WU - Heroic Triumph (Budget)

Modern KnyghtZero


BigZebas says... #1

I think 2 or 3 Hero of Iroas can work very well with 10 auras. He has also Heroic abilities, so he could become very big! I see that you play Daxos of Meletis and I love this card!!!! +1

October 17, 2014 4:46 p.m.

magicalhobbits says... #2

decent heroic build, i like where youre going, ive built a heroic deck before so in my opinion i would drop Kheru Spellsnatcher and Archetype of Imagination for 2 more Battlewise Hoplite or even Eidolon of Countless Battles also you need to thin your enchantments down, to run a decent heroic deck, you need consistancy in card draw, and only having 2 Aqueous Form is not enough, and in my opinion, Spectra Ward is such a difficult card to bring out for cheap. so again, in my opinion, drop Spectra Ward for another Aqueous Form . also consider adding a couple of Gods Willing or Feat of Resistance for protection.

October 22, 2014 2:05 a.m.

KnyghtZero says... #3

I have been considering adding another Aqueous Form , but keep in mind the theme behind this deck is not to utilize the heroic mechanic. It just happened to have some prominence and usefulness. I did take Kheru Spellsnatcher out, mostly because of the high cost, but I left in Archetype of Imagination , as it fits the deck idea very well. I have added Gods Willing and Feat of Resistance to my acquire board, because it could use some more cheap protection for the buffed up creatures, I think.

October 22, 2014 12:46 p.m.

Maddest_MAB says... #4

-2 Armory of Iroas+1 Spear of Heliod+1 Bident of Thassa
-3 Dissipate+2 Feat of Resistance+1 Negate
-3 Warden of the Beyond+2 Fabled Hero+1 Hero of Iroas
-3 Triton Shorestalker+2 Hero of Iroas+1 Battlewise Hoplite
-1 Hypnotic Siren+1 Battlewise Hoplite
-1 Dawnbringer Charioteers+1 Fabled Hero
-1 Defiant Strike+1 Banishing Light
-1 Devouring Light+1 Banishing Light
-1 Sunbond+1 Aqueous Form
-1 Ordeal of Heliod+1 Ordeal of Thassa
-2 Battle Mastery+2 Ordeal of Thassa

Try these changes before you go to an FNM, as magicalhobbits mentioned before consistancy is key with a heroic deck. You want to have reliable plays that are not only likely to happen on curve but that are productive plays that meaningfully add to your board state. With a heroic deck, you want all your creatures to be there for a reason, so cutting cards like warden and shorestalker makes room for cards that benefit from all your heroic triggering spells. Heroic decks are dependent on having creatures on the board and making investments in those creatures, to protect those investments is to maximize their pay off. With a playset of both Feat of Resistance and Gods Willing you have mana efficient safety nets for your big guys. Speaking towards creature protection there are now 2 negates up from 1 to try and stop those pesky removal spells from even resolving. Cards that I didn't list that are worth considering are Thassa, God of the Sea, Eidolon of Countless Battles, Spirit Bonds Brimaz, King of Oreskos Wingmate Roc

November 13, 2014 1:13 a.m.

Hills says... #5

I wouldn't worry about removal and counters with this. just run protection for your creatures and card advantage. I recently made a blue/white heroic deck that's standard, check it out sometime and hopefully it gives you some ideas :)

November 28, 2014 2:14 a.m.

KnyghtZero says... #6

@Hills: I would leave it out, but it leaves me wide open to Stormbreath Dragon, as I found out last night at FNM. I'll have to put something in for that.

November 29, 2014 10:14 p.m.

Maddest_MAB says... #7

Hey I'm back again. Glad to see you moved away from the exiling effect, its cool in flavor but not ideal for standardSo I've come with some cheaper suggestions to fit the heroic build and maybe an answer for your stormbreath problem, since celestial flare cycled and left white hapless against that dragons dickery.
Ill start with the expensive way to deal with the dragon then the cheap way. Then a budget heroic option.
Elspeth, Sun's Champion Her -3 gets it plus she a bomb, and she will be dropping in price when the elspeth vs. kiora comes out. idk how old you are but its good thing to ask for, for christmas or splurge and get em.
Curse of the Swine .09 on tcg payer, and smites the dragon
Heroic option
Eidolon of Countless Battles 1.50 on tcg player. bestows for 3 with the Hero of Iroas out and kicks ass with a bunch of weenies

November 30, 2014 1 p.m.

KnyghtZero says... #8

Welcome back, Maddest_MAB! Thanks for giving your thoughts once more. Prepare for a long reply

I think Elspeth might have a place alongside Eidolon, but I don't think that I would use them separately. For Eidolon, I've found that I rarely have more than 3 or 4 creatures, and the Ordeals all fall off after a bit, so it may not be as good as it looks. Plus, it really doesn't solve the dragon problem. With Elspeth, it gets a LOT better. My concern there is that the -3 would also hit any dude I've buffed up, plus she has a rather high CMC on her own, comparatively.

