This deck features a foil
Hero of Iroas
called Jammy.
"My left has felled a cyclops. My left has slain a giant. I bring both to every fight"
FNM - 3/2--3/2-(ROTATION)-2/3
-Core Deck Mechanics-
Key card in the deck is of course
Hero of Iroas
for the simple reason that he allows me to throw down auras quickly. This allows me to rapidly build up large creatures.
These auras are, of course,
Ordeal of Heliod
Ordeal of Thassa
. The card draw from the latter is invaluable and the life gain from the former is generally game winning.
-Key combos & Other cards -
It is of course highly demoralising when I put down a Fabled Hero turn 3 then slap an Aqueous Form, an
Ordeal of Heliod
and an
Ordeal of Thassa
on turn 4 and happily swing for an unblockable 14; with mana open for a protection spell to 16/18. If you couldn't tell this is my favourite combo in the deck. :3
I previously mentioned Aqueous Form and it is also a key card in the deck. Giving my creature unblockable has been responsible for the vast majority of my wins.
Ajani Steadfast is a weird one. Generally he isn't all that useful however when he does get played he can turn my generally fast paced deck into one for the longhaul. The lifelink he provides brings in stupid amounts of life and his emblem is beyond useful once it is down. He's not 100% necessary within the deck but he pulls his weight once he's down saving me many rounds.
My protection spells are the backbone of the deck. Without those I would simply crumble under removal. Gods Willing and
Ajani's Presence
are the two staples. I used to use Mizzium Skin which was pretty much broken but I have now to find other methods. Depending on how I'm feeling this will come in the form of either Stubborn Denial or Swan Song as backup. The only issue with the latter is that it produces a little birdy which kills Ajani Steadfast too often