White Power! No, I don't mean it like that!
morphranos says... #2
Phalanx Leader to pump everyone with heroic. Switch gift of immortality with brave the elements so you have the choice of protecting your creatures or pushing damage through, and you can side if you need to. I'm not sure if ajani really does enough for this deck, I love using it on a kalonian hydra than having a 1010 flying double strike, but not as impressive with you little wieners(pun intended), also I don't think he triggers heroic since you don't target as you cast him. Also I would run ordeal of heliod sd for lifegain against aggro
September 18, 2013 6:18 p.m.
Stormbringer007 says... #3
Taken into consideration, Phalanx Leader will go in, 4 of's will probably go down to 3 of's
September 18, 2013 6:32 p.m.
Stormbringer007 says... #5
Hmm... I'm not sure how I feel about Dauntless Onslaught . It's a cool combat trick, but I'd need the 3 mana up and nothing else better in hand to play. It could potentially trigger double heroic which is great, but not always feasible. If I wasn't mono-white it may seem more appealing, since I am though I think Brave the Elements does it better. Perhaps I'll have to play some FNM's after rotation and see if/how many times I feel like "Man, I wish I had Dauntless Onslaught instead of X right now..."
September 18, 2013 7:19 p.m.
Battlewise Hoplite , Gods Willing and the 1/1 lifelink bestow all look good for WW
September 18, 2013 8:18 p.m.
Ti22_HipHero says... #7
You might want more spells than just Brave, so you can activate the heroic, but other than that good deck! Gods Willing is prob a very good option.
September 22, 2013 5:34 p.m.
from looking at your list I think you will want a few more spells like Gods Willing and Dauntless Onslaught to get the heroic to trigger, and you will probably end up able to play them simply because you lack draw power. I imagine by turn 4-5 you won't have any cards left to play, and it might be nice to have a few tricks to hold in hand and keep your opponents on their toes.
September 22, 2013 5:42 p.m.
Stormbringer007 says... #9
Gods Willing will go into consideration, I'm still not sold on Dauntless Onslaught but of course I'd have to play with it to know for sure, there are only two creatures with heroic so I don't want to build the deck too heavily around that.
September 22, 2013 5:52 p.m.
IMO you should drop some of your larger creatures, even though they're good cards, for things like Hopeful Eidolon , Favored Hoplite , Dryad Militant in your sideboard is cool, Maybe even Judge's Familiar . Weenies needs more one drops.
September 28, 2013 5:23 p.m.
For a weenie/aggro strategy, I think Imposing Sovereign is worth considering over Blind Obedience . I understand the drawbacks as it is generally easier to deal with, but it's another body on the board, which white weenie likes to see I think
Also a small note - I noticed you have 4x Gods Willing in the MB and 1 in the SB
September 29, 2013 11:36 a.m.
Stormbringer007 says... #12
Well I felt Blind Obedience is strictly better than Imposing Sovereign , but now that I reasoned against using Ethereal Armor as one of my reasons for using it, more creatures does sound good, and for 2 mana it's good removal bait. even though it doesn't tap artifacts which kind of sucks.. I don't know, I'll see, I'll play games against friends with each and see what I like more. I'm a big fan of using extort with archangel though.
September 29, 2013 2:18 p.m.
Stormbringer007 says... #13
Oh and thanks for the heads up on Gods Willing , I honestly didn't even notice
September 29, 2013 2:19 p.m.
Oh yeah I didn't even notice the extort interaction with archangel... That's a nice little interaction
September 29, 2013 9:48 p.m.
I would replace the Dauntless Onslaught s with 4xFrontline Medic , but other wise awesome deck; +1 from me!
October 1, 2013 9:24 p.m.
Some cards I would consider removing:
1- Gods Willing - Only exceptionally good when used on Phalanx Leader . I can see why it's there, just not a huge fan of it myself.
2- Silence - This doesn't stop your opponent from playing what they have, or remove any sort of card advantage, it only slows them down a little bit. Unless you can kill FAST, this card is only a small bump in the road to their victory. It doesn't stop or directly counter anything another deck might throw at you. At the same time it doesn't directly help you.
3- Imposing Sovereign This card is anti-haste, and allows your creatures to attack without fear of fighting what they played last turn. It is a very weak card it'self resulting in little damage that couldn't have been done without her. I'd use either Cavalry Pegasus or Frontline Medic in a heartbeat!
