W'R' Legends

Modern* Yosiel


Some changes in the Sideboard —Aug. 21, 2018

After some testing and consideration I removed the Blood Moons in the Sideboard. That enchantment and Shalai are the slots with the most chances to be swapped by other things, according to any given metagame. I think with 3 Damping Spheres + Stony Silences with the help of tall Thalia you can have an ok matchup against Tron, that leaves you with the Moons against midrange decks with greedy manabases and Valakut decks. Since we can try go under those decks and that I don't think those are well positioned right now I added 2 Katakis against artifact decks that tend to be faster then ours. But this is just my appreciation of what the global meta is right now, nothing factual. Certainly, you can try more graveyard hate if you need it, or more blood moons, like I said those 4 are the flex slots in the sideboard, adjust accordingly to your own meta.