
Junk 's! pummel all your opponents until they die of old age!!

Disclaimer: Your age is not determined by me. You may very well die of old age prior to your opponent. I hold no responsibilities.

features: annoying elflords.... and this is how elves redeem themselves.should be cheaper cause no horizon canopybut expensive because magic
One of the biggest decisions of this deck was the color. would i go green white Horizon Canopy elves, green black elves, combo elves, more tribal less instants??? coming soon CREATURES Heritage Druid: Is the star of the deck, she allows for elves to ramp insanely fast, as on turn 2, with this girl, you can cast heritage, Dwynen's Elite, tap all 3 (including the elf token), and cast an Elvish Archdruid. Elvish Archdruid: A powerful addition to the deck that was released in m10, this was better than the previous lords, such as Imperious Perfect, or Elvish Champion, because it was essentially a Priest of Titania on a lord. Wilt-Leaf Liege: an extra lord in sideboard, to swap with champion against the unlikely mirror (which is actually likely in my meta). Also great with all my silver bullets.Shaman of the Pack: Great against prison decks, also a way to end the game.Ezuri, Renegade Leader: Since Scars came out, this has been the main finisher. Have excess mana? Cast ezuri, and win. Nettle Sentinel: Once was a definite 4 of, now reduced to a card merely of your own decision. Some people choose not to run nettle sentinel, as it only shines with Heritage Druid. I run 2, as I can still get some value off of running some, but I still do not want to be flooded with nettles. Elvish Visionary: like sentinel, this was once a must in every elf build. It still is one of the most powerful card in elves. I have it in my deck as a 2 of, as it is still a must. SORCERY of course, none. because im totally not running a bunch of black lotuses which are totally sorceries. INSTANTS nothing. totally. Collected Company: After Glimpse of Nature and Green Sun's Zenith were banned, this card has really saved elves. A definite 4 of, is a 3 of in deck merely because of its $12 cost. Chord of Calling: Similar in nature to Green Sun's Zenith, cost more to cast but has convoke. What I Don't Run: Lead the Stampede. This is because although lead can refill your hand, this deck aims to cheat out creatures at instant speed, and sorcery speed just doesn't make the cut (as well as not being able to cheat out a creature at all). PLANESWALKERS me!!! (Because according to Wizards, we are all planeswalkers...)
WHAT IS A KEEPABLE HAND? At least 1 dual land (cause you only have 1 swamp and 8 duals), at least 1 mystic or llanowar elves, and a 3 drop, or a second 1 drop and 2 drop (to cast on turn 2). An example of a good hand (not counting removals) would be 1x elvish mystic, 2x llanowar elves, 1x heritage druid, 1x elvish archdruid, 2x lands. then, turn 1 mystic, turn 2 first druid and 2 elves, then tap all for an archdruid. then turn 3 topdeck ezuri and win. What not to keep: 0 land. If your only hope of survival is your opponent is more screwed than you, than you can't keep your hand. You must always make sure that you won't be mana screwed, won't be flooded, that you have outlets for your mana (such as Ezuri, Renegade Leader). This translates into don't keep a hand that is 3x forest 4x Boreal Druid). WHAT SHOULD I PLAY THIS TURN? In this build, the turns are pretty self explanatory. just playing out your hand is good. One thing to note is if you can, be sure to abuse heritage druids no summoning sickness powers, so you can cast many spells in one turn (which is why Dwynen's Elite is so good). Turn 1. You should be playing an Elvish Mystic, or a Llanowar Elves. Turn 2. any elf lord, especially, Elvish Archdruid, but if you can, then 2 more mystic / llanowar elves, a Heritage Druid, and then a 3 drop. turn 3. look at all the mana you have. just play whatever you have. if you don't have much mana you should probably concede now. because you won't be able to stabilize if you've utterly failed your first 2 turns. this is why modern is a turn 2 format. (im not lazy i just didn't write much =D )
coming soon

Suggestions and/or feedback is appreciated.

Don't forget to Thanks!

By the way, here is a link to my black green elves list. The deck description here is totally not a copy.


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(7 years ago)

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #10 position overall 7 years ago
Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

31 - 8 Rares

11 - 7 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.12
Tokens Elf Warrior 1/1 G
Folders Standard Designs, Quiero, Standard Decks, R/G Discard, Decks
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