Update-I've been tweakng this deck alot and finally decided that I like Lingering Souls over Vampire Nighthawk As Lingering Souls is often better at defense and easy on the mana.
Update 2- 2/3/2013I have done some major editing and I think this is the best and most stable version of the deck. The only real question is if I want to run 3 Jace or 4 Liliana.
How to play the Deck-The best first turn play is a tapped shockland, followed with Feeling of dread and Azorius Charm for early game protection drop tapped shocklands when your able. Liliana is solid at controlling Hexproof Dudes, As FOD and the Charm is worthless. Next up is dropping down a Verdict then a planeswalker.
You should pretty much own the board at this point, so now we control some more, and wait for the bomb. Both Gideon and Obzedat can end a game in 4 turns or less and dodge most answers.
Post Side-While I've not done extensive playtesting Blind Obedience seems like it would be a solid choice against hasty decks and red black zombies as we buy a turn without burning mana or spells against certain Vampires and dragons, not to mention it makes enemy Obzedats's mostly worthless.
Rest In Peace- Hoses lots of archtypes and various a decks, if it weren't for this card I'd play this very mean Green Black deck with Splinterfrights, Boneyard Wurms and Jarad. Alas It exists so instead of a 90dollar deck I play this 600 dollar beast....Just use this card with caution as it does come back on you.
I recommend siding out Snapcasters, Feeling of Dread and throwing in Negate and RIP vs Reanimator strategy I wouldn't pull this out against enemy Snapcaster strategies.
Terminus- More Board wiping if you need it and very effective against stuff that likes/doesn't mind dying to Supreme Verdict.
Last Up is what the majority of the sideboard is made to fight Control lists as this deck loves fighting aggro and creature heavy lists it can't interact much with con-trolly decks with the maindeck. However Post-side we can take out feeling of dreads, Terminus, 2 Surpeme Verdict.
For....more Snapcasters, Negates, and the devastating Duress.
I hope you all enjoy my deck, if you got any Criticisms, or Comments. Like I said I'm debating if I want 4 Lilis and 2 Jace, or 3 and 3. Guess I need to see how likely I am to fight Invisible stalker and Geist of Saint Traft.