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Commander / EDH
SCORE: 317 | 53 COMMENTS | 23145 VIEWS | IN 113 FOLDERS
Thanks for the suggestion Azoth2099. To combo with Naru Meha (without Naban on the field) the spells need to bounce two creatures. Naban being there lowers it to 1, but I like not being dependent on him to fire off a wincon straight from hand.
This deck was originally budget, price creep brought the value of certain cards up like Mindbreak Trap. It also avoids tutoring at all costs to so it can keep digging and maintain its Scryed card at the bottom deck for Tunnel Vision. So Spellseeker is good, but it is a little expensive and actually nonbos with a wincon already here.
axxein says... #1
Just wanted you to know that the name for this deck is fucking fantastic. I love it, thank you
September 23, 2023 12:28 a.m.