Why can't I hold all these dice

Commander / EDH Redmega


LegitAstroBoy says... #1

Holy crap I love this deck. I like how you included a lot of mana ramp and I enjoy the twist you have on it. I have been considering putting mana ramp in my deck, but I wasn't too sure on what I would take out. I really appreciate you mentioning me and it's nice that you were inspired by my deck. It means the world to me. +1 from me :D

February 18, 2014 10:13 p.m.

Redmega says... #2

Thanks LegitAstroBoy! Means a lot to me too :D

I'm considering Clockwork Hydra and/or Pentavus for the deck. What does Tappedout think?

February 23, 2014 4:11 p.m.

LegitAstroBoy says... #3

@Redmega: I feel as if those two cards can be a little underwhelming in this deck. Yeah they might come out with counters enabling you to double them with your commander, but I would use more utility cards that ALSO come out with counters. Things that do great stuff for you and, if you need to, can beat face with a huge/huge after a turn or two of using your commander on them.

February 24, 2014 1:51 a.m.

Redmega says... #4

I ended up putting them in for a bit and they actually work very well, being immediately double-able and having useful effects.I used to have trouble with flyers but getting 15 Pentavites out in one turn pretty much gives me, if not air superiority, at least the ability to shield myself from those more dangerous flying enemies.

Problem is I don't remember what I take out... I'll be recalibrating the deck to fit what I have IRL later tonight... xD

February 25, 2014 7:46 a.m.

LegitAstroBoy says... #5

I can definitely see Pentavus working now that I think about it. I use him in my Purphoros, God of the Forge EDH and if nobody has any answer for him, that can easily be 10 damage to all of my opponents each turn without ever going into combat. That Clockwork Hydra seems useless. Since it's EDH, half the time that one damage will hardly be relevant and it's not worth 5 mana for a 4/4 that pretty much does nothing except be there for your commander to target.

February 25, 2014 8 a.m.

Redmega says... #6

Yeah I ended up taking Hydra out. It's proving to be mostly useless.

I most definitely need more hexproof and protection for my creatures. My playgroup runs a lot of control and hate and it absolutely devastates. I already know the cards I need, too, it's just a shame I can't get a hold of them as fast as I'd like to.

February 25, 2014 11:29 p.m.

LegitAstroBoy says... #7

I suggest taking out Mistcutter Hydra . He's got protection from blue meaning he will just sit there while you can't target him with Vorel of the Hull Clade because of the pro blue. Maybe you could add something with more utility. I have a Fauna Shaman and it works wonders for me. Being able to ditch the not-so-relevant, late game, duds of creatures to grab your biggest, baddest, creature is relevant and it wins you games. Speaking of which, I think you should add some more threats in replace of your semi-mediocre cards such as Tromokratis , Serene Remembrance , Forced Adaptation , Ordeal of Nylea , Verdant Haven . Also consider adding some more lands. Even with a lot of mana ramp, 32 seems a bit too low. I would go up to around 38 and cut some creatures.... wayyy too many.

March 13, 2014 12:42 a.m.

Redmega says... #8

Verdant Haven and Serene Remembrance are no longer in the deck, there was a few change I made that I haven't had the chance to update yet. Been really swamped with work. Thanks for the advice! I'm working on getting a Kalonian Hydra and a Primordial Hydra and/or Protean Hydra at the moment, as well as the other cards I really need (Asceticism , Doubling Season , Cyclonic Rift ). Any suggestions for big hitting end-gamers?

March 15, 2014 8:32 p.m.

Redmega says... #9

I'll make sure to add Fauna Shaman to my list of must-gets

March 15, 2014 8:33 p.m.

LegitAstroBoy says... #10

There really aren't many big-hitting, one shotting game enders that you don't have or that you haven't mentioned. The best ones are Kalonian Hydra and Primordial Hydra . But since you have mentioned those,Artful Dodge will make your creatures that don't have trample but with a lot of counters be able to one shot someone. Crowned Ceratok will give your guys trample to allow you to kill someone. A Triskelion after you double it a couple times will kill someone. Darksteel Reactor will end the game if people are stalling through returnable fog effects or things of that nature. Magistrate's Scepter to take infinite turns pretty much means game. If you drop an Orochi Hatchery with x being 2, then double it with vorel with an Illusionist's Bracers on it, then do it again, that becomes scary really fast and will end the game right there. I suggest putting in Rings of Brighthearth to make something on your side of the field become a threat in a matter of seconds.

March 15, 2014 9:39 p.m.

LegitAstroBoy says... #11

Oh i just saw that you are looking for the reactor. I do have a champion's helm if you are willing to trade through the mail. I've never done that but it seems like something that would be fun to try out!

March 15, 2014 9:41 p.m.

Redmega says... #12

March 20, 2014 11:53 p.m.

Redmega says... #13

What do you think of Galvanic Alchemist ?

March 21, 2014 12:18 a.m.

Redmega says... #14

What does TCGPlayer think about the blue/green Depletion lands? Hickory Woodlot and Saprazzan Skerry . With Vorel I can keep the mana ramp going.

March 24, 2014 1:58 p.m.

LegitAstroBoy says... #15

I like them. They can be a good first turn move and are a really cheap alternative to running expensive lands. Same with Simic Growth Chamber and the guildgate

March 24, 2014 11:42 p.m.

LegitAstroBoy says... #16

But I can see you already have those.

March 24, 2014 11:43 p.m.

Kozelek says... #17

Don't know if I've said this on this deck but Freed from the Real /Pemmin's Aura +Pentad Prism with vorel gives you unlimited mana and turns ( with your Magistrate's Scepter naturally)

July 11, 2014 5:12 p.m.

Redmega says... #18

I hit infinite turns pretty frequently already. It doesn't take much, just 1 charge counter and two Vorel doubles (Either from Illusionist's Bracers , Kiora's Follower , Thousand-Year Elixir , or just having the scepter be above 3 when I double). But more infinite combos are always good!

July 12, 2014 12:06 p.m.

Ezereth says... #19

i would recommend an Inexorable Tide seeing as it can help proliferate with every spell you cast, which would seem very helpful in a deck like this :)

October 23, 2014 10:30 p.m.

Redmega says... #20

I tried it before and it was too slow in the way the deck used to be, but now I find myself having counters and playing spells basically every turn, so I might put it back in.

October 23, 2014 11:03 p.m.

Redmega says... #21

I added Hardened Scales and Genesis Hydra which I acquired today through trades and I removed Divination and Dungeon Geists .

Contemplating what to take out in order to fit Inexorable Tide . Also contemplating what to take out to add a poison win con or two (and which poison/infect cards would be best for me).

October 27, 2014 8:28 p.m.

Kozelek says... #22

October 27, 2014 8:33 p.m.

tueck005 says... #23

Triskelion provides instant removal/kill for those who do not handle it early. Spike Weaver provides plenty of fogs and Spike Feeder can provide an insane amount of life with Vorel.

October 28, 2014 12:53 a.m.

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