hmmm... i wanna add some 1 drop on your deck. it can be a Birds of Paradise because it works perfectly when Instigator Gang Flip Flip is flipped or you can add the new DKA 1 drop werewolf, Wolfbitten Captive
Like what IamKingTony said, Incinerate >card:Red Sun's Zenith because it's instant. You might want to transform ur werewolves on your turn and combust them at your opponent's turn.
January 13, 2012 10:04 a.m.
Well I've got the waif as a 1 drop right now. Not sure what is better because the Captive will still have later game relevance with its ability whereas the waif is pretty much locked in. I can see how the Incinerate is better in that situation. Is it necessary at all to try to clear some blockers?
January 13, 2012 10:09 a.m.
LittleBlueHero says... #4
Check out my deck The Howling (DA)
I recently updated it with new cards as well.
Personally I will be running both 1 drops to start testing. I think bringing an aggressive start to the table is important with WW decks. Here's why:
When an opponent is playing you they may be more apt to hold spells and things back, just to be able to flip your guys back. If you come out with enough guys swinging you can force their hand sooner, leaving you more chances for sustained pressure.
That being said here is what I would try and do if I were you. A) You could swap out some of your higher CMC guys for some smaller more aggressive creatures like Wolfbitten Captive. Or B) You could focus on a more midrange late game strategy in which case you should consider Scorned Villager Flip Flip or Birds of Paradise to speed up your mana and offer you more in the long run.
If you go the midrange rout you should also have more control elements in there.
Lastly i run Gut Shot over all the other red damage spells right now simply because with all my aggressive one drops if i can take out their first blocker early on I can often run away with a game quick.
As of now there is no RIGHT way to build a Werewolf tribal but you are off to a good start. Just remember something my old mentor taught me about building tribal decks.
"Don't immediately just look for all the rare cards in your creature type. Just cuz it's rare doesn't mean it makes the deck better."
January 13, 2012 1:07 p.m.
Even though the huntmaster is getting rave reviews, I'm still lukewarm on it and wonder if it's not better suited in a R/G deck that's not werewolves. His strongest point is what happens when he flips, and Immerwolf doesn't help that, don't get me wrong, locking in a 5/5 wolf with trample is always nice, but if I'm spending the 4 mana, I'd probably rather put out an instigator gang.
The early game pressure is a good idea, and maybe I should alter my playstyle to do that, there's just something I really like about having a flipped mayor, instigator gang and outlaw and swinging for 26 in one shot
January 13, 2012 1:19 p.m.
I like the idea of killing their first one-drop right away with the gut-shot, and I think the Huntmaster is way too much fun (in theory) to sub out
January 13, 2012 1:29 p.m.
Where did Phyrexian Metamorph go? That card is so good with flip cards, it's stupid. Who cares if your cards can't flip back; you're copying the flipped side. And who doesn't want 2 Howlpack Alpha Flip s on the board at the same time, on the third turn?
I'd drop Ghost Quarter and just add in Kessig Wolf Run . No deck, aside from U/W, is using any lands worth killing at this point anyways. You could use the boost in power.
For your sideboard, I'd take out at least a few Ancient Grudge s and add Naturalize . With Oblivion Ring and Angelic Destiny running rampant nowadays, Ancient Grudge just isn't enough.
Also, you're sitting at 61 cards. Just a heads-up.
January 13, 2012 1:50 p.m.
Yeah, it's still a work in progress. Maybe its because I don't really play outside a small group that I don't put higher priority on cards like naturalize, something I'll have to look into.
IAmKingTony says... #1
Not too bad, the mana curve is sort of top-heavy though. I'd rather see Incinerate over card:Red Sun's Zenith too.
Daybreak Ranger Flip Flip
in the side.
January 13, 2012 8:56 a.m.