W'R' Legends

Modern* Yosiel


Magic 2019 Changes —July 3, 2018

In the Main: -3 Kari Zev -1 Hazoret +1 Sarkhan, Fireblood +1 Alesha, Who Smiles at Death +1 Verix Bladewing

Kari Zev was always a card I ended up sideboarding out, her best case scenario (which involves her in Turn1 + an early Day of Destiny) doesn't offsets the cost of her being targetable of Fatal Push.

So I'm trying new Sarkhan now, and in order to make a his second ability a thing, added a Verix since it's the only legendary dragon I can think of for less than 6 mana (if anyone has any idea, let me know)

Since this is more than likely a big aggro deck, getting rid of the cards in hand to activate Hazoret has proven difficult, I exchanged one with Alesha, just for testing.

In the Sideboard:

Outing the Hokori, Stony Silences and the Avacyn, for 3 Rest in Peaces, the sideboard hosers is the reason why someone plays white in modern. Avacyn is great if you are in need for a board wipe in your tournament.