This was a deck that I drafted from Modern Horizons, and I was able to go 3-0 with it. The deck really wants lands in the graveyard for value. Cards like Ruination Rioter, Igneous Elemental, Ore-Scale Guardian and Murasa Behemoth all benefit from having lands in the graveyard.
Tectonic Reformation, Winding Way, Tranquil Thicket, and Excavating Anurid help get lands in the graveyard while also drawing you cards. (TIP: Always choose creatures with Winding Way!)
Throes of Chaos lets you pitch a land to repeatedly cascade, which helps with board stalls.
You'll likely have a lot of cards in the graveyard besides just your lands, which can boost Excavating Anurid or you can exile some of them to cast Magmatic Sinkhole to get rid of a threat.
Since you're sending lots of lands to the graveyard, Rime Tender and Llanowar Tribe act as good ramp.
Krosan Tusker is really good for getting lands in your hand to either play or pitch to the graveyard, or it's a really good creature late game.
Thornado and Twin-Silk Spider helps deal with flying creatures.
Deep Forest Hermit is really good if you need to go wide, and is a good response to cards like Goblin War Party.
Finally, Wren and Six is a really good turn two play, as you're able to use their -1 to get rid of early creatures. They also usually become a big target, so they save you from being attacked for a turn.