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Who Needs Hands amiright?

Modern Budget Discard Mono-Black




"Oh no it makes the opponent discard that's too bad..."

(Proceeds to turn around and laugh maniacally)

The Breakdown!

So basically, this is a cheap, mono-black discard/removal deck that I put together about a month ago. I've found it to be extremely consistent, with the exception of the fact that I always seem to get one land too many (even though I only have 20... I swear it's a curse or something!).

That being said, there are so many great combos in this deck. In my opinion, between Smallpox, Raven's Crime , and Dakmor Salvage, it's definitely a challenge for mana flooding to occur, as all the extra mana can be put to good use through discarding and sacrificing. Then, Delirium Skeins is terrific when you have Raven's Crime or Dakmor Salvage in your hand, and hits every opponent pretty hard.

To expand on Smallpox, it may be my favorite card in this deck due to the fact that almost none of the drawbacks to the card really affect you. First, sacrificing land is almost never an issue. Second, there are only four creatures (Augur of Skulls) in this deck, and they mainly serve as chump blockers and extra discard, so sacking them isn't a huge dilemma. Third, discarding cards like land and such is really no problem as I explained. Finally, losing 1 life is a very small price to pay for the havoc that this card wreaks on the opponent.

The one major weakness this deck has is Planeswalkers, so adding in cards like Hero's Downfall or Thoughtseize to stop potential threats would be nice.

Suggestions are welcome!


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 5 Rares

19 - 6 Uncommons

19 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.62
Folders Modern Decks
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