White Supremacy (M14)

Standard* Puz


theonyc says... #1

MB: Seraph of the Sword has to go, same with Angelic Skirmisher and your green. Oblivion Ring should replace those 2. Brave the Elements is something to think about, and you should try to replace the Precinct Captain with some other 2 drop, maybe even Imposing Sovereign (fucks up haste dudes, which would buy you time. Also makes your guys harder to block). You shouldn't have so many 5 drops, I would remove 1 Angelic Overseer .

SB: Rest in Peace to replace the ground seal, and remove the Faith's Reward , as their is no match up you need it in. I would replace it with something that give indestructibility to all of your dudes.

July 15, 2013 6:53 p.m.

Puz says... #2

Faith's Reward was the only thing I could think of to counter a board wipe. I'm more than happy to reduce the Angelic Overseer count for better cards and the Imposing Sovereign is in sideboard but only because I favor Seraph of the Sword .

Why do I have it? I am predicting that bant is going to become more popular than it is. At my local hobby store, there are 4 bant enchantment decks and players, all of which use cards other than Invisible Stalker so the Seraph would just block and laugh. Invisible Stalker with a bunch of enchantments, I think, is my biggest problem in this deck. I have no way of removing a heavily enchanted hexproof unblockable creature. Any thoughts on that? Paraselene Sideboard?

I'll look into some better two drops instead of Precinct Captain but I'm not quite sure what would be good. I'll dig around. Elite Inquisitor would be the one I'd go with if you think that's a better choice.

July 15, 2013 7:07 p.m.

Puz says... #3

If you think the Bower Passage isn't worth it, I could try dropping it and tossing in perhaps Angelic Accord in it's place. It's not a 2 drop, but with all the life gain it'll be easy to trigger and perhaps even worth it. It would make a good swap out for Paraselene in the event of bant/naya enchantments.

I'll drop Faith's Reward for Rootborn Defenses also.

July 15, 2013 7:15 p.m.

Puz says... #4

Come to think of it, Ratchet Bomb is my counter to Invisible Stalker . Nevermind! It'll hurt me a bit too, but killing a fully enchanted stalker would be worth the minor drawback.

July 15, 2013 7:21 p.m.

Brave the Elements . I mean, cmon, it reads give all creatures you control protection from a color of your choice. Combat blowout impossible to recover from? YES. Chance to eliminate most to all of your opponents blockers in a turn. YES. Potential trick to get rid of those pesky hexproof dudes in combat. Absolutely. My 2/2 blocks Geist of Saint Traft , followed by elements naming blue. This happened to me.

July 15, 2013 11:29 p.m.

Puz says... #6

So yeah, I'm a tard and haven't actually seen Brave the Elements . So yeah, that's a must over anything. I'll squeeze it in without question. I missed it entirely when I was going through the new card list and never saw it in the two days of pre-release events here. Must not have been pulled.

July 16, 2013 12:25 a.m.

kyumarcel says... #7

You have a severe lack of one drops for a non-control based standard/white wheenie deck.

I'd suggest Champion of the Parish with all the Humans to follow it up. Another Suggestion if you would stick with white Power houses Fiend Hunter or Banisher Priest can help out quite a bit to swing in early for damage by removing one of their blockers.

Maybe throw in an ever annoying Restoration Angel for reseting soulbond or saving a creature from removal

Even more fun in late --> Cast Fiend Hunter target your opponents bomb and before the exile trigger resolves flicker the Fiend Hunter with Restoration Angel and by then you permanently exile the bomb and get to target another creature with Fiend Hunter .

Sadly doesn't work with Banisher Priest , but he has a better strength for early game beating.

July 16, 2013 11:21 a.m.

Puz says... #8

While I'm at work, I play with the deck on my phone app. Champions are already in and fiend hunters... If I add them, I feel I'd have to drop the angels and just go straight humans with door of destinies. Ill consider it.

Once I get the cards I need, I'll have a day to play test it with my circle of friends and see where the short falls are.

July 16, 2013 12:17 p.m.

WovenNebula says... #9

+1, I like the Angel deck quite a bit. 15 years ago I played an Angel deck at FNM and took 1st, the nostalgia brings me back. Would you mind hopping over to give some insight on my new deck Demi-gods!!!?

July 16, 2013 1:07 p.m.

GraysonMatter says... #10

Sublime Archangel Doesn't really fit the deck. Neither does Knight of Glory . Instead, I'd main board Imposing Sovereign and throw in Frontline Medic . You may always want to think about running Ajani, Caller of the Pride . Double strike and flying at any point isn't something to laugh about.

July 25, 2013 10:25 p.m.

Aerokid says... #11


Looks fun. I think Thalia might be worth mainboarding given the small number of noncreature cards you run. Same with Imposing Sovereign. It lets you swing in for great justice more often without worrying about those pesky blockers. Frontline Medic might be worth tossing in to allow you to swing all out without losing any attackers.

July 25, 2013 10:29 p.m.

Puz says... #12

Frontline Medic I tried REALLY hard to fit in. I don't want to overload my 3 mana slot with too much stuff, and I favored Silverblade Paladin over him simply because the doublestrike on anything with lifelink gives me 2 triggers on Archangel of Thune .

Sublime Archangel is a weird choice, I know. I needed a 4 mana creature that stuck to the angel theme, and I'll probably sub her out for Restoration Angel or something.

Knight of Glory You know what, I know I must sound crazy with this decision but with Doom Blade legal, this guy is going to be a monster. I could play him side board and throw in the Imposing Sovereign x3 mainboard and swap something out for the pro black. I think the knight of glory is going to be a pretty brutal card in current meta.

Good suggestions though, I'll consider these for after I playtest the deck tomorrow.

July 25, 2013 10:43 p.m.

GraysonMatter says... #13

I can see why you like Knight of Glory now, but Fiendslayer is also pro-black. Imposing Sovereign and Knight of Glory could be the two cards you switch out and in depending on what deck you're face.

One card I think you are overlooking is Champion of the Parish or even Doomed Traveler . Both are major one drops. Also Mikaeus, the Lunarch .

I really like the deck though. High end white weenies.

As a thought you may want to consider looking at Joshua Everly's mono whites for some ideas.

Just a thought


July 25, 2013 10:48 p.m.

slithe99 says... #14

A lot of people think I'm crazy for always suggesting this, but Evolving Wilds ? The deck may be too fast for it, but it could help lower the chance you topdeck that land when you need a creature

July 26, 2013 12:05 a.m.

Puz says... #15

July 26, 2013 12:37 a.m.

GraysonMatter says... #16

Play test with both. and see what you like more.

July 26, 2013 12:59 a.m.

Mandelbrot86 says... #17

Awesome! This deck gave me inspiration for my Modern Mono-White! http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/on-turn-5-they-will-cry/

July 26, 2013 9:29 a.m.

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