World of Ruin

Modern* Filii03


CharlesMandore says... #1

There is no replacement..

January 19, 2015 8:52 p.m.

Filii03 says... #2

True fact...

January 19, 2015 9:13 p.m.

arosen223 says... #3

Quest for the Holy Relic also you should add Invisible Stalker to equip it to

March 13, 2015 12:34 a.m.

Filii03 says... #4

arosen223, I really like Quest for the Holy Relic it's a really cool card. But the idea is to equip Worldslayer to an indestructible creature so you can clear the field every turn. So the Invisible Stalker wouldn't help that.

March 13, 2015 12:42 a.m.

Wolfpackdude says... #5

If you use the Glimervoid you can play Phylactery Lich with an indestructible artifact as its Phylactery or Worldslayer as its Phylactery.

March 14, 2015 10:08 p.m.

Filii03 says... #6

Wolfpackdude, I played around with the Phylactery Lich once it's hard to consistently get three black mana to play it.

March 14, 2015 10:24 p.m.

micah1 says... #7

Ummmmm...... Seriously no Darksteel Plate?

March 20, 2015 11:29 a.m.

Filii03 says... #8

micah1, what use would it give to put it in the deck? The only useful thing I can think of would be putting it on Brass Squire.

March 20, 2015 11:55 a.m.

micah1 says... #9

It allows you to put it on other creatures to make them indestructible. Then you dont have to run juggernaut which lowerers your cmc making the combo come out faster.

March 20, 2015 12:24 p.m.

This is some pretty great jank. +1.

A few thoughts: Later in the game, Retract might be a better way to recycle thopters, etc. than the Hawk - so maybe it's worth checking out as a 1-of.

Sleight of Hand is a perfectly fine card, but Remand is cheap these days and does soooo much more in any given game. If you're really just trying to dig around for Stalker, 1 or 2 Muddle the Mixture could be awesome. Thoughtcast could also be decent.

But lastly, I totally don't get the 4-of Darksteel Plate. You have 8 (8!) cards that can tutor it. And ultimately, you usually want to be equipping Stalker anyway, who can really only be killed by boardwipes (I'm ignoring sacrifice effects, because Thopter). Plate also doesn't help you get rid of opposing threats without Slayer out as well. And a hexproof, unblockable, indestructible 1/1 still leaves you a long ways from winning the game. I think 1-2 Plate would do.

In place, I think you could really use at least 1 equipment that gives you lifegain. Stick it on Stalker and you practically can't lose, especially if the chosen equipment also gives him a power boost. Batterskull is great, but not cheap (in terms of CMC or $). Sword of War and Peace is good, but still $16. Sword of Light and Shadow is almost unbeatable, but $32 - but remember you probably only need a 1-of! Loxodon Warhammer might be the way to go if you don't want too spend much.

You also might consider something that just makes your Stalker a beefy finisher. Haunted Plate Mail is decent value for , and doesn't require a creature after you hit with Slayer.

November 24, 2015 4:01 a.m.

Filii03 says... #11

Wizard_of_the_Broke, that was probably the most constructive comment I've ever gotten haha. I really like the suggestions you made, the deck struggles to work occasionally and I think you gave me some much needed adjustments. Thanks!

November 24, 2015 8:10 a.m.

Glad to hear! I think the deck is in decent shape. I did have a few more thoughts after playing with it a bit, though.

On the land base: I don't think Orchard is right here. Yes, you might kill all the tokens, and yes, you have blockers - but it's not that cheap ($), and the tokens were a nuisance for a turn or two. Besides which, you are only running 2 colors, so you really don't need every color, and UW has good budget options like Glacial Fortress (really good), Adarkar Wastes (not great), and Nimbus Maze (which I think is really good in this deck). I would mix a few in for Orchard, and maybe replace 1-2 Coast. Also, you should playtest this a bit- but you might consider adding 1-2 lands overall. It was impossible to do anything after hitting with Slayer (which might only occasionally matter) because I just had no land. It was also occasionally impossible to cast Slayer for until it was too late. It may ultimately be the case that you want Slayer as a 1-of, and may want to have a different plan-A-equipment, with Slayer as a finisher in long games.

The other thing that was apparent was that you should develop a sideboard. There were definitely situations where I wanted to save my artifacts from destruction with Retract. And there were times where I wished I could just drop a Signal Pest, and start pressuring the opponent with Thopters. And there was at least one situation where all I had in hand was Shaper's Gift, and I really wanted to grab a "living weapon" card like Batterskull (there are also cheaper, lower-CMC LWs) - because I still had equipment on the field, just no creature. And there were a bunch of times where Timely Reinforcements would have bought me plenty of time to do what I needed to win.

November 25, 2015 12:43 a.m.

arosen223 says... #13

maybe consider Familiar's Ruse as a one or two-of, it combos nicely and is the hard counter

November 25, 2015 2:09 a.m.

Interestingly, you can also run the Thopter Foundry + Sword of the Meek in your colors with your tutors. Whether or not you run that, some Snapcaster Mages might do you good. But honestly, this is a very good list, and I don't think it needs much changing. The one problem I see is that every modern sideboard has artifact hate for the affinity matchup, and I'm not convinced your Worldslayer will survive when it drops. Welding Jar is the only solid option I know of to protect against that. Maybe your counterspells are enough? But you have to wait until you get mana for that, slowing you down even more.

$$Ancestral Vision$$ is also a card. Stonehewer Giant is also there, but so expensive, despite easily enabling your combo.

December 2, 2016 9:28 a.m.

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