Woman's Scorn

Standard* The Messian


Update #2 —May 24, 2012

Moved the Archwings to the sideboard and cut a Phoenix for 3 Shrine of Burning Rage. Have been very impressed with how many games it will win for you. Some great advice from the folks below.

The Messian says... #1

I'm not a frequent red player, so any advice from you red mages out there would be greatly appreciated!

May 11, 2012 5:54 p.m.

Altharus says... #2

-2 incinerate +2 Pillar, they exile things so they deal with champions and Strangleroot Geists

+1 nice deck :)

May 11, 2012 7:41 p.m.

Altharus says... #3

Ignore the previous comment, i didnt see the sorcery section! maybe Shrine of burning rage?

May 11, 2012 7:42 p.m.

The Messian says... #4

Didn't think of the Shrine, definitely something I will play test with. Might be unnecessary overkill, but I'll give it a try. Thanks for the praise, good to know some folks think I am heading in the right direction.

May 11, 2012 8:44 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #5

Stormblood BerserkerMTG Card: Stormblood Berserker is an excellent red creature. If you throw in Shrine of Burning RageMTG Card: Shrine of Burning Rage (which is probably one of the best win conditions red magic users have ever been blessed with), then you can add Volt ChargeMTG Card: Volt Charge who's proliferate pumps Stromkirk NobleMTG Card: Stromkirk Noble, stormblood berserker (if you got the 2 +1/+1 counters from bloodthirst), and shrine of burning rage.

May 11, 2012 9:30 p.m.