Brock here once again, back with some more control silliness in a non-control age. Why am I such a glutton for punishment? Why can't I just learn to build one drop aggro/pump? Because that's lame, unoriginal, and played out in my opinion. That's why. Plus I'm still a huge MTG fish at this point, and all I know is slow control. yawn
But wait, I have some fun stuff still going on in here, or at least I like to think so. Obviously, the Myth Realized factor is laugh out loud. The Jace, Telepath Unbound
+ Narset Transcendent is good for a cast/rebound/recast combo that also constantly pumps the Myth, which, as I said before, is quite laugh out loud.
Besides the Myth Realized, I'm only running four creatures (at least during the time of this typing and initial build), but they're both fairly efficient. I really heart the Sphinx of the Final Word and once he gets out, if there's no answer, that's game. Can we agree that Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger is deece for the deck build? Obviously with no land pump, he's strictly a turn-ten drop at the soonest, but Silkwrap and my counter spells should easily get me to that point.
I like Jace's Sanctum in there for even more lolz at lowering my casting costs 33-50% and the scry factor. Gotta find those few creatures somehow, right?
As for my sideboard, we have the obvious counters for various situations. Can I tell you all how much I really freaking love Psychic Rebuttal? Because I do. What a cool card. It's like, "nah son, how about we Duress you instead?". Good stuff. Oh, and Talent of the Telepath is also a laugh out loud card.
Let me know what you all may think, thumbs up, thumbs down, etc. Give me an +1 upvote if you like what you see. As always, any comments, suggestions or constructive criticism are always welcome. I still suck, but I'm getting there, bruh. Have a great day and happy MTG'ing!