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Date added 1 month
Last updated 1 month
Exclude colors UB

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 3 Mythic Rares

24 - 0 Rares

24 - 6 Uncommons

8 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.00
Tokens Wicked
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Constructed (originally) in Mono-Red (), this deck is focusing on the Hollow One Archetype.

I've since updated my construction to include a Grixis () shell, supporting a more consistent playstyle.

This deck is a build meant to epitomize high-risk, high-reward tactics that are somewhat chaotic.

The part that sets this deck apart is that for a build whose history is rooted in randomized number generation.. it seems like you must walk a fine line to accomplish both the predictable plays and the out of pocket magical moves.

All Gas, No Brakes

But now I ask a question- what if we could combo off with One with Nothing?

We end up with what you see ahead of you. A deck that has waited for the card Marauding Mako.

This deck is created utilizing synergies surrounding Hollow One. The main structures of this Archetype are built around discard synergies, and in some cases sheer luck.

An example of the discard synergies in action would be Goblin Lore, while the chaos aspect could be embodied more by something like Burning Inquiry.

For the case of our build, it's Marauding Mako that actually builds up a crazy level of gas. In this case, we justify One with Nothing.

I cannot stress this enough - One with Nothing belongs in no other deck beside this one, alongside Lupine Prototype.

This type of deck had been around for quite some time, with things like Vengevine and then subsequently other variants like 'CrabVine'.

My intention here was to full send with something comical like Lupine Prototype and a card that is both loved/hated by the community, One with Nothing. And that's well.. because.. they're widely thought of as inapplicable cards that are bad, mechanically.

Our build is One-Of-A-Kind. Prepare to get leveled by an empty-headed himbo shark and a cyborg werewolf. Only in magic.

I'm really looking forward to what other duelist on this site seem to think, because the cards are not terribly cohesive with like.. anything. This shell is the first time it seemed strong enough for me to give it a shot. Enjoy!


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  • Bookrook recommended that we use Blazing Rootwalla and I'm going to have to agree. For my playstyle, the Free-Fire-Gecko (the eff-gee-gee from here forward) is most certainly a welcome inclusion. I favored taking one-copy from a few secondary cards in my build, but I'm more than open to more suggestions. The very little play-testing I did do instantly confirmed that the inclusion was necessary.

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93% Competitive

Revision 8 See all

(1 month ago)

+1 Blazing Rootwalla main
+1 Cathartic Reunion main
+1 Faithless Looting main
-2 Party Thrasher main
+1 Scrounging Skyray main
-2 Seasoned Pyromancer main