Wolves, Warriors and Swift Spirits

Standard* BennyFrancis


Tioras says... #1

I'm not sure why you chose Koth of the Hammer in this deck. Only having five mountains seems to not utilize his potential as fully as you might like.

June 8, 2012 9:07 a.m.

BennyFrancis says... #2

There's actually 13 Mountains including the 8 duals. He tends to get sided out against a bunch of matchups, but his +1 also wins games. I've had a lot of luck with it and rarely had trouble casting it.

June 8, 2012 12:13 p.m.

Tioras says... #3

As far as I'm aware (and I could be wrong) For Rootbound Crag or Copperline Gorge to be considered Mountain s, they have to have that type. An example would be Temple Garden , which has the types for both Forest and Plains, so it counts for both. Your duals don't.

June 8, 2012 12:24 p.m.

BennyFrancis says... #4

Misnomer. Sorry about that. I meant there are 13 red mana symbols in the deck, making him relatively easy to cast.

June 8, 2012 2:15 p.m.

BennyFrancis says... #5

Additionally, he hits his +1 almost every time I have had him. There might be consideration for 1 or 2 Evolving Wilds here though . . .

June 8, 2012 2:17 p.m.

BennyFrancis says... #6

For anyone interested, this deck is smashing Delver decks online. It struggles a bit against Esper and I've had a few matches against Tezzeret that caused me problems. It seems well positioned for the MTGO meta, which is largely Delver and it does well in the mirror.

June 22, 2012 7:25 a.m.

Tioras says... #7

This looks much more streamlined. +1 from me.

June 22, 2012 8:37 a.m.

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