Quadsimotto says... #2
i like Smite over Divine Verdict for its casting cost.And though i dont know how you fit her in butKeening Apparition i would imagine would work swell against ANY EDH deck since so many of them rely so heavily on artifacts as tricky win cons.
July 2, 2014 7:38 p.m.
Thanks LittleBlueHero and Quadsimotto for commenting and suggesting as I asked (using listed items only).
- LittleBlueHero, I sympathize on the confusion. I tossed lifegain cards in because (1) my initial thought was to be swinging all each turn, leaving myself vulnerable to counterattacks, and thought some lifegain might help mitigate the damage; and (2) Angelic Accord .
I added in the True Conviction and the Angelic Skirmisher as quickly as I tracked them down and had a minute to add them in, so I will update the list shortly.
I had Court Street Denizen in originally, and for the very reasons stated, but cut her to make room, but I do think I need to cut her back in.
Ajani's Presence and Brave the Elements made my head split the other day trying to balance the two protection spells. It's color protection vs. indestructibility; both help me survive an attack, but whereas the deck hopes to swing all, en masse for big chunks of damage, Brave got the nod because it can give all my dudes color protection, but this debate may never end in my mind.
- Quadsimotto, I like Smite and Divine Verdict too, and I was able to fit Keening Apparition in; again, I'll update the list very shortly. I chose DV in case I might not have someone at home to block, and if I kept one, it might clue my opponent in... but I might be overthinking things, so I'm gonna substitute, just because you suggested it, and see how things go.
July 3, 2014 10:40 a.m.
RooKnHardPlace, you can make comments/conversation here ... not that I mind the other thread getting bumped, this just keeps everything in one place :)
July 3, 2014 11:10 a.m.
Oh, and apologies, in comes another wildcard to help with our discussion about tapping out: Last night I was able to snag a Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx that I have a 1/99 chance to draw.
July 3, 2014 11:14 a.m.
I updated the list for a new LGS meta since this is my only monocolored EDH deck. Help wanted!
December 31, 2014 9:08 a.m.
lemmingllama, your input in the forum thread is greatly appreciated and I agree with your assessments! (I clearly don't know how to /quote)
Avacyn, Guardian Angel does look like a decent addition.
Keening Apparition isn't really necessary unless you see lots of value enchantments in your meta.
Silent Sentinel is only useful if you keep losing your enchantments. I would want Greater Auramancy over him.
Quarry Colossus is hilarious when you tuck their general. I would definitely consider it.
Azorius Justiciar could be good, but he doesn't have much of an effect for a four drop. Normally we want to have lots of staying power, so abilities that can be reused are best. I personally wouldn't run it.
Endless Horizons is good if you need the land drops. You have a low enough average CMC that it isn't really necessary, although if you decide to run cards like Strata Scythe then it might be a good idea.
Some cards that you might want to consider dropping are Changeling Hero and Veteran Armorsmith. I would also cut the Fated Retribution, but then replace it with Wrath of God or Rout.
The reason I have Changeling Hero in there is in case of a board wipe, my championed creature is protected, and at worst I could chump block a fatty and gain 4 life. I treat it like a fatter protective Banisher Priest for my own dude, or even like upgrading a smaller guy, if called for. ...but perhaps some play time will tell; I'll keep this in mind.
The Veteran Armorsmith brings value to Commander Brimaz, making him and his stream of weenies a little fatter, but he's probably one of the top candidates to be cut in place of something else. Thank you for affirming that!
Greater Auramancy is a card I was partially saving for a potential Uril, the Miststalker deck some day, but since this deck benefits so greatly on the few enchantments it has, I think I'll make the inclusion; which makes me wonder if I oughta bring back my Armored Ascension and/or Asha's Favor?
Quarry Colossus is definitely something this deck needs: a meat shield, and a tuck'er (as you stated), hehe, to go along with my Banishing Stroke (and where did I put my damned Condemn?). I wanted him in my Mayael the Anima deck, but there aren't enough plains to really make it nasty.
I don't have Wrath of God or Rout (yet), /sadface /pout, but Fated Retribution is nice being an instant. What do you think about Mass Calcify since it doesn't wipe my board?
December 31, 2014 11:16 a.m.
lemmingllama says... #8
The problem with Changeling Hero is that he removes part of your board. You have to have another creature out to play him, and he is only a 4/4 for 5 mana. Look at a card like Sun Titan. He is a 6/6 for 6 mana, plus he also helps your board state by returning cards from your graveyard to play. These are the cards we are looking for, good investments in mana that also advance our boardstate. If you do get wrathed a lot, then it might be a good idea to keep him. Still, in 1 vs 1 there is normally more targeted removal than board wipes.
Armored Ascension might be a good one, it definitely boosts Brimaz and also gives him some evasion. I probably wouldn't run Asha's Favor though, if you want that kind of evasion for that cost then Whispersilk Cloak or Spirit Mantle.
Mass Calcify is better than Fated Retribution. The problem with Fated Retribution is that it typically does the same thing as Day of Judgement?!?!?!!, but it costs 3 mana more. By making it one sided, it justifies the extra mana.
January 1, 2015 9:29 a.m.
Yeah, I don't have Sun Titan, but he's in pretty much every deck running white I've seen, so I'll have to invest some day (my LGS has one for $3). I'm also thinking of picking up Condemn, Flickerwisp, Mentor of the Meek, Spectral Procession, and White Sun's Zenith along with that Mass Calcify.
January 1, 2015 11:17 a.m.
lemmingllama says... #10
Those are all excellent cards, feel free to post here when you update your deck and test it out, I can see if there are any suggestions I can make. Also I just realized that I forgot to mention this earlier, but you have 101 cards in your deck. EDH lets you run 99 cards and a commander, for a total of 100 cards. You have 100 cards and a commander, which is 1 more than what is allowed.
LittleBlueHero says... #1
Staff of the Sun Magus can come out unless you are running a heavy life gain strategy. Life gain isn't amazing in EDH because General Damage can still do you in. To that effect Goldenglow Moth is also pretty lackluster. Cavalry Pegasus seems too narrow and doesn't work with all your creatures. If you were going to focus on lifegain I would like to see cards more cards that benefit from it.
It would help to know what you want to do most with this deck, its sending me mixed signals. There are obviously a lot of weenies, and token support, but there is also a handful of "lifegain matters" type cards. If thats the main idea, Lifegain and tokens then I would still lose cards mentioned because they don't do enough (if you went ALL human the pegasus would be just fine)
I would add in the True Conviction and Angelic Skirmisher to help out all your little buddies and probably Court Street Denizen since you should have plenty of small dudes entering the fray, they would help you get through on the attack.
I also like Ajani's Presence as a more expensive Brave the Elements keeping all your dudes alive is important since you have no real recursion going on. It will be hard to bounce back from board wipes.
July 2, 2014 3:23 p.m.