Threats: 4x Flickerwisp, 3x Blade Splicer, 1x Mulldrifter, 2x Restoration Angel, 2x Sagu Mauler, 1x Sun Titan
Flicker Mechanics: 2x Ghostly Flicker, 3x Cloudshift, 1x Momentary Blink, 4x Flickerwisp, 2x Restoration Angel, 2x Conjurer's Closet, 1x Venser, the Sojourner
Draw Mechanics: 4x Wall of Omens, 1x Mulldrifter
Board Control: 3x Stonehorn Dignitary, 2x Fiend Hunter, 2x Detention Sphere, 1x Oblivion Ring
Flicker Spells:

The aim of the Deck is to gain extra value out of your creatures' ETB effects with cards like Cloudshift, that allow you to re-trigger them. While Cloudshift is the most simple of them all, this deck also features Ghostly Flicker and a single Momentary Blink.
Ghostly Flicker is basically a doubled Cloudshift that also targets artifacts and lands. While your lands and Conjurer's Closet don't really do much when they enter the battlefield, the bouncing saves them from potential removal.
Momentary Blink is arguably a worse Cloudshift, but its Flashback could come in handy.
The last instant-speed Flicker spell is Restoration Angel. She is one of the best creatures in Modern at the moment, because of her Cloudshift ETB effect, while being a solid 3/4 Flyer. She generally just likes to win games.
Conjurer's Closet is the only Artifact in the deck. While having a rather high mana cost of five, it's impact on the game is huge. There are several uses of this card in combination with one of our 17 Targets in the deck.
Venser, the Sojourner is just a better Conjurer's Closet that can make your creatures unblockable for the turn and swing for the win. If you can make his ultimate though, things become very funny very fast.
Last but not least, there is Flickerwisp. While keeping the tempo up, and being able to Flicker yet again one of our creatures, he can only be cast with sorcery speed, and therefore doesn't save them from removal. However, we can also target our opponents' creatures with his ability to get rid of one blocker. Also, he's a 3/1 Flyer. We like Flyers.
Flicker Targets:

Let's start with the lowest CMC Creature in the Deck, Wall of Omens. It's ETB effect doesn't win you games, but it certainly gives you the value to do so. Being a four toughness creature, it avoids Lightning Bolt and a lot of common creatures in the Modern meta. But the best thing about it is, that it cycles itself when being played. Having this creature in play means, every Cloudshift you have in Hand is a potential "draw a card".
Lone Missionary is just here for the extra 2-drop slot. His ETB effect gives us life, which can pay us some time against Burn or RDW. If he doesn't trade with Goblin Guide he can also swing for some early damage.
Blade Splicer is the token generating creature of the deck, giving you a 3/3 Golem every time it enters the battlefield. While Blade Splicer itself is still on the battlefield, all these Golems have first strike too, which makes it a great card overall.
While Fiend Hunter may not be the most aggressive creature, it gets rid of at least one of your opponent's threats. But with our multiple Flicker Spells in the deck, we can abuse it's ability to resolve in reverse and therefor exile one target permanently and one temporarily.
Sagu Mauler is our key card against control decks, because it cannot be targeted, and is able to trample over any opposing Lingering Souls tokens. The plan is not to cast it, but morph it and use a flicker spell later on to return it to the battlefield face up.
The next one is interesting. Mulldrifter is a 2/2 flyer for five CMC, that draws you two cards upon entering the battlefield. Also, there is the ability to cast him for it's Evoke cost of one blue and two colorless. But here is the thing, if you cast Mulldrifter for it's Evoke cost, it's ETB effect triggers first, forcing you to draw two cards. After that it is sacrificed, unless you respond to it with a Flicker Spell, which then has to resolve first. Mulldrifter gets exiled and comes into play as a new creature without any memory of being on the battlefield before, and therefor not being sacrificed, while drawing you an extra two cards.
Stonehorn Dignitary is too, a very interesting card. It forces your opponent to skip his or her next combat step, making it incredibly powerful against pretty much every creature based deck. But the real strength comes with blinking it. Forcing your opponent to skip several combat steps in a row can cost them the game, especially with the large amount of flyers in the deck. Combined with a Conjurer's Closet or Venser, the Sojourner, this becomes an Ensnaring Bridge, that only slows your opponent. (kind of)
Sun Titan is here to reanimate all of your permanents that died in the process of getting to turn six. He hits the majority of the deck, and can even reanimate a Detention Sphere or an Oblivion Ring.

Detention Sphere and Oblivion Ring are our only real Spot removal in the deck. It targets everything from creatures to planeswalkers and Detention Sphere can even exile more than one permanent. With Venser, the Sojourner you can flicker them to swap targets and Sun Titan can reanimate your removal late game, if it happened to get destroyed.
Fiend Hunter is a very situational card, but it still is spot removal, given that your opponent doesn't have a kill spell in his hand.
Celestial Purge answers a lot of powerful cards in the modern meta like, Liliana of the Veil, Blood Moon or Eidolon of the Great Revel and stops Splinter Twin and Gravecrawler
are useful against Affinity, Amulet Bloom or enchantment heavy Decks, but also answers any opposing Torpor Orbs, that might have been sideboarded in.
War Priest of Thune
is probably not that good, but i like to have him in the sideboard beause we can trigger his ETB effect multiple times and eventually gain a lot of value out of one card, if sideboarded in correctly.
The extra Sagu Mauler is only sideboarded in when playing against Control.
Kor Firewalker doesn't have an ETB effect, but that doesn't stop him from being good against Burn and RDW.
Rest for the Weary balances any kind of early life loss and gets you out of Lightning Bolt range. Very useful against, Burn and any kind of Aggro Decks. Even if it doesn't win you the game it buys you 1 more turn.
The two Aven Riftwatchers are my budget Kitchen Finks. Flickering them regularly keeps them alive and gives you massive amounts of life.
Rest in Peace is the card against graveyard strategies. It hardly hurts us, but stops Snapcaster Mage, Tarmogoyf and Living End and slows down any kind of Delve spells like Tasigur, the Golden Fang.
One extra Stonehorn Dignitary in the sideboard is great in the more creature based matchups. He can completely shut down the opponent when combined with a Conjurer's Closet or Venser, the Sojourner.
The extra Sun Titan is here for a more grindier matchup like Junk. He is a great top deck in late game, that can give you the advantage you needed.
An extra Fiend Hunter is also in the sideboard when you want to have another out to one of your opponents' creatures.