
Commander / EDH LastEdegy

SCORE: 159 | 102 COMMENTS | 23046 VIEWS | IN 81 FOLDERS

SomeDipshit says... #1

Back to Nature is a good wrath for when things get out of hand

October 22, 2014 8:06 p.m.

zerowner says... #2

October 23, 2014 8 p.m.

chirz2792 says... #3

What about Assault Formation?

September 29, 2015 1:26 p.m.

rhyptherock says... #4

Heartwood Storyteller is an interesting card and Dungrove Elder is Excellent.

October 13, 2015 9:27 p.m.

Assault formation may be a good addition

December 28, 2015 6:30 a.m.

WildWynd says... #6

I thought the "Tribal" tag was for when a deck consisted of 100% Creatures of a certain type? not all these creatures share a type with the commander...

February 3, 2016 12:29 p.m.

LastEdegy says... #7

@illumfolly - I might try to use it, but typically most of my opponents has limited enchantments to their decks. It may be useful when in dire situations, when mass enchantment removal would be needed.

@zerowner - both Ensnaring Bridge & Meekstone wouldn't work, especially since I have creatures with 3+ power, and would render me stuck as well. Colfenor's Urn is easily countered by artifact removal, typically it won't activate before hitting 3 creatures exiled, since I have tough creatures, before being removed. But thanks for the suggestions.

@chirz2792 and AngelOfDeath666 - That's a good suggestion, I'll see if it would fit or if there are cards that I can replace it with.

@rhyptherock - thanks for the suggestion, however i have considered those two before, and i wouldn't want to give card advantage to opponents and Dungrove Elder won't work most of the time since it's uncommon to have many forests in play.

@WildWynd - well, a good chunk of it are treefolk..

February 28, 2016 10:34 p.m.

Cepitore says... #8

I think it's strange that you don't make this deck take full advantage of Doran's ability. Otherwise you might as well just pick anafenza as your commander to get the same colors. The majority of your creatures have either the same p/t or nearly the same p/t.

March 1, 2016 11:09 p.m.

Dis4Dinosaur says... #9

Bar the Door

Works just like tower defense and pumps at instant speed to chip in more damage.

March 6, 2016 11:37 a.m.

SyrJet says... #10

March 15, 2016 7:31 p.m.

Bezter says... #11

Could think about Builder's Blessing. Also you could look at the Trees, like Tree of Perdition.

You could add Karn, Silver Golem with his interesting toughness boosting ability.

March 17, 2017 6:46 p.m.

i24 says... #12

Why liliana?

Check out my Doran deck: Doran's Gonna Get Your Head Kicked In.

June 25, 2017 8:55 a.m.

Chaseace3 says... #13

I like it. Check out my renditionTowers Above the Rest. It is a tribal tree folk deck. If you you have any suggestions, great! If not maybe you will find a couple things to put in.

June 29, 2017 1:48 a.m.

Bluerunt says... #14

Verdant suns avatar could double your life gain with one of your treefolks. Or replace it so that it's all creatures instead of just treefolk

May 24, 2018 2:40 a.m.

LastEdegy says... #15

@Cepitore - Thanks for noticing, I have been adding creatures which has a lot of value but doesn't contribute with the deck/commander. I have revised the deck now as best as I can.

@Dis4Dinosaur - Tower Defense should suffice. I don't have other cards to replace with Bar the Door in the meantime. Thanks for the suggestion though.

@SyrJet - I won't put any walls in this deck, it's been hard for me to remove the defender status of walls when it's time to all out attack, unlike high toughness creatures. Thanks for the suggestion though.

@Bezter - My problem with Builder's Blessing is that when my creatures doesn't have vigilance and attacks, the effect wouldn't be fully used. I have already bought Tree of Perdition and Karn, Silver Golem is an interesting choice, but I already have a lot of CMC. Thanks for the suggestion.

@i24 - it was just because i had that planeswalker, and i might as well use it. But now i have removed it, since as much as it has a lot of value, it wouldn't fit really into the deck.

@Chaseace3 - Thanks! I found some ideas in your deck, like Behind the Scenes and Trostani, Selesnya's Voice .. Although, I ultimately didn't include trostani, since I have a bit of lifelink, and that would overkill. Also it has specific mana color to cast.

