

The main goal of this deck is to land heavy threats thanks to Quest for Ula's Temple. These fatties are either really hard to remove (Inkwell Leviathan)or that have a strong defensive side (Scourge of Fleets, Stormtide Leviathan) helping us even if we lost a lot of life.

In order to trigger our core Quest as fast as possible this decks packs little over 56 % creatures and a few tricks:

Filter and Library manipulation:







Yeah and that casualometer is broken. It's 1000% casual.

Any ideas welcome!! Help me thin out that maybecards list!!!!

I really can't decide to rule these out:

  • Drowner of Secrets: Sends unwanted top card to cemetery. To know what we have to deck there is Halimar Depths, Sage of Epityr and Moonring Island
  • Archetype of Imagination: Should I move it mainboard? It's a wizard for Voidemage prodigy and totally locks a creature match-up in this combo: Archetype of Imagination + Stormtide Leviathan .
  • Giant Oyster: Could help against a tron deck with only 1 or 2 huge beaters. It is kind of a blue instant speed sword to plowshares that slowly kills the threat. And it is soooo flavourful in this deck.
  • Kederekt Leviathan: I cant really lock the game with Stormtide Leviathan if enemy's strategy is based on artifacts, enchantments or a combo win. This guy might then be the only answer even if it bounces our board too...
  • Striped Riverwinder: Hard to remove beater that wouldn't be too much of a problem in starting hand since I could cycle him. I couldn't choose him because he has no evade and has no defensive effect.
  • Lorthos, the Tidemaker: Optional threat. Could lock the game if enough mana available.
  • Mindshrieker: In a more draw-control focused strategy with Moonring Island he could both deny threatening enemy draws and proceed to beat. Not a wizard. I feel he changes to much the goal of the deck and doesn't fit flavour wise.
  • Sigiled Starfish: Once replaced Omenspeaker. Not a wizard but gives a scry every turn and fits the flavour of the deck.

  • Moonring Island + Drowner of Secrets: this combination also allows us to use a pseudo lantern-control effect. we can then deny our enemies decisive draws.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 2 months
Key combos

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

29 - 10 Rares

8 - 2 Uncommons

16 - 3 Commons

Cards 59
Avg. CMC 3.15
Tokens Morph 2/2 C
Folders Babies
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