Okay, now I'm just being a douchebag.
I think it's safe to say that my new favorite cards are ones that have some way to win the game on them.
Chance Encounter
, Epic Struggle, Near-Death Experience...
And now Barren Glory!
Now, I know what you're thinking. "Runlue, what the absolute ballsacks. This card is impossible to trigger, because there aren't any cards that you can wipe the board and have this stay on the field.* Are you TRYING to make yourself look stupid?"
Heheheh, NO, SHUTUP.
I'm a Johnny, and Johnnies love combos. 'Nuff said. This deck is probably the most combo focused out of all of the decks I've made so far... yet.
So, let's get to it, shall we?
Turn 1: Scry land, set up the draw.
Turn 2: Land, some stupid creature or something.
Turn 3: Repeat turn 2.
Turn 4: Academy Rector.
Turn 5: Cast a 1-4 cmc spell, and keep 1 black mana open. At the end of your opponents turn, cast Dark Ritual, using the 3 black mana to cast
Kaervek's Spite
, sac your entire board, exile the Rector, and put Barren Glory on the field. You win!
Congratulations me! I've just found a way to make this stupid card actually work for once! I'm so special! :D....... I need a life...
Liliana Vess is in here for one purpose... YOU DON'T HAVE A COMBO PIECE!... Dang, I really AM a Johnny...
Well, that's all for this week, I'm running out of ideas, so, someone, HELP ME.
If you don't I'm going back to Standard, and I'm not sure if you want me back at standard.
*If you actually find a card that does this, please send a comment. I will most likely hug you through the interwebs.