RWU Auras Deck
Against Boros decks I usually win simply because my creatures are faster, flying, hexproof, jacked up, doublestriking, life gaining, OMG here it comes little bundles of hurt. Sure, I get skull cracked a bit. Sure I get direct damaged to near death. Sideboard
Gift of Orzhova
Nearheath Pilgrim
and replace
Bonds of Faith
with Curiosity. More life gain and draw power to really put down the hurt fast.
Against control I have a much harder time. Early drops often out pace these decks enough that I get my first bit of damage by turn 3 (not uncommon to have done 10 on this turn). Sideboard Boros Charm, Bruna, Light of Alabaster,
Detention Sphere
, Oblivion Ring, and maybe Curiosity. I'm thinking of adding Grafdigger's Cage to sideboard to totally screw people over using Snapcaster Mage and all their flash back crap.
Against Monoblack control. This is much harder to deal with and at this time I don't have much of a strategy. I play a couple of these in my meta and it mostly comes down to who got the best draw. Would appreciate some suggestion. I generally sideboard in the Boros Charm, Oblivion Ring,
Detention Sphere
to deal with their big creatures. Also, I side in the other Bruna, Light of Alabaster to get back all my auras they have moved to my graveyard.
Against everything else I just keep to my main deck as much as possible and just supply fast beatdown. I commonly win on turn 4 or 5. Most FNM end with me at 1 loss going into top 8 (usually 25 - 35 people events).
I get a lot of hate mail about this deck. Not because it is good. But, because it is poorly built. I don't necessarily disagree with them. That is why I am here. Please help me make this a more competitive deck. All suggestions appreciated.