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W'R' Legends





Hi! first I have to thank Daniela Días (@h0lydiva) and A.E. Marling (@AEMarling) for this deck. The idea here is to early drop legendary creatures to power on your Mox Ambers and drop even more rampy/taxy legends until you go for your finishers Hazoret the Fervent, Day of Destiny or Urza's Ruinous Blast.

There's value in playing this archetype because some decks run at serious disadvantage against early Thalias that get speeded up by our Simian Spirit Guides. Even some Rest in Peaces from the sideboard in turn one can do some work against the popular graveyard strategies that run over the format.

The opening hands I talked on the previous part are not game enders, but eventually you can draw one of the finishers I talked previously or your planeswalkers to seal the deal. You will be good with this deck if you do the same things that you should with every other modern build, map the hands that you draw and if you can do something sweet before turn three, keep it of you don't, mull it.

The problem that this deck has, if you plan to invest on it, is that it currently lacks cheap legendaries creatures/planeswalkers that can win you the game, Kari Zev is in there just because is the best that is currently printed, if something else comes up when the new Ravnica sets arrive, you can swap her and the Days if you want. The core of this strategy is the Blast, there should be a midrange deck that could use it more meaningfully (removing the Mox Ambers please), but I like aggro decks like this, and I'm a Boros Legionnaire!

An small tip about this deck, when casting Urza's Ruinous Blast, pay with whatever treasures you have around, they are one of the few permanents you have that aren't legendary and get exiled if you let them be when the Blast resolves.

*A complete decklist has a Sideboard guideline*

So, here it is: Once upon a time I used to take out Hazoret the Fervent when I needed the slots, this is because there are many answers to her in this format that are played Path to Exile, Terminus and Dismember, for example. So if you ever need to remove more cards than the following I will list you can cut them out.

The cards that you will usually side out are Kari Zev/Day of Destiny and Sarkhan/Urza's Blast. The answer is easy, the first package is your sinergistic threat that is easily disrupted and the other are your grindy cards that may provide you quality advantage if the cards align.

So again to reiterate: Against Aggro and Combo strategies that want to consistently win by turn 3

-2 Sarkhan -2 or 3 Blasts then add the hate necesary

Against midrange or decks with heavy disruption try cutting the Day of Destiny some Kari Zev. Adding the angels that with some cheat mana can dominate the air early.

The exception is Control (like UW) where you want to take the Blasts instead and try to go under them on the early turns of the game.

There's a pretty nasty combo with Hokori, Dust Drinker since you have a few nonland mana producers to make its effect somewhat assymetrical especially if you can pair it with Thalia, Herectic Cathar , but you have to have them AND the opponent must be tappedout too, so in this version I only left one in. Another tip to use it correctly: Hokori's efectiveness is better after opponent tapped after their fourth turn so, it's almost correct to sideboard it out when you are on the play. (This paragraph no longer applies, find reasoning in the updates)

I need help with the Sideboard, I think, since this deck is white based, that Rest in Peace should be there. Avacyn is there for go-wide strategies or when you can abuse her Flash ability somehow. Questions and other comments are always appreciated. (No longer applies... check updates)

Have fun,



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-1 Plains -1 Windstep Heath -1 Field of Ruin +1 Mountains +2 Horizon Canopy

I have been facing UW Control a lot, originally I put the Field in there to face Celestial Colonade and their kind, but I never activated after a lot testing, and what I needed was another Mountain to be able to cast the Planeswalkers we have when they force us to search our basics.

Horizon Canopy may help the rummage that Sarkhan provides, and also maybe if we draw both, we can use the actived ability of Shalai, too.



100% Competitive

Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 5 Mythic Rares

39 - 7 Rares

0 - 3 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.44
Tokens Dragon 5/5 R, Emblem Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Ragavan, Treasure
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