Who Needs $150+ Decks???

Commander / EDH* KingMathoro

SCORE: 214 | 76 COMMENTS | 29774 VIEWS | IN 96 FOLDERS

bushido_man96 says... #1

If you're still looking for budget options, I still strongly recommend Evolutionary Leap as one of your sac outlets. Other cheap creatures that are sac outlets are Nantuko Husk and Phyrexian Ghoul . Also, consider Spawning Pit . I also like to run creatures I can sacrifice and have great re-usage, like Blood Pet and Blood Vassal . These options can easily keep your budget down and the functionality of the deck up.

I include several of these in my own build, and I am always pleased with how it runs.

August 11, 2019 6:25 p.m.

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