W/U Flicker Tempo

Modern PappnaZe


xavouine says... #1

Nice list! I fell in love with the flicker mechanic ever since I got my ass handed to me by an abzan variant once. Does the budget mana base work fine for you?

June 1, 2015 7:55 a.m.

xavouine says... #2

Also, what's Sagu Mauler for and how do you generate green?

June 1, 2015 2:51 p.m.

PappnaZe says... #3

I'm happy that you like the list xavouine! I certainly put much effort into it. ;)

I have not yet played a lot with this deck, I just recently bought it. But until now, the mana base worked totally fine for me, considering I only run 9 Blue Spells in the deck. Additionally, these spells gain more value, the longer the game goes, so I don't mind missing one or two blue mana sources.

The sideboard is not even included yet, because I usually only play with friends, where we don't really sideboard at all. Also, if I ever need a sideboard, it would probably be a little bit more competitive. (f.e. Timely Reinforcements, Rest in Peace, Stony Silence or Celestial Purge)

But regarding your question about the green mana source, there is none. The ability of flickering works as follows: If you flicker a permanent, it gets exiled and is returned immediately afterwards. (if nothing say otherwise; f.e. Flickerwisp) The permanent that re-enters the battlefield is treated as a whole new card, that has no memory of being on the battlefield before.

Therefor, a tapped creature re-enters the battlefield untapped (if - again - nothing say's otherwise; f.e. Diregraf Ghoul) and with summoning sickness (unless it has haste of course). The same works for flipped, transformed or morphed (face down) permanents. A flipped permanent (f.e. Erayo, Soratami Ascendant) returns to the battlefield unflipped. A transformed permanent (f.e. Delver of Secrets  Flip) returns to the battlefield "untransformed". A morphed permanent (f.e. Sagu Mauler) returns to the battlefield face up.

A lot of Flicker Decks actually play one Akroma, Angel of Fury in the mainboard. But I wanted to avoid spending the money on a card, that doesn't seem to fit the deck. I considered running two or three Sagu Mauler in the maindeck (mainly because hexproof is op), but I chose not to, because I wanted to keep a faster pace, and concentrate more on my Stonehorn Dignitary + Conjurer's Closet "board lock".

Also, if I wouldn't care about my money, I'd probably make the manabase more consistent and add two more Restoration Angels, because they are awesome! :D

June 1, 2015 5:41 p.m.

Boza says... #4

Now, while I do love the smell of flicker in the morning, I have to say, this deck can do a lot better. The key to magic, especially in modern is interaction with the opponent. This deck aint got any of it (outside flickerwisp flickers or stonehorn dignitary, which are minor at best).

Focus on delivering some pressure on the opponent and provinding game-ending combinations, rather a stream of value. The deck has no late game whatsoever and has little to no options for anything outside of its comfort zone.

If you would care to look at another underappreciated gem of a card named Reality Acid, you will get your ultimate late game card:

Leonin Relic-Warder + Reality Acid + Venser, the Sojourner is the main mid-to-end game combo. Have reality acid on field, then cast the leonin, exiling the acid and making the opponent sacrifice the permanent it is enchanting. Blink the leonin with Venser or any other effect to return the acid to play. Afterwards, the leonin comes into play again from exile and exiles the Acid and saccing a permanent again. Rinse and repeat.

Getting rid of a permanent of the opponent's per turn is the end goal. Everything else works up towards that game state.

I have made an even cheaper version of this that I think will give you great ideas:

Budget Acid Trip Playtest

Modern* Boza


For more food ofr thought, head to Azorious MORPHine trip for the full blown 350 bucks version.

June 10, 2015 7:24 a.m.

Jerkoid says... #5

I agree with the comments saying you've got a lack of interaction. I also think you have a lack of pressure and speed. For these effects to work, you need to build an early board presence full of damage. Then you use tricks to keep them off their game. You only need enough time to do 20 damage... but you've only got until they clog the board with creatures or draw into their board wipes. So you need more early creature damage and more interaction.

First off, Wall of Omens is not the effect you're looking for here. Neither is Aven Riftwatcher. They've got cool synergy but that's it. Second, Cloudshift is twice as good as Ghostly Flicker at least. The 1 mana is far more important than the two targets. It will let you play creatures and keep up a trick. This is exactly what you want. Use 4 Cloudshift, maybe 2 Ghostlies.

I feel like you've got weird creatures for what you're going for. You need fast damage, and then ways to open up the battlefield so you can attack. Azorius Arrester, Kor Hookmaster, Leonin Relic-Warder, Banisher Priest, Imposing Sovereign, AEther Adept, Man-o'-War... those are the kinds of things I'm talking about.

You could also use some cards that help you punch through blockers that do end up on the field. Either evasive creatures like Kor Aeronaut or Lyev Skyknight, or cards that let you attack with everything for the win like Sleep or Brave the Elements.

