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The Inevitable Return of the Great White Weenie

Standard Aggro Budget Competitive Mono-White Weenie




Creature (2)

Enchantment (1)

Sorcery (1)

It's the return of the Budget-Friendly White Weenie deck!

It's been a while since we've seen one in Standard. We got some new cards in Battle for Zendikar to compliment Khans block and Origins that, to my mind, make for a strong White Weenie deck with good answers in the sideboard.

Testing against Atarka Red, RG Landfall, UB Eldrazi and Abzan Aggro have been very positive.

This deck can win on turns 4-6.

There are too many good creatures hitting the board quickly for opponents to one-for-one remove them all.

Kytheon, Hero of Akros   really shines in this shell. The fact that he will draw so much removal benefits the deck, as the removal won't be available for bigger threats. If he lives to untap and flip, he offers a lot of utility. He can protect himself, or he can force a creature to attack him. This is more valuable than you think; say they have El Rhino out. +2 Gideon and force the Rhino to attack. If it's the only threat, it'll be tapped next turn for you to attack, and Gideon will survive with 1 loyalty left!

The deck has good Warrior synergies. Arashin Foremost gives double-strike to Dragon Hunter and Mardu Woe-Reaper upon entry and with each attack. And you will be attacking. With 12 Warriors in the deck, the Woe-Reaper can exile creatures from either graveyard to net some incidental lifegain.

Both Consul's Lieutenant and Knight of the White Orchid have First Strike at the two-drop slot. Once renowned, the Lieutenant gives +1/+1 to all other attackers. The Knight will tutor for a Plains if you are behind on land drops or on the draw.

Kytheon's Irregulars offers a good mana sink late-game, clearing Rhinos out of the way. Woe be unto the opponents who let the Irregulars become renown. Archangel of Tithes makes combat very difficult for your opponent. And she blocks Rhinos. Lots of Rhino hate here at the four-drop slot!

Inspired Charge can lead to deadly alpha strikes, especially with double-striking Warriors out, or can allow the team to survive incoming attacks.

Against Languish, Radiant Flames, Rising Miasma and the like, you just need to play smart and play around them. Even the Bring to Light decks aren't packing that many board wipes, and they can't start tutoring for them until turn 5 anyways. By that point, they'll be close to dead and unable to Languish away your 3/5 Archangel of Tithes.

Bring to Light is for Siege Rhinos anyway, and we have lots of answers for El Rhino! Radiant Purge, Stasis Snare, Surge of Righteousness and extra Valorous Stances put cross-hairs on the Horned Bane of Standard, let alone Mantis Rider and whatever Temur throws at us. We also even have Quarantine Field at our disposal for Planeswalkers. For Dragonlords and Thunderbreak Regent, Celestial Flare is our go-to spell. For Burn, we bring in the extra Feat of Resistances and Surge of Righteousness . Especially Surge, considering red decks are more creature-based now.

And besides all that... the average deck cost for Standard is $640!!!

Wait, wouldn't Modern be a better investment? Perhaps groceries?

I don't know about you, but I'm no Scrooge McDuck.

Aye, laddies! Of course I can afford full playsets of Jace, Vryn's Prodigy   and Hangarback Walker for all three of ya! Go ahead and throw three Fat Packs into the cart, while yer at it!

And now, Red Deck Wins, generally the cheapest way to play Standard, is running 10(!!!) fetch lands and up to 4 battle lands!

Standard is making me feel more like Peter Griffin than ol' Scrooge McDuck.

Oh god, Drana spiked to $25!*

Cardboard Crack understands!

Real world cost aside, everyone is getting mighty greedy with these land bases. Sure, you can now fetch for 4-5 colors in a deck. But what happens when they miss a land drop, miss a color, or worse yet, misplay a fetch and pull a color that messes things up?
Where is my black mana blearrrggghhhhh

So, where does all this leave us, class?


Removal is weaker. Decks are bigger and slower. And they're all expensive. Beat them down with a rogue White Weenie deck! Make them mad they spent six hundy on a deck that's susceptible to fast aggro!

Wait a sec, this video is completely unrelated.

Thanks for looking! Allons-Y!

*Admit it, you read that in Peter Griffin's voice.


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#1 on tappedout.net! Thanks for the upvotes!

Pic related. This deck is dedicated to Shake Zula, the mic rulah, the old schoolah. You wanna trip, he'll bring it to ya.

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(9 years ago)

+1 Mastery of the Unseen side
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 9 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 1 Mythic Rares

8 - 3 Rares

21 - 7 Uncommons

5 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.97
Tokens Manifest 2/2 C
Folders Deck ideas, liked, NetDecking Test, Standard, Standard G/W Ideas, Budget decks to build, standard ideas, interesting decks, BFZ Standard, Mono-White
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