Abyssal Nocturnus - Every time an opponent discards a card (which, with this deck, should be every round), Abyssal Nocturnus gains +2,+2 and
Fear until end of turn. Combined with the
Discard abilities of other creatures and sorceries (
Hymn to Tourach and
Cry of Contrition
), Abyssal Nocturnus will be
BUFFED UP, basically unblockable (unless against
Black or
Artifact), and becomes your opponents' worst nightmare.
Hypnotic Specter - A staple of any Discard deck (espiecally for Black). Flying ensures consistent Discard ability activation. Hypnotic Specter + Dark Ritual on Turn 1 = What are friends.
Guul Draz Specter - Basically Hypnotic Specter but for more you gain the ability "Guul Draz Specter gets +3/+3 as long as an opponent has no cards in hand.".
Oona's Prowler
- Oona's Prowler is a serious threat for . This encourages opponents to discard cards to reduce Oona's Prowler to a 1/1 (only until end of turn). If your opponents don't want to throw away their cards, they suffer the consequences (3/1 with Flying).
Silent Specter
- Hypnotic Specter's big brother. It is a formiddible 4/4 with Flying and causes your opponents to discard 2 cards when they're dealt damage. Silent Specter packs a punch and is key during midgames and endsgames when every card discarded can be translated into damage through Liliana's Caress. The Morph ability is a bonus too.