who doesn't like infinite combos in standard?
SCORE: 145 | 93 COMMENTS | 25100 VIEWS | IN 82 FOLDERS
Well its a funny combo, but firstly you will never have it on the board and secondly as soon as you combo you kill yourself dont you?...
October 7, 2013 1:54 p.m.
Kalid0n the Fathom Mage has the word "may" in it, so you draw, gain and +1 as many times as you feel then stop the combo, however you are correct, getting the combo out and keeping all 3 alive for a turn is the tricky part.
October 7, 2013 2:49 p.m.
I don't see it so difficult to play the combo unless the game is against a control. Horizon Chimera has Flash which gives a great tactic advantage to play the combo (basically, you wait until the opponent is tapped out or without resources to harm your creatures).
October 7, 2013 7:10 p.m.
You could also break the combo by choosing a creature other than Fathom Mage to place a counter on.
October 7, 2013 7:31 p.m.
Felixlives- oh ok. well its still a fun combo. i just don't like urban evolution because of the high cost.
Itzmogz- honestly, i put in AEtherling just for a beater. its the reason why he's at 2. according to ducttapedeckbox, a card at 2 would help win games but its not necessary to win. i agree with that wholeheartedly. i also like having counter spells in this deck more than the smiter because a lot of control decks tap out for their big removal or sphinx's revelation. and i do believe aggro/blitz lost some of its speed after the rotation. however, since i can't test it, i'm going to leave it at that unless someone wants to test it for me. as for nykthos, it's helped me get a turn 4 aetherling out and turn 3 archangel so i'm pretty happy with it.
EthanTheBrave- i did not take the deck off of the wizards page. in fact i didn't even know about it until just now. and even then our decks are still a quite different.
Kalid0n- as itzmogz said, i can stop it when i decide not to draw the card for Fathom Mage .
Zelan87- its still pretty hard to get out but that's not my only method of winning, so i think i'm set.
slimoGMS- i actually really like Savage Summoning . i think its going mainboard
monkeywizard, diatryma- thanks for the support!
keep it coming guys!
October 7, 2013 7:35 p.m.
Scopes- i have to put a +1/+1 counter on every creature but i can still stop the combo with fathom mage :)
October 7, 2013 7:36 p.m.
Looks really fun to play and it has my favorite colors in it too so +1
October 7, 2013 7:48 p.m.
Tacoguy12321 says... #9
Great Combo :D Works a lot better than Drogskol Reaver and Horizon Chimera Combo. when I first Looked at it I thought it was another accidental mill your self out combo, +1 for you!
October 7, 2013 9:09 p.m.
LordOfDispair says... #10
I have a deck a lot like this except it's Horizon Chimera and Drogskol Reaver so I have to have cards like Skullcrack , Saving Grasp , and Elixir of Immortality to keep myself from milling to death.
October 7, 2013 9:42 p.m.
This very same combo with a similar decklist was posted on Dailymtg 2 weeks ago right here, I like that list better, little more budget friendly (no voices) and seems to flow a little more smoothly. Think the Aetherling in this list is totally unnecessary, anything you have out is going to get stupid big with archangel out and the combo churning, chimera can end it alone with trample damage
October 8, 2013 12:20 a.m.
Yah, but this combo was put on the wizards website like a week ago
October 8, 2013 7:46 p.m.
EnigmaEthos says... #14
a cheaper replacement for Voice of Resurgence is Fleecemane Lion in my opinion. check out my deck Enigma's Bant Flash its similar but different and I would highly appreciate feedback from any and all
October 8, 2013 11:16 p.m.
ok guys. seriously, what do you want me to do. yeah, this combo has been posted on the wizards site but i already admitted that i didn't come up with the combo nor did i copy and alter the deck from the site. so if you don't like the deck or think that i somehow cheated to make this deck, i'm sorry, don't post. it's not my fault and i'm tired of not getting constructive feedback from some of you.
for those who do like the deck and are giving constructive feedback, thank you very much.
October 9, 2013 12:07 a.m.
ok now,
EnigmaEthos, i like voice better because it attracts a lot of removal to it and also slows the opponent down a turn to let me get out what i need faster. thanks though!
October 9, 2013 12:14 a.m.
EnigmaEthos says... #17
My fault I meant to direct my comment towards the guy looking for the cheap alternative to voice hahaha. I like this deck though and would really like to hear your opinion on mine which is similar.
October 9, 2013 12:34 a.m.
DimirMiller says... #18
I made a deck with the same combo but a lot more lifegain: Horizon Fathom Mages of Thune. Please take a look at it because I want to improve it. Thank you very much if you really give some help.
October 9, 2013 2:07 a.m.
Bombaticus says... #19
TL;DR all of the previous comments, and I did come a little late to the party, but I like Ready / Willing (Ready) better than Rootborn Defenses . Because of the mana base, the casting cost is effectively the same, and you get the added bonus of untapping your creatures. Because of the mana base, you could really cast Ready / Willing (Willing) if needed, also, which gives a little more life gain. Just a suggestion. Been trying to find some good G/U/W combos to play around with, and this seems like a good start.
October 9, 2013 3:47 a.m.
that happened with my most recent change from Sylvan Caryatid to Chromatic Lantern . better for the curve and the deck!
October 9, 2013 4:22 a.m.
KnightsBattlecry001 says... #24
This deck is really fun to play when I tested it. +1 from me.
October 9, 2013 5:38 a.m.
Think about putting fleecemane lion into this deck. if you can make him monstrosity making him heatproof indestructible and having him beefed up then not much the opponent can do with kill spells, or board wipe.
diatryma says... #1
thankfully you have other ways to win haha, as you're not always going to get those cards, but +1 from me anyway =)
October 7, 2013 1:53 p.m.