In the spirit of a blue tempo deck, I'd suggest Negate (or something similar) instead of Azorius Charm. It depends on your playgroup. Negate isn't good vs all-creature decks, but I think it's better than Charm. Negate can stop a kill spell, which keeps your creature alive and wastes their mana. Charm's lifelink is nice vs faster decks, and the tempo play is cool, but you don't want to be getting blocked. If you don't want negate, find a better tempo trick than Charm.

June 11, 2015 4:36 p.m.

PappnaZe says... #6

Thanks Boza and Jerkoid for the very much appreciated constructive criticism! :D

I totally agree with you, that the deck has a lack of interaction. Thus being extremely vulnerable against faster decks or control matchups. Although I like the "stream of value" kind of thing, like Boza said, I get the idea of including cards like Man-o'-War or Azorius Arrester.

Regarding the Leonin Relic-Warder + Reality Acid + Venser, the Sojourner combo, I'd rather not include it. A 3-card-combo seems very inconsistent, considering the cards on their own don't really do much.

The next problem I'm facing with this is, is that I do not know if I want the deck to be more aggressive or rather control-ish. Originally, i wanted the deck to recover from aggro decks with effects like lifelink (Azorius Charm) or Aven Riftwatcher's ETB effect, and then start building up a solid board state on turn three, slowly but surely overwhelming the opponents board. The fact that a Supreme Verdict completely shuts down the deck is true, so in order to beat a Supreme Verdict I have to either race it, and try to kill the opponent before turn 4 (which is impossible with my current list), or I have to be able to recover from it. I'd rather not make it more aggressive because sadly there are not that many W/U 2 drops that have the kind of ETB effect I am looking for. No matter what, the deck lacks in interaction, as I already agreed before, so that is the first step I'm going to take.

Jerkoid was kind enough to suggest a whole lot of suggestions, which I am going to cover now. :D

Azorius Arrester seems like a great card, that could have potential in a more aggressive build. Also, it has a CMC of 2 which is great because 4 Wall of Omens are not enough.

Kor Hookmaster is also very interesting, but Man-o'-War seems to have more impact on the game.

AEther Adept is the same card as Man-o'-War besides its mana cost, but my 3 drop slot is already cramped, so I'd rather not add any of those.

Leonin Relic-Warder. I don't see how this card improves my deck. Exiling an artifact or enchantment until it leaves the battlefield, doesn't seem relevant to me.

Banisher Priest is, again, a really nice card, but also a 3 drop, which is really unfortunate.

Imposing Sovereign is one of those cards, that I avoid putting in, because I want to keep the theme of ETB effects going, no matter what. Same for Kor Aeronaut

Lyev Skyknight is actually a really good fit, I will try to include some of those. Also I love its 3/1 flying body.

Cards like Brave the Elements or Sleep I'd rather avoid. I want to overwhelm the opponents board state, not sneak through it. Just personal preference.

Regarding Azorius Charm, I don't know yet. I have to think about that.

But I also had a look on some of the cards that Boza uses in his Flicker deck. cards like Venser, the Sojourner, Venser, Shaper Savant or a one-of Sun Titan, seem like great cards for the more control-ish version of the deck, which I'd be prefering over the agressive one.

Once again, I have to thank you guys for the great feedback! I won't make a change on this decklist yet, because I'd have to adjust the description too, but I will try out some variants and will eventually update this decklist when I find time to do so. :)

June 12, 2015 8:09 a.m.

PappnaZe says... #7

I just found out that Man-o'-War is not modern legal, leaving me with AEther Adept, which I really dislike because of it's double blue mana cost....

I guess Banisher Priest could be an alternative too. :/

June 12, 2015 8:50 a.m.

Jerkoid says... #8

I totally forgot about Frost Lynx yesterday, which is probably my favorite card in limited right now. It's a decent fill-in for Hookmaster/Man-o-War/Adept.

I also forgot to mention: all the cards I've suggested are much worse when your opponent isn't playing creatures. The best ETB effects (Siege Rhino, Snapcaster Mage, Thragtusk) don't depend on your opponent playing a certain type of card--they just work. Something to be cautious of.

Huh. Look what I just found. Legion's Initiative

June 12, 2015 12:29 p.m.

PappnaZe says... #9

Frost Lynx is just another Hookmaster. If I really wanted to include a card with such an ETB effect, It would still be Hookmaster though, considering the main color of the deck is still white. Speaking of colors, I am not willing to splash any color. Even if this deck had access to red mana, Legion's Initiative is not as good as it seems. It's a sorcery speed Ghostway for 4 mana, yes it can buff your creatures, but that's not really part of the strategy of a deck like this. Legion's Initiative is more of a sideboard card in boros aggro decks, that beats Supreme Verdict.

June 12, 2015 3:53 p.m.

frostdiggity says... #10

Maybe I'm missing something, but how do you cast Sagu Mauler?

July 22, 2016 9:47 p.m.

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