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Wilhelt's Legions of the Undead

Commander / EDH* Sacrifice Tokens UB (Dimir) Zombie



Gameplay Mission: Create a huge army of zombies that create more zombies when they die. Attack your opponents with wave after wave of the undead. Have fun in the process without worrying so much about removal and answers (zombies are mostly brainless, after all).

Power Cards ($5-10): Noxious Ghoul, Necroduality, Undead Warchief, Mutavault

Sleeper Cards: Liliana’s Standard Bearer, Faces of the Past, Necotic Hex

Possible Edits

ADD E Medallion


CHANGE Endling & Gisa (or two of the other high mana zombies) to mana rocks

CHANGE some of the "lose life" card draw to boardwipes, smoothers (Preordain), or removal (F Despair, M Affliction) ? (play more games first)

ADD Negate and Counterspell for boardwipe protection? (“ “ “ “)


47 cards in main strategy (29 zombies plus 5 additional token generators and 14 other zombie supports)

26 of the 29 zombies are non-legendary (compatible with Reflections of Littjara)

27 cards benefit from creatures dying or being in your graveyard (partial aristocrats / reanimator theme)

6 lands ETB tapped (16% of total)

2 colorless non-fetch lands (5% of total)

During Game

Use Empty the Laboratory primarily on token zombies (esp those with decayed)

Remember that many cards that target other players' graveyards if those are better sources for the effect

Use tutors and graveyard recursion to tutor for Rooftop Storm, Necroduality, Ghoulcaller Gisa, or Noxious Ghoul in most cases (5 CMC)

Deck Notes

Based on the "Undead Unleashed" pre-con

Kept pre-con’s focus on zombies dying leading to making more zombies, but added even more zombies and token generators

This version is heavier on black spells, but only 2 cards have UU in casting cost (Empty the Laboratory and Overcharged Amalgam)

Original build had 26 zombies and 15 token generators; v2 focuses more on zombie creature cards

Heavy emphasis on cards that benefit from sacrifice / dying effects or cards going into graveyard

Not currently using protection spells since Wilhelt isn’t crucial to strategy and deck has lots of death / sacrifice triggers

Has some additional cards with $5-10 market value but all of these were bought for <$5

Card Notes

Wilhelt and Cryptbreaker can also help with card draw

Liliana Death's Majesty can also serve as recursion and asymmetrical boardwipe

Liliana Untouched by Death can also help with mill and card draw

Cemetery Reaper also helps with graveyard removal

Heraldic Banner and Undead Warchief also function as anthems

Crowded Crypt also helps with mass recursion

Mutavault can be turned into a 2/2 zombie for 1 mana when needed for an effect

Several cards also help with token generation (e.g. Liliana's Mastery, Cemetery Reaper, Liliana's Devotee)

Not currently using Gary because 5 CMC and deck isn't heavy on devotion to black (26% blue, 18 token generators)

Considered Sakashima’s Will, but only 6 of the anthems are +X/+X creatures

Originally ran Endless Ranks of the Dead but it is slower to act than most of the other token generators


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91% Casual


Date added 3 years
Last updated 5 days

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

39 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.46
Tokens Copy Clone, Human Cleric 1/1 WB, Zombie 2/2 B, Zombie 2/2 B w/ Decayed, Zombie Knight 2/2 B
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