Today you will experience the annoyance of my White Repo Deck. The main goal of this deck is to take every creature your opponent has and destroy or exile everything else. I would recommend you use this deck casually, though I believe you can play this deck in modern tournamenets at your local Magic the gathering store. And trust me this deck will be hated.
The repo Deck, just like in real life, waits for the opponent to play permanents so it can be taken away, because of bad credit. I'm joking of course. But what I'm not joking about is the deck annoyance. This deck evolves around a three part process. Step one controll the board and let things die smartly. Step two bring things back from the graveyard to control the board. And Step three create a cycle to bring back the creature cycle in step 1 and 2. Seems complicated? Yes, maby at first, but you will understand the consept soon.
So let's begin with creatures. Our first card is called Leonin Relic-Warder. This two mana 2/2 creature let's you exile target artifact or enchantment when it enters the field. And if the card was to be removed from the field return the thing it exiled back onto the battlefield. Great to remove cards that will force the opponent to remove kill cards to get back things he or she needs.
there are a total of 3 three mana creature playsets. And guess what? They all do the same thing. The first card is called Banisher Priest, a 2/2, the second is called Fiend Hunter, a 1/3 and Fairgrounds Warden, also a 1/3. they all state when this card enters the field you may exile target creature until this card leaves the field. Plz spend your mana so I can take your hard earned summoned creature away.
Our next card is Journy to Nowhere, a 2 mana enchantment that removes target creature from the game until Journy to nowhere is removed from the field. You want to keep these for any creatures that you want to stay off the field. An enchament is harder to get rid of then a creature, though it's not impossible so be careful.
Our three mana enechantments are called Oblivian Ring and Banishing Light. They both do the same thing as Exile another target noland permanent. Use them for Planeswalkers, enchantments and artifacts.
The secret of this part is to take things of the opponent that helps him grow. Slow him down and keep him down. If he has no way to remove your removel it's an automatic win, if they do, well don't worry that's where step two comes in.
Congradulations you just learned step one of this three part deck. But now it's time for step two. If you had to go into step two that means the opponent has found away to remove some of your removel. Don't worry this is great news for you. Not only have they wasted removel, but they have unknowingly given you ammunition for later in the game. Soon your graveyard will become part of your hand. How? Well let's take a look.
Our next card is Suntitan. A 6/6 with vigilance that states when this card enters the field or attacks bring back a permenent from the graveyard with converted mana cost three or less. Wow I don't even know where to start. So good you defently want a full playset of them. By now the only things you have to worry about is burn, tokens, blue, sacrifice......... Ok so a lot. Make sure that you bring him on the field safely as there's not much you can do when he's gone. If he stays on the field, then you have access to your Oblivian Rings, Banishing Lights, Banishing Preists, Fairgrounds Warden, Fiend Hunters, and Journy to Nowheres ready to make an impact in the game agin. Don't be afraid to attack as Suntitan gets his trigger as soon as he attacks. If you make smart exiles you should be able to win around step two.
But if you lost your Titans by misplaying or being out played. There's still hope left for you. That's why we have step three. This step involves the use of Angel of serenity. When Angel of Serenity enters the battlefield, you may exile up to three other target creatures from the battlefield and/or creatures cards from graveyards. When this card leaves the battlefield, return the exiled cards to their owner's hands. that's right you can return things from your graveyard back to your hand by exileing the angel of serenity that exiled the things you wanted back. When she's become exiled by your own removel the cards she exiled returns to each owners hands. Suntitans here we come. Oh i lost Suntitan agin? That's no problem exile the the enchant that exileing Angel of serenity so you can play her effect agin. Don't feel like exileing your own creatures? Use her on your opponents this time and attack.
To be honest this deck is not very capable of competing in a modern tournamenet at your local card shop. It gets out played by alot of decks. That being said it's a very unique deck that I'm sure you will surprise your opponent. The few things that you will have to look out for are Agro decks, decks that make you sacrifice, burn decks, and token generater decks.