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winless teferi



This is my build of the no win condition teferi deck but adapted for the MTG Arena format. It's been putting up good results with consistently getting the 7 wins in the quick match format.

as you may notice by the deck-list there isn't really a win condition. no Approach of the Second Sun and no creatures to beat down. well i guess there is a single copy of Gideon of the Trials but it's main purpose in the deck is to emblem and keep from loosing to Approach of the Second Sun it is also a buffer against burn and usually in general absorbs quite a bit of damage that would normally come toward me in a game.

So what is the win condition you may be asking. well the answer is simple. the goal is to get the Teferi emblem as fast as possible and exile all my opponents permanents. we tend to mass exile on the turn we get the emblem by either casting Pull from Tomorrow for a bunch of cast the memory portion of Commit // Memory once we have done this, the goal is to deck our opponent. how?? good question! We want to cast another Teferi or plus the old one then -3 it tucking himself into the deck. so in the end even if we draw every other card we will always have a teferi in the deck to draw.

some changes that you might make would be maybe another Oath of Teferi to turbo out the emblem faster. I use to have 2 oaths in the deck but ultimately decided to cut one since it's not to important to have out and often 2 felt a little clunky since they are legendary. you might also add a second Pull from Tomorrow i only have one purely because that's all I have in my collection, though I wouldn't know what to take out for the additional copy anyways. I have seen some bulds opting to add black to their deck, though I wouldn't recommend that. in my opinion that would make the deck to inconsistent and the mana base far worse.

The worst match up by far is against merfolk. they swarm the board to fast and if you dont stabilize by turn 4 your usually just dead. best match up would probably be the R/G or Naya monsters decks. The deck also does pretty good against Approach decks especially if you are on the play.

The decks a lot of fun and I'd recommend you try it if you like control. Though the deck is also very punishing for misplays so it takes a bit of practice. I welcome comments so If you have any suggestions on changes to the deck please comment! :-)


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(6 years ago)

Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Arena legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

18 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.21
Tokens City's Blessing, Emblem Gideon of the Trials, Emblem Teferi, Hero of Dominaria
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