LeafRaider says... #2
Would be useful, however I'm only looking at post rotation cards as stated in the title. Reason being that there's no FNM near to me and by the time I'm back in university and at FNM once more Khans will be out.
Thanks, though.
July 25, 2014 4:38 p.m.
As someone recommended to me on my post rotation deck, Ephemeral Shields can be very good with heroic. (Here's the shameless plug for my deck LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE!)
July 25, 2014 4:53 p.m.
accelerando11 says... #5
In the description you said "Spear of Heliod keeps my guys open to block attacks." Did you mean Heliod, God of the Sun perhaps? Spear gives +1/+1 while Heliod gives vigilance...
July 25, 2014 8:29 p.m.
LeafRaider says... #6
I do indeed mean Heliod, God of the Sun . Thanks for spotting it O.O
July 25, 2014 8:49 p.m.
accelerando11 says... #7
On that note, I actually have a similar deck that focuses on the enchantment side more. It's a bit more casual, but even then I have found that Daxos of Meletis has been a very disappointing draw on more than one occasion, as I prefer using the Heroic triggers to my advantage. I had him as a 3-of to begin with (since it was a casual deck) but on more than one occasion I put it on the bottom off a scry. It really depends on how competitive you want this deck to be as to how many of those you have.
July 25, 2014 11:40 p.m.
LeafRaider says... #8
So would you suggest simply dropping Daxos of Meletis from the deck? The deck is still fluid as I only own 45 or so of the cards in the deck. He's literally in there because he looked cool and seemed to be able to have a consistent swing.
July 26, 2014 7:01 a.m.
accelerando11 says... #9
I'm inclined to say yes. He's fun for casual, but you may consider swapping him out for a little more consistency.
In my deck, I have found the most powerful thing to combine with Heroic are Ordeal of Thassa and Ordeal of Heliod . You already have Ordeal of Thassa in there, but maybe try Ordeal of Heliod in there as well? My reasoning is that if you can slap it on a guy that already has 3 +1/+1 counters, it gets another counter and you immediately get the benefit. Nothing's better than "Aqueous Form , Heroic gives +1/+1... Ordeal of Heliod , Ordeal of Thassa , up to three +1/+1 counters now... swing for (minimum 6) after gaining ten life and drawing two cards."
I wish I could give a little more insight into the competitive aspect of this deck, but my version is more casual, where removal runs a little less rampant.
July 26, 2014 5:30 p.m.
you forget a key heroic cards... Sage of Hours . Try him and maybe Ephara's Enlightenment , as well as Launch the Fleet for a quicker heroic trigger
September 2, 2014 7:25 a.m.
LeafRaider says... #11
Sage of Hours is far too slow in this deck! I'd rather be swinging than taking maybe one extra turn then losing.
I used to have Ephara's Enlightenment in but I found it to be too slow and not enough creatures coming in for it to be viable.
I've considered Launch the Fleet too but since dropping Phalanx Leader I thought it to be no longer viable.
September 2, 2014 7:31 a.m.
Draven3875 says... #12
This is a nice deck. I would try tritons tactics... you can still be aggro and then when they attack throw triton tactics, untap .... trigger geroic then block :)
September 2, 2014 11:07 a.m.
I agree with at least sideboarding Triton Tactics as it is both a defensive and aggressive card, as it makes any blocked troops not untap leaving the field more open for swingback. Also the heroic trigger bonus on two troops can be fantastic. Keep in mind the text also says it manually taps things, so it even effects troops with Vigilance.
September 3, 2014 9:57 a.m.
LeafRaider says... #14
I'm not sure what to swap it out for is the only issue.
September 3, 2014 10:59 a.m.
Maybe drop 1 Ordeal of Heliod ? Other than that I have no idea. I have a similar deck I am building for MTG FNM myself, but mine is geared to be a bit quicker/more aggressive.
September 3, 2014 2:32 p.m.
If you can try and find room for 1 or 2 Jeskai Ascendancy that card just makes things nuts.
October 8, 2014 8:32 a.m.
Hi! I've been messing around during with a similar deck and to help protect Feat of Resistance is an awesome card. It gives them 2 counters which is awesome on fabled her . It also helps push through damage by giving pro their blocker 's color.
I would also move to 4 of both Stratus Walk and Ordeal of Thassa they both draw cards which is crucial to keep the heroic triggers coming.
My deck also plays 4x Battlewise Hoplite the scry is very important to filter through lands and creatures when you really need to draw a trigger spell. Instead of playing the 4 drop spells you have in heliod and ajani.
Also Battle Mastery is another possibility. I play Abzan Falconer as a one of but I think that may be too cute.
My build is trying to be a pretty aggressive build with very little interactions with the opponent. If that's where you're trying to go. I've been wanting to test Stubborn Denial though. Seems pretty good here. Sorry if that was really lon . I was just excited to see what someone eke was building that was similar to mine lol.
October 22, 2014 12:01 a.m.
LeafRaider says... #18
Stubborn Denial is a good card here by all means. The only issue is that once they've seen it they always leave one mana open early on in the latter round(s) and I tend to be quite unlucky with drawing it just after a big creature has been knocked out and I was without a protection spell.
Feat of Resistance will almost definitely go in now, I'll just have to track some down. Unsure if I actually have some. Lol.
October 22, 2014 7:16 a.m.
Some guy over the internets contemplated double strike heroic once, as double strike can act as a pseudo infect, and it takes advantage of the life loss caused by modern mana bases.
While heroic gives some options as the game goes longer.
Budget Tier 2 Modern Deck: Seal Team 6 Version 2
themindbullet says... #1
Mizzium Skin is a nice little trick that will trigger heroic and protect your creatures from removal.
July 25, 2014 4:32 p.m.