Woods of Phenax (modern mill)

Modern Triforce-Finder


Westerosi says... #1

You have no white mana to cast doran : S

March 6, 2014 9:49 a.m.

@ Westerosi

Sylvan Caryatid . And there's Temple Garden to fetch with the harbinger. ...actually, I forgot to put the land in. Did it for the original build, but not for this one. Thanks for pointing it out.

March 6, 2014 11:51 a.m.

m4ver1k says... #3

I love mill, I totally feel mill can be competitive. But you want it to be competitive without any recommendations over $20? I don't want to be cynical but I don't see it as feasible without fetchlands. Here's my logic. As it stands right now, if a Blood Moon were played, it's just about auto-scoop if your state isn't built out enough, but when it can be played on turn 3, I doubt you've had enough time. You have nothing to counter it, and at that point you have nothing to remove it as you have no basic lands. Even if you have basic lands you're going to have issues with getting them reliably without adding a bunch, but that otherwise screws up your landbase. Another great example is Path to Exile . It's a modern staple even, you're going to come across it. But Simic Charm is your only out and no basic lands to benefit otherwise.

The other downside is you have no mana fixing, if you keep drawing your taplands with no shocks on the field you're going to have speed issues. I actually play mill in modern, I've run into these exact scenarios I mentioned because I had a damn near identical land base. The solution looks pretty stupid, but the mana fixing you get from fetchlands makes it work.

I'd drop 2x Breeding Pool, 2x Hinterland Harbor, 2x Overgrown Tomb, and 2x Woodland Cemetery. Add 2x Watery Grave , 2x Forest , and 4x Verdant Catacombs . Catacombs is on the cheaper side of the fetches, but with it, you can grab any 2-color shock combination you need in your deck. When appropriate you simply grab your forests instead. This gives you an infinitely more flexible mana base otherwise.

Next up, just add 4x Nature's Claim to your sideboard, as you don't care if they gain life because your win condition is mill. This land setup with the Nature's Claim considerably improves your matchup against Blue Moon, Mono Red Burn, Tron, Affinity, Splinter Twin, and Birthing Pod decks.

In Blue Moon/Burn, you're obviously targeting Blood Moon. In Tron you're killing their Chromatic Stars/Spheres, Wurmcoil Engines, etc. It destroys damn near whatever you need in Affinity. In Splinter Twin you want to nuke their Spellskites, otherwise they'll steal your charms and tactics to slow you down. Then in Pod, you obviously destroy the Birthing Pod and slow them down to keep them contained.

I also highly recommend running Surgical Extraction as a 4 of between your sideboard and even mainboard. Otherwise, you're going to have a hell of a time trying to mill out Tron, if not impossible altogether because of Emrakul. If you add some early mill, you also stand to hit early aggro creatures/spells to really slow down the speed of aggro decks.

Because Phenax is legendary, you probably don't want him as a 4-of, and especially when you can tutor for him anyways. I'd drop him down to 3, and insert a Surgical Extraction so that you don't autolose to Tron if they get their boardstate prepped. Like I said, it can also work to your advantage against aggro decks if you can hit something in their graveyard early. Especially against an early Bolt in a Burn deck.

March 7, 2014 3:59 p.m.

Thank you for your comment, it's nice to see some good criticism.

I will add Nature's Claim 2/2, and a few Surgical Extraction 2/2 too.

Indeed, the deck needs basics. Treefolk Harbinger does some mana fixing, so there's no way I'd replace the Breeding Pool . I'll add a few forests and try to find something to avoid Blood Moon without spending 200$. ;P I'll keep fetches in mind in case I can't find anything else.

It's simply against my principles to pay 200 bucks for some pieces of colored cardboard (aka a playset of fetches). That's enough to buy four or five good video games (even more if the price drops after release), and those have real value, not only value created by the market. You could also keep a person well-fed for a month or two with that money. I mean it when I put that limit up, because there's no way I'm spending 50$ on a single card. 20$ is the level where my reality sensors kick in and I begin to wonder what the heck I'm actually spending my money on. :)

March 8, 2014 6:30 a.m.

I think I'll take doran out. Yes, it's a loss, but I need the deck space.

March 8, 2014 7:18 a.m.

m4ver1k says... #6

I think that was a good call. I didn't want to suggest it because you built around it quite a bit. I understand the principle of not paying so much for cards. But the short answer is of you really want to play competitively you often don't have a choice, which is how they got expensive in the first place. For what is worth, it's been rumored that all fetchlands will see a reprint in M15 to drive down the price.

March 8, 2014 2:38 p.m.

Dang, I sure hope that's true. And of course to draw some. :)

I did some searches for alternatives like colorless creatures with removal abilities or red/green hybrid cards like Manamorphose , but what I found was either too specialized, too mana-intensive or simply unreliable. I could use slow fetches like Terramorphic Expanse or Bant Panorama , but they're, well, slow. And can't fetch shocks. In the end the fetches are very good cards. If I should ever make it to a bigger event that justifies it, I'll consider getting some.

March 8, 2014 6:05 p.m.

Scorprix says... #8

March 16, 2014 7:25 p.m.

landseahorse says... #9

I was thinking about a deck like this earlier. Lord of Extinction would be a nifty addition, but it has a bigger pricetag than i thought.

April 5, 2014 6:18 p.m.

blazorthon says... #10

Assault Formation could be a great alternate wincon, especially if you can fit in a way to make the tree unblockable or something like that. Rogue's Passage is possible and wouldn't slow down your mana too horribly.

March 14, 2016 1:25 a.m.

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