Unleash the Dogs of War! and bring the CoCo!
if Running a Very Creature Aggressive deck is your thing then Werewolves are your Tribe.
Started off as a Budget Deck but I feel simply adding x4 Collected Company changes that. but this deck is still very runnable without, Just look into adding Tormenting Voice or other draw cards to help Duskwatch Recruiter
get your wolves at least to hand.
As most wolf decks or least the ones I like your looking to start your first turn with Mountain and
Village Messenger
not all decks have 1 drops so its a fairly reliable way to get a 2/2 menace out on your second turn. which chalks down to 1dmg first turn then 2dmg second turn even if they summon a creature by then (menace needs 2 to block)
Always keep in mind you want to do as much constant dmg as possible. Even if its 1 here 1 there they add up. your tramples will add, your little attacks with add. you thrive on winning fast. to many turns and your opponents will have enough lands to constantly stop your transforming from happening or transform you back.
Obviously Collected Company is self explanatory, all your creatures are 3drops so with 22 targetable creature you have about 74 75percent chance of fast dropping 2 creatures on the field and if you have
Geier Reach Bandit
flipped then thing get very ""Hairy"" for everyone else.
Hermit of the Natterknolls
Breakneck Rider
arnt exectly a must in a wolf deck. Persoanlly I love
Hermit of the Natterknolls
for the spell heavy decks trying to transform you back those are free draws not to mention he is a pretty decent wall If you need to stall a turn or two.
Breakneck Rider
is also a personal preference, kinda usless as a human but his wolf just helps incase someone is targeting your Howlpack Resurgence because it is a staple in wolves unlike
Breakneck Rider
Lastly Arlinn Kord
is really not needed at all. infact has a decent chance of slowing your deck down but I don't care. Werewolf planewalker and she can put in work. I bought two im using her :)