Wolves who bench Eldrazi: It's Better Than Yours
SCORE: 378 | 285 COMMENTS | 56520 VIEWS | IN 286 FOLDERS
HobbesAteCalvin says... #2
So im going to make a version of this but with Titan's Strength, Uncaged Fury, Vines of the Recluse, and Cryptolith Rite. Wish Ranger's Guile was still standard legal but oh well
April 6, 2016 1:27 p.m.
Just cite me, bro ;D
Vines of the Recluse is in there, and four of them too. Most of them are on sideboard because i'd rather have things like Confront the Unknown in there main deck for the card draw, and if the enemy has a lot of fliers i can sub in Vines of the recluse.
I have one Titan's strength on sideboard just cause. I prefer Rush of Adrenaline because it adds trample.
Ranger's guile would definitely be going in the deck if it was standard legal lol.
Cryptolithe might be nice maybe but i'm going for the consistancy and i'm not doing bad on mana and card draw, especially since the average CMC is below 2. Make the deck, paste the link in the comments, and it would be cool to playtest them against each other. :P
April 6, 2016 1:44 p.m.
OMG just play-tested this and Zada was OP, I'm going show this to a friend, he'll love it! GG on the deck build!
April 6, 2016 8:15 p.m.
ancientgorillashaman says... #6
The land feels a little low after playtesting it. Tribal humans was beating it up in testing... if the deck doesn't drop a Zada early, it loses pretty badly. That said, it looks like a lot of fun and there are plenty of decks in the meta it should compete with. +1If you want to run the Playtest yourself, Kytheon, Hero of Ormendahl 2.0
April 6, 2016 8:22 p.m.
I think i'll be fine on the lands since the cmc is lower than a two drop, and losing pretty badly is relative. Turn 5 with 36 creatures +54/+52 trample is pretty bad (wolves winning, 2wins-2losses so far) ;D That being said, I do think the white whinies meta can be strong if I am unable to get a Zada or any of my silverfur partisans, or i can't build up the base of timberpack wolves.
That still might change this August when origins goes out of standard. You'll have to say goodbye to a lot of good cards and i'll have to say goodbye to might of the masses. That deck was really really fun to play against and i'd recommend people looking at it ;D
April 6, 2016 9:51 p.m. Edited.
iBleedPunk says... #8
The deck looks great mate but seems too reliant on Zada for your wins. Whats more is after the first game your opponent will know that Zada must be removed immediately and cards like Harness the Storm get SB'ed against. How do you come back from a Zada getting exiled?
April 7, 2016 12:44 a.m.
I've play tested this against removal decks with madness and vampires and what happens is i still have more than enough creatures and instants to go head to head. Zadas is a part of the deck, not the only part of the deck, which is why i'm winning for the most part against the decks I've tried out. Ironically enough I don't use harness the storm that often just like I don't use the planes walker that often because it's only one of 60 cards, so anything that goes to waste removing it i'm still fine with. Zada ends the game just about immediately if you don't get rid of him, but he's not the only way to win. I've got rush of adrenaline and might of the masses so as long as you're worried about harness the storm i'll do more than just fine.
April 7, 2016 10:53 a.m.
forforforest says... #10
This is by far one of the best decks I've been playtesting against. At first, when I wasn't so good with it it had problems with esper control and g/w humans, but I've found that once you get to understanding it, the esper eventually fizzles out and can't keep controlling the countless waves, and the g/w humans won't win unless it establishes board presence at the same time as perfect control draws, which isn't happening. Honestly, the ONLY deck that I can get to consistently win against this is abzan elves, and i think they won't be too popular (and I doubt anyone but maybe 1 person at any given LGS will pilot it), and it's just a weird matchup since they have speed and control, but anyhow, awesome job! Thanks a ton man.
April 7, 2016 2:40 p.m.
PositiveMilkHotel says... #11
Might I suggest Swell of Growth? It lets you dump all the extra lands you get from your expedites and use them to cast more spells and just combo off, if you have Silverfur. Deck looks awesome, I had the same idea when I saw silverfur glad to see people have made cool decks off it
April 7, 2016 8:27 p.m.
@Cicjose: No it's not. Clip Wings doesn't trigger any of Silverfur Partisan's or Zada, Hedron Grinder's abilities.
April 8, 2016 3:13 a.m.
WeWhoSaidWhat says... #14
Not that it matters, but Zada, Hedron Grinder is a female:)
Ultimate den mother. +1 from me
April 8, 2016 9:38 a.m.
