Ultra-budget: Wrath of the Witch-King
SCORE: 1385 | 224 COMMENTS | 118089 VIEWS | IN 939 FOLDERS
Lol, thank you Sniperwave. It's pretty unfair, especially if you're running the Dark Ritual version of the deck. Best of luck in ruining your friends' days!
April 29, 2015 1:30 p.m.
Sniperwave says... #3
How would running 2x Go for the Throat and 2x Geth's Verdict work, just to get past those pesky indestructible/hexproof creatures?
April 29, 2015 1:34 p.m.
I'd call that a pretty solid alternative. It doesn't let you pick your target, but depending on the field, that might not matter anyway. Hurting them 1 is always nice. And the card is still pretty budget. It gets a thumbs up from me!
April 29, 2015 1:44 p.m.
Not so scary a prospect when it only costs as much as a pizza and some wings huh?
April 29, 2015 1:52 p.m.
Sniperwave says... #8
Optimizing on MTGO sets the price to 1 ticket btw (excluding the swamps)
April 29, 2015 1:54 p.m.
Awesome, hope you guys have fun! It certainly isn't the best deck you'll ever play, but a when you get a lich on the field with all his equipment on, it's worth every loss. It's just so damn satisfying.
April 29, 2015 1:55 p.m.
OK, after a bit of playtesting I've made a small change to the deck. It's still ultra budget, but I found that I rarely used Diabolic Tutor. So I cut it, moved some stuff around, and added Brass Squire which allows you to equip Worldslayer a turn sooner and for free! I also went ahead and just added Dark Ritual to the deck and set it to Casual because it's just way better that way.
April 29, 2015 2:34 p.m.
digikevin97 says... #12
I can't wait to play a good multiplayer match with the deck. But I was interested, if you would be interested in taking request
April 29, 2015 3:05 p.m.
I like this, but I feel like you rely too strongly on Phylactery Lich. If you somehow can't find him or he's exiled with cards like Stain the Mind, you lose. I would definitely have a back-up plan in case your first one backfires.
April 29, 2015 4:20 p.m.
Just doing some playtesting with different things. Splashed blue for the time being to get Aqueous Form. This lets Worldslayer wipe with impunity.
I agree FAMOUSWATERMELON. The deck is very gimmick heavy right now. Trying to stay extreme budget and patch those holes is a fun but difficult challenge.
April 29, 2015 4:28 p.m.
you could use Darksteel Citadel, but I think you have enough indestructible artifacts already.
April 30, 2015 10:08 a.m.
DeepFriedStu says... #18
Since you're going the equipment route, you could go for Whispersilk Cloak, it adds dodgibility to the unblockability so you wouldn't have to splash blue. I also agree with zebeg that Darksteel Citadel would be another great lich target.
April 30, 2015 12:39 p.m.
I had Darksteel Citadel in there when it was mono-black and it was great. Once I splashed, it made getting swamps a major PITA. If I can go another route to get unblockability - maybe through a Fear or Intimidate effect, I'll consider adding it back and dropping blue. The Whispersilk Cloak is awesome, but it isn't extreme-budget friendly like this deck is trying to be. Thanks for the recommendations!
April 30, 2015 1:29 p.m.
Aaaand I did it. Added Gruesome Deformity to grant unblockability and switched back to mono-black. That lets me put Darksteel Citadel back in too!
April 30, 2015 1:35 p.m.
Sniperwave says... #21
I found a way to make a sideboard that takes the deck to 20~25$ and still under one tix.
To do so you, the sideboard will consist of.
4x Undying Evil (because worldslayer shenanigans)
4x Virulent Swipe (cheap combat trick that rebounds)
2x Tormented Soul (the 2 in the mainboard will be swapped with Darksteel Ingots, which are also indestructible)
1x Worldslayer (because 3 isn't enough)
2x Geth's Verdict (cheap removal)
2x Go for the Throat (also cheap removal)
After optimizing the price will be at a WHOPPING 0,97 TIX
April 30, 2015 2:57 p.m.
Sniperwave says... #22
Replacing the Go for the Throat with Ultimate Price will save about 5$ and 0,04 TIX, but is less effective
April 30, 2015 2:58 p.m.
Ok that's pretty awesome! When I get back to my desk, I'm going to add that.
April 30, 2015 3:14 p.m.
I particularly like Undying Evil as a post-wipe save. That's pretty awesome. I think I might find a way to mainboard that.
Sniperwave says... #1
Cant believe to see Darksteel Relic has a use again. +1 you glorious person.
April 29, 2015 1:25 p.m.