Wrath of the Legion

Standard zarjamar


Niliko says... #1

Maybe using this will help you get an earlier battalion and give you some board control right off the bat.

+x Traitorous Blood.....

+x Nightbird's Clutches.....

I like Ash Zealot but with this deck I feel as if there are other things that would work better like

+3 Hellrider..... -Would be pretty sick

With the whole battalion thing it seems like it would be a perfect fit.I also would personally like to see something else besides Serra avenger. Like...

+3 Boros Reckoner...... -For his mana cost. It can't get better than that.

+2 Thundermaw Hellkite..... -Very strong

+2 Silverblade Paladin..... -You already have him in the sideboard

Also have you ever thought of running Gisela as a bomb?

+1 Gisela, Blade of Goldnight -Best bomb

February 6, 2013 9:52 p.m.

Kbra says... #2

I think Bomber Corps is too weak, only worth it if you play Hellrider

Truefire Paladin and Wojek Halberdiers are better 2-drops

Boros decks are really fast, and your enchantments (enchantments in general) are too slow in my opinion.

Boros Reckoner should be mained. it is really awesome.

For so many Firemane Avenger i would recommend something that would haste it, like card:Slayers' Stronghold or Lightning Mauler

I don't like Court Street Denizen very much.

If you have 4 clifftop and 4 shocklands, i would remove at least 2 guildgates, if not all four.

I know Angelic Skirmisher is expensive, but choose lifelink, make your reckoner indestructible, either with Frontline Medic or Boros Charm and deal 3 damage to the Reckoner. (Searing Spear ) = Infinite Life Gain

February 6, 2013 9:59 p.m.

zarjamar says... #3

I have been thinking of Traitorous Blood , but I hadn't thought about card:Nightbird's Clutches, those are some decent ideas.

Ugh, I'm not a fan of Hellrider . It's a good card, but I'm trying to keep the cost of this deck down, as exemplified by the current 2.94 Avg CMC. This deck will be perfectly fine without them.

I agree, though, Boros Reckoner is amazing. It was tough for me to SB him, but I just couldn't find a place to him and he's the kind of card I'd want to focus a deck around. I'll think about what I can swap.

Thundermaw Hellkite doesn't fit. He's far too expensive (I'm trying to not go over 4 CMC, otherwise there's too much I'd want to put in here) and my Angels can do more than enough of a job covering the skies.

Silverblade Paladin is another that was hard for me to sideboard...

I really REALLY wanted to put Gisela, Blade of Goldnight in here, but she's really expensive...and I can't think of anything to put her in here for. Maybe in place of one of my Aurelia, the Warleader s, but I'm still iffy about it.

I kind of agree with Bomber Corps . I'll figure something out for me to replace them with.

Allow me to disagree with your point on enchantments. Most of my enchantments are providing immediate bonuses. The only difference between them and instants and sorceries is that my benefits are permanent and affect more characters. By your logic, I shouldn't use the Angelic Skirmisher you suggest later either because by the time I'm ready to cast her, the game should be over. And don't try saying it's easier to get rid of Enchantments. It is incredibly easier to get rid of creatures or render them useless. You have creature destruction, removal, damage, treason-esc spells, etc. I agree that the Curse could be replaced with something faster, but I'm leaving the other ones.

Good for you for not liking Court Street Denizen . You 'not liking' them doesn't help me build my deck. However, I do recognize that they're not the best fit for this deck. Maybe that's what I'll replace to throw in the Reckoners!

Hmm...you do have a point. However, not just the Firemane Avenger s aren't the only ones that could benefit from a Haste boost. Because of this, I've been considering Fervor .

And that's all well and good...but wouldn't wouldn't an infinite loop automatically make the game a draw? And I do like the Skirmisher, but will all the suggestions you guys are making, you're turning the deck from low lost to high rather quickly - it won't be fast anymore at this rate. I'll SB the Skirmishers for now.

February 7, 2013 4:56 p.m.

Kbra says... #4

What i meant with the Court Street Denizen was that i did not like it for your deck as there are better cards.

The combo will be infinite until you target something else that the reckoner, like your opponent. (But you'll have 9000 lifepoints)

What do you want from your deck? Low cost battalion soldiers and angels to swing for the win?Then your are on the right track, keep on playing and you will know wich creatures work for you and wich dont.

What are your most usual winning conditions? And what do you enjoy playing?

February 7, 2013 6:11 p.m.

zarjamar says... #5

Typically I prefer the Lock-Down/Beat-Down method - lock down my opponents' creatures so mine can wade in unhindered. For this reason another card I considered was Niblis of the Urn - another attacker that could tap down potentially meanacing critters.

February 8, 2013 12:55 a.m.

MightyFist says... #6

Seems to me that Fervor and Hold the Gates are slightly out of place(although i understand the appeal of granting all of your guys vigilance). that'd free up some slots for card:Aurelia's Fury or those Silverblade Paladin 's you have in your sideboard.

It just seems to me that you need more viable turn 3 options than the above cards. Otherwise you'll just be dropping another 2cmc card on your turn 3's. instead of getting out a Boros Reckoner or Silverblade Paladin .

Just spitting out ideas at this point: Faithless Looting 1cmc, useful to get to cards you need. also can be used to round out a turn 3 play of a 2cmc card. Lingering Souls another option for a turn 3 play. easy way to trigger the battalion mechanic.

February 9, 2013 4:07 a.m.

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