WeWhoSaidWhat says... #15
Sorry for the double post, but as beautiful as this deck is, I do have a few suggestions. I haven't really tested it much, but it seems to me that Harness the Storm and Breakneck Rider Flip are a bit counter productive when together. This deck wants to cast as many cantrips as needed to push through for damage, and trying to maintain a werewolf, which wants to limit that, seems ineffective. Village Messenger Flip gets the yes for being a great 1 drop, but Breakneck seems a bit clunky, especially being a one of, and you have stated yourself that you hardly ever use Harness the Storm. So, I suggest maybe taking out both for Uncaged Fury. Its the same CMC and still hits the combo. Alternatively, you could add a few more cantrips like Titan's Strength. Or even a couple combat tricks like Magmatic Chasm or Sure Strike. Or, Maybe add that second Harness for a better chance to draw it. Or, you could add a second Arlinn Kord Flip and one more Village Messenger Flip from the SB.
April 8, 2016 10:18 a.m.
No one minds the double post, WeWhoSaidWhat, :P
Honestly I'm not super impressed with Breakneck rider and I think i'm going to replace it with cryptolithe rite, or hermit of the Natterknolls. I could do that with harness the storm as well.
April 8, 2016 11:28 a.m.
WeWhoSaidWhat says... #18
Now that I think about it, Hermit of the Natterknolls Flip would be great against the control strategies. Definitely a nice replacement that stays relevant in human form.
April 8, 2016 1 p.m.
coastiemike says... #19
What happens to this deck if Archangel of Tithes hits the board? It looks like it could shut this deck down to one or two attackers a turn, which is plenty if you are playing a GW Human deck running 4 AoT.
April 8, 2016 4:13 p.m.
coastiemike says... #20
I also seeing a deck running Planar Outburst or Declaration in Stone (or both) giving this deck fits. DiS wipes all the tokens generated, as does PO.
April 8, 2016 4:31 p.m.
Hi, for someone that doesn't play in standard but modern and would like to try this deck, what would you replace in the deck ? Thanks
April 8, 2016 4:33 p.m.
Archangel of Tithes Like what happens when i swing with one creature that gets +24/+23 trample which is not hard to do in this deck? That's going to stop me?
Planar Outburst 5 drop sorcery speed. I can win turn five easy summoning all my 2/2 wolves on the same turn and using might of the masses to give target creature +x/+x where X = the number of creatures on the field. The perfect game I swing with 25 creatures who get +94/+93 trample and are 2/2 which gives me 2496 damage to do on turn 5, holding 68 wolves back, so it wouldn't be too hard to imagine a scenario where I can swing +49/+48 trample on a 2/2.
Declaration in Stone Also a sorcery that gives me investigate, fueling my ability to replace the card or tokens that just got wiped. I also already have card draw in this deck so it's a minor inconvenience. You wipe out Zada? fine I still have Silverfur Partisan and I probably have another zada in hand. You wipe out Silverfur? well targeting him gives me wolves and there are four in the deck. The deck generally needs ONE creature to hit, not all of them.
If they were instants i'd be worried. If you're running white control which the scariest of which is going to go out of standard in august i'm not that worried.
April 8, 2016 5 p.m.
So I don't see a way to really get Delerium active on Scourge Wolf? Or am I looking at this the wrong way?
April 8, 2016 5:42 p.m.
coastiemike says... #24
Just tested against this deck with a friend. He played this deck. He beat me 2-1 with me playing GW midrange. It was just too slow. He also played a friend playing BR Aristocrats and beat him 3-0. So, thus far, this was a very good deck.
However, I went 3-0 against him with Bant Company deck. He couldn't keep up with 4 Reflector Mages, 4 Declaration in Stone, 3 Managorger Hydras, 4 Jace, Vyrn's Prodigy, and 4 Sylvan Advocates. Collected Company outraced his creatures. Reflector Mage kept things in check until I could maintain board advantage. Declaration in Strong is super strong (alot more than I thought it would be). If I got an early Managorger Hydra out, it just grew out of control. I held the Declaration in Stone specifically to target Zada. Also, by the time he was ready to go off, I had flipped Jace, and was able to cast Declaration in Stone, Reflector Mage, etc... again. Finally, I have 2 Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit and 4 den protectors. The Anafenza makes things grow quickly to block whatever he has, and he generally can't block the den protectors.
If I SB Silk Wrap in after game 1, it gets even worse for him. In all 3 games, I don't think he ever got me below 14 life.
We will test more this weekend. Thus far, it looks to be strong against a fair number of different decks but pretty weak against Bant Company. Thanks for another good deck build. I am sure it will do fine. I hope by pointing out some weaknesses, you will be able to tweak it to make it stronger, thus helping my friend at the same time (who absolutely loves this deck).
April 8, 2016 5:52 p.m.
coastiemike says... #25
Also additional food for thought, if I add a Eldrazi Displacer into the deck with Archangel of Tithes, I hope you only have one creature at +23. I blink it with Displacer and that is that.
Symbidan says... #1
This deck looks like a howling good time, Well done!
April 6, 2016 11:31 a.m.