't playing.
Some thoughts in the more netdecked space, which is unfortunately what my meta looks like:
First of all - monoblack is the most played deck going into BotG and turn 2 Pack Rat must die. White doesn't have anything that can make them pay for selling their hand out turn after turn creating pack rats until you're facing down 4-5 of them with a Mutavault threatening to boost them once more. Detention Sphere does this for me.
I like the tempo Soul Tithe can present and I may need to test it a bit. What I don't like about it is that it cannot remove a threat so you can attack through it the turn you play it. You have to wait for them to decide whether or not to keep it and allow them to get value from it during your turn. White is short on removal right now but perhaps Pacifism is a better option?
There's also the new Acolyte's Reward which I think has interesting applications. Even the threat of it can allow you to attack past blockers that you normally couldn't touch because if they block, they risk either taking a lot of damage or losing their creature. Combine that with Heliod's Vigilance and you've got a tough board state to beat.
February 9, 2014 1:13 p.m.
AttentionDeficitDisorder says... #21
Have I said something wrong? I was politely asking and then that? I respected you for this wonderful deck and then that? I was just asking. I did told you early in my posts that I am just a beginner. But I don't think I deserve those words. Disappointing. But anyway, thanks to your deck. It brought me to top 4 last FNM.
February 9, 2014 1:48 p.m.
Are you going to change up the deck for born of the gods?
February 9, 2014 2:58 p.m.
I ran across your deck when I was looking for ideals for Brian the king of the oreos Brimaz, King of Oreskos . I really wanted to play my damn Archangel of Thune and your deck does just that. I more or less stole the frame of your deck for mine I'd show you what I came up with. Thank you for the frame work.8)
February 9, 2014 6:02 p.m.
Monoxidechild says... #24
@AttentionDeficitDisorder No and I apologize, I think I mixed your name up while I was writing that long post, it was like 1am and I'd been working all week.
As a sweeping answer, because sadly like I said I've had limited time to respond on here, I have been play testing several tweaks with the release of BotGs, one thing I can say is Sunbond is beastly with Fiendslayer Paladin and has already won me several matches. I'll have a build on here soon for you all to take a look at, and maybe we can work out what should stay and what should go as a group.
February 9, 2014 7:36 p.m.
AttentionDeficitDisorder says... #25
Apology accepted bro. I still running the deck and works pretty well. But I find it hard dealing with pack rats and I'm thinking of sideboarding Detention Sphere and adding Azorius Temple. Planning to test it on Friday.
SpankiusMonkius says... #1
I almost ran a mirror copy and i fell flat, good mana just selesnya aggro i struggle, how do you play against that deck?
January 18, 2014 9:50 p.m.