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Why is Naya so bad in EDH [Mayael]

Commander / EDH* Aggro Ramp RGW (Naya) Zoo



Land (1)

A Primal Surge , mana-ramp Mayael build with some spicy removal and hate cards.

Taiga and Selvala, Heart of the Wilds are currently replaced by Kher Keep and Druid of the Anima because I need the expensive cards in a different deck right now.




Can you believe I had completely forgotten that Llanowar Elves existed?





Survival of the Fittest is just a better Fauna Shaman, finally managed to pick one up. Bramble Sovereign always felt very awkward at the 4cmc curve. It always felt like there was something better to be doing, and getting a second copy of a creature never really seemed to synergize with the way the deck wanted to play. Trying Exploration again. Used to have it in the deck, and it feels middling. But it should do better work than Bramble Sovereign.
In: Nikya of the Old Ways


Out: Thran Dynamo


Nikya is super cool and interesting. She flips off of Mayael and can even be ramped out early for double mana. Thran Dynamo is boring as shit and we should be ramping before 4CMC.
In: Impervious Greatwurm


Out: Avenger of Zendikar


Bigger dude, more fun? Avenger never seemed that wild in this deck. We dont puke out lands like other green decks.
In: Bramble Sovereign


Out: Birthing Pod


Birthing Pod had to go in another deck and Bramble Sovereign looked like a fun add!
In: Mana Vault


Out: Lurking Predators


Pretty easy edit here. This really should have been in the deck a lot sooner, just finally happened to pick one up. Power out Mayael the Anima activations sooner, or just hard cast your big dudes sooner. Lurking Predators was the cut, simply because it doesn't do what we want quickly enough, and can be hit or miss if we don't have top deck manipulation.




For the cards that came in, I think that a lot EDH decks these days use/abuse graveyard strategies. For a deck that really doesn't use the graveyard, in any meaningful capacity at all, we should be running some grave hate. It makes it easier to shut out decks and win the game.


I have also included another pair of boots for extra protection and haste, and Seal of Cleansing for more targeted, cheap removal (looking at you Blood Moon ).


Mass Hysteria , Etali, Primal Storm , and Surrak, the Hunt Caller are being playtested. I think our new red dino boi has awesome potential, especially considering he gets a card off of everyone's top deck, INCLUDING ours, which can be (and is typically) manipulated in some way.


Mass Hysteria , and Surrak, the Hunt Caller are additional haste enablers, because I think this deck wants to get off the ground faster and hitting harder. We shall see.


For the cards that came out, it was mostly deciding which creatures just didn't have that much impact for us. They were often too slow, or the value generated was just "cute", and not necessarily as effective as we would like.


Disk was removed because we don't care about board wipes, we should just have the scarier threats and we don't want them blown up. We now run targeted removal instead when we run into problem permanents.


Pattern of Rebirth did not function as I had expected with commanders. You have to actually let Mayael hit the graveyard; I don't like that.


Cream of the Crop was just kinda "nice" I guess, but it didn't do enough.


And we cut 2 lands and only replaced one of them with another land, meaning we are -1 land after these edits, bringing us down to a grand total of 36. I have not done any math on whether this is the "right" thing to do. I just wanna see if we can function on 36. We'll see if it comes back to bite us.
In: Fauna Shaman and Birthing Pod


Out: Eternal Witness and Call of the Wild


Think these cards might be better at executing our game plan more aggressively, and they function really well as card selection/toolbox effects for colors that typically don't get a whole lot of that.
In: Mana Reflection


Out: Zendikar Resurgent


Pretty much a strictly better upgrade, comes out a turn sooner and doubles mana rocks as well. Not sure if we care so much about the draw effect on Zendikar Resurgent .


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

18 - 0 Mythic Rares

46 - 0 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.69
Tokens Elephant 3-3 G, Kobolds of Kher Keep 0/1 R, Spirit 1/1 C, Monarch Emblem, Wurm 5/5 G w/ Trample
Folders DeckBuilds, commander, [7] Player Decks - (Not mine), References, Stompy (Probably has green)
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