@Bluerunt - It's the same with Trostani, Selesnya's Voice , but a lot more to cast and would increase my mana curve.

September 3, 2019 2:07 a.m.

Dragaan says... #16

no Spellskite ? I always thought it was one of the better creatures to have in a Doran deck, along with the Ram and Harbinger. Heartwood Storyteller is also interesting. Grizzled Leotau is a good "toughness matters" creature but probably doesn't do enough for inclusion in an EDH deck... Also, what about Eladamri's Call ?

Is there no reason to play Nameless Inversion besides being able to get it out with Treefolk Harbinger ? I haven't read all of the other treefolk..

September 14, 2019 9:05 a.m.

Dragaan says... #17

Wow...nevermind about the Spellskite... I just realized he's actually considered blue for EDH purposes. That sucks!

(I don't really play or follow EDH - I just found myself here because I love Doran :| )

September 14, 2019 9:07 a.m.

Dragaan says... #18

Oh, yea one more I forgot to mention, sorry. Winds of Abandon is a card I've been impressed with. Would it not be worth including? Or is the mass ramp too much...

September 14, 2019 9:13 a.m.

LastEdegy says... #19

@Dragaan - haha! that's okay, try to make decks here and playtest them. EDH is a fun way to challenge your friends. I have considered Heartwood Storyteller before, but giving opponents ammo by having them draw is a disadvantage for a semi-aggro deck like this. Also I had Grizzled Leotau in this deck before, but i have replaced it with more tribal centric creatures like Ironroot Warlord . I might replace either Mastermind's Acquisition or Diabolic Tutor with Eladamri's Call , but my problem with revealing the searched card/s is that my opponents can prepare when i cast it, unlike the other 2 tutors i have.. I might playtest it first. Nameless Inversion is underwhelming for an instant targeted removal and Winds of Abandon is a desperation removal, plus its overload cost is worse than my mass removals. The only thing going for it is that it's an instant. Anyway, thanks for the suggestions!

September 18, 2019 4:39 a.m.

Dragaan says... #20

I was about to say how Winds exiles as well... but I just noticed you had more exile/bottom sweepers than just terminus. I guess I tend to evaluate cards too much from a competitive modern/standard viewpoint, cause you're right - it does seem extremely lackluster when u have access to, and an easy time casting, any big removal in the game. I guess the target:2/all:6 option isn't much of a bonus in EDH when compared to other "actual" 6cmc sweepers.

I had another question for you, though. Have you ever tried playing Sapling of Colfenor as a commander for the treefolk deck? If so, which deck do you think is more fun?

September 18, 2019 6:41 a.m.

LastEdegy says... #21

@Dragaan - yeah, i got you.. mass removals typically goes through in an EDH game, especially when that's the only solution to a big threat to 2 or more players.. I haven't tried to use Sapling of Colfenor as a commander yet.. I'm guessing it will be a more agressive deck, focusing more on big creatures with 4 or more power and toughness which is higher or equal to the creature's power, while still using the treefolk tribal.. It loses a lot of possible white mass removals, but gains more space for targeted removals.. It could be centered on getting sapling of colfenor unblockable as well.. In my opinion, Doran has more options on the theme of the deck (lifegain, aggro, control, defense, mass removals) but Sapling of Colfenor has it's uses as a commander. Plus it has indestructible, which is hard to remove from your board..

September 18, 2019 11:06 p.m.

Yo, I think Slaughter the Strong could be an awesome wrath effect to consider here.

November 1, 2019 3:13 a.m.

LastEdegy says... #23

@PhyrexianWombat - Hmmm.. That's a good card! I just noticed that 80%+ of my creatures have 4 power or less.. I misread this card when I was updating this deck, I thought it was 4 power or more who will be sacrificed by each player, that's why I didn't considered this.. I might replace either Fumigate or Merciless Eviction .. Thanks for the suggestion!

November 3, 2019 9:09 p.m.

fargojose1234 says... #24

how about Guardian Project and Skullclamp for more card draws? It feels this deck lacks a couple more for my liking..

November 4, 2019 1:51 a.m.
November 4, 2019 2:10 a.m.

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