Some cards to consider possibly adding:
1- Cavalry Pegasus makes your waves creatures much harder to block, which combos nicely with Precinct Captain
2- Frontline Medic amazing ability for a white weenie deck! Don't leave your medics behind!
3- Daring Skyjek Tough to block, high damage.
4- Court Street Denizen interesting option. Allowing you to tap down potential blockers before swinging. Might make a fun sideboard option for decks with limited creatures? At the very least this card tends to effect the game more than Imposing Sovereign (as long as haste isn't involved)
October 1, 2013 11:25 p.m.
chandlerwrx06 says... #17
Archangel of Thune is a maybe? Bro, isnt she like your Grand wizard or something?
In all seriousness, I like it, and like the attention grabbing title.
October 2, 2013 6:42 a.m.
Devout Invocation could help you get some stronger creatures out late game.
October 2, 2013 7:11 a.m.
Stormbringer007 says... #19
Well I was sold on Archangel of Thune being the best thing for this deck in the world but I realized that when I did win against my friends it was only a result of utilizing some combat trick with heroic and protection on my Fabled Hero , he literally is the hero of the deck, When I throw dauntless onslaught on him and Phalanx Leader and give everyone protection, swinging for 18 instead of 7 damage on turn 4, it's devestating, then I just god's willing one creature and swing for game the next turn if they haven't been gamed already. Cavalry Pegasus I am thinking will definitely find a place in my deck instead of imposing, I guess it depends if my opponent is running Purphoros or not. Frontline Medic is also definitely in the running to be the next card in the deck if something else isn't working out. I'm gonna test it out the way it is before I make anymore significant changes, I like the help and ideas though guys, thank you.
October 2, 2013 1 p.m.
aspacebass says... #20
I wouldn't lower the land count if you expect to cast Archangel of Thune on turn 5. If anything I'd try to get in two more and replace 3-4 plains with Mutavault if it fits your budget, and they're also human.
I don't really like Fabled Hero in here. You only have two Gods Willing two activate heroic and a 2/2 double strike for 1WW isn't that great. Also Gods Willing isn't too great in the main deck and it's overkill with the 4 Brave the Elements .
Also Blind Obedience isn't strictly better than Imposing Sovereign , especially in a white weenie deck where extra bodies are always good.
While I'm at it I'll also go out on a limb and say that Dryad Militant is much better than Boros Elite , especially in a world with Supreme Verdict .
Also Heliod, God of the Sun is really good in this deck and if you curve out as planned it's almost always a creature when enters or the next turn when it can actually attack.
Sorry if I seem dickish with the amount of suggestions. These are the changes I would make to the maindeck summed up.
-4 Boros Elite +4 Dryad Militant -4 Fabled Hero -2 Blind Obedience +2 Banisher Priest +1Mutavault +3 Imposing Sovereign -2 Gods Willing +2 Heliod, God of the Sun -2Plains +2Mutavault
October 8, 2013 7:41 p.m.
Stormbringer007 says... #21
Wouldn't Supreme Verdict kill my Dryad Militant ... Thus destroying him and his ability... causing Supreme Verdict to go into the graveyard like normal? I'll consider the mutavaults. As far as the other changes go I'll take them into serious consideration. I, myself, have been considering the removal of Mr. Fabled Hero . I feel like maybe 3 Banisher Priest and 2 Imposing Sovereign would be better than the latter though, because if you draw two Sovereigns it's shitty to have the ability go to waste, whereas another Banisher would always be welcome. I don't feel the suggestions are dickish at all, they are genuine concerns for the deck and very reasonable ideas to possibly improve it.
October 8, 2013 8:36 p.m.
aspacebass says... #22
I just meant that after a Supreme Verdict it's a lot harder to activate battalion and I'd rather have a 2/1 rather than a vanilla 1/1/ that's only sometimes a 3/3. Also I still like more Imposing Sovereign just because they work best when played on Turn 2
October 8, 2013 9:35 p.m.
Stormbringer007 says... #23
Oh, I get what you are saying. That makes sense. Alright, the only way to know for sure is to try I suppose.
October 8, 2013 9:41 p.m.
Hopeful Eidolon could be helpful for lifegain and heroic triggers. for the SB Renounce the Guilds can deal with some nasty things in your way.
October 8, 2013 11:23 p.m.
Tappedout makes this look super budget
tack on at least $128 lol
Goody says... #1
Your mana curve is pretty off, you need less 3-drops and more 1 and 2 drops, like Boros Elite , Phalanx Leader , etc.
September 18, 2013 6 p.m.