Curse of the Swine is actually one that I have looked at already. I think that it might work well, and in other circumstances as well.

Other Stormbreath answers I've looked at:
- Counterspells, namely Disdainful Stroke and Stubborn Denial, maybe Dissolve.
- Singing Bell Strike, Icy Blast, and Crippling Chill might help out a lot, but are partially/mostly temporary.
- Voyage's End and Force Away have been suggested, particularly Force Away.
- Turn to Frog and War-Wing Siren are two out-of-the-box ideas I've had.

Any thoughts/criticisms?

November 30, 2014 2:14 p.m.

Maddest_MAB says... #9

I wouldn't devote space to the counter spells mainly because I don't think this deck wants to be saving mana for the opponents turn, aside from 1 or 2 white to protect a weenie.
Speaking towards the dragon killer how do you feel about the Curse of the Swine?
I rather like the Singing Bell Strike but they may have the 6 mana to untap it once you stike em. Id say consider the Turn to Frog or Curse of the Swine before the bell strike.
As for the War-Wing Siren I've liked this card for a while its flying, its a heroic that gives +1/+1 counters and its blue. Here are some suggestions for cards to cut/add as you find them:
-4 Favored Hoplite, +4 War-Wing Siren
-1 Stratus Walk +1 Seeker of the Way
-1 Ordeal of Heliod +1 Seeker of the Way
-4 Defiant Strike +4 Either Curse of the Swine/Turn to Frog
Maybe consider -1 Battlewise Hoplite -1 Hero of Iroas -1 Aqueous Form For +3Fabled Hero.
I've changed my mind on the Hero of Iroas in this deck, i think it fits better in a bestow deck where the enchants cost 2 to 3 colorless mana. in this its only reducing the cost of spells that are 2 drops.
The best part of stratus walk is the draw a card, I think you may find more value in Military Intelligence if you run this card I would keep the Favored Hoplite's.

December 1, 2014 12:09 a.m.

KnyghtZero says... #10

I rather like Curse of the Swine and Turn to Frog. I had the same thought about Bell Strike. If they just played a 5 drop, they'll probably have 6 to untap, though it would slow them down a ton. I'll keep War-Wing around to test out.

I've considered Military Intelligence before, but I decided not to run it, simply because there were other things that I found more useful.

December 1, 2014 2:03 a.m.

Maddest_MAB says... #11

I've thought some more about the Singing Bell Strike andThe problem I see it being used to slow the opponent down, stormbreath is usually all they need to lock in their victory. Even if the opponent isn't playing spells after they resolved the dragon, he is a 4/4 you can't block, thats a 5 turn clock assuming you still have full life and he doesn't have burn spells. The bell strike is also weak in that it is an enchantment, meaning it can be removed in three ways.
These are cards I expect you may see be sided in when the opponent sees the bell strikes, if they don't already run them Main board (namely the feats)
1. Enchantment removal Naturalize, Erase, Deicide, Back to Nature
2. Bouncing the dragon and replaying it
3. Giving it protection from blue with Feat of Resistance and cards of the like
Singing Bell Strike Is a good card I just don't think it does the job you want it to, pertaining to dealing with the Stormbreath Dragon

December 1, 2014 2:59 p.m.

KnyghtZero says... #12

I think those are very good points, and I truly thank you for your thoughts and advice. I believe you've persuaded me to go with something else.

December 1, 2014 10:18 p.m.

Pal00ka says... #13

I understand the synergy you are going for with Hero of Iroas and your enchantments but with only a single copy, I wouldn't count on it for consistency. I'd add more if you can afford it, but if not shift to a heroic build more focused on using instants (till you can shift back).

To that effect I think Triton Tactics should easily be a 4 of in here. 1 mana nets 2 heroic triggers, surprise block(s), and possibly a removal of their attacker? YES x3. I would -1 Stratus Walk and -1 Ordeal of Heliod for +2 Triton Tactics because at a single copy your chances of seeing either or them are slim.

Seeker of the Way should be a 4 of because over a third of your deck will trigger his ability. I'd -2 Battle Mastery for +2 SoW. BM is kinda high for your mana base, especially since you cannot reliably draw HoI.

Fabled Hero is great in heroic decks, and he really isn't too expensive, so I'd nab at least one more of him and -1 Hero of Iroas (till you can get more; or vice versa, grab another HoI and -1 FH. Just raise your consistency in drawing one of them is my bottom line of advice).

Otherwise looks simple and solid!

December 3, 2014 3:50 a.m.

KnyghtZero says... #14

@Pal00ka: Yeah, I've been trying to get my hands on another copy of both Hero of Iroas and Fabled Hero. Haven't haven't much luck yet, but I'll get there! In the meantime, I like your suggestions. I played a casual game (last night, in fact), where Triton Tactics basically won me the game by saving two creatures that had been blocked by two Armada Wurm tokens. I believe I have another copy, and I might add it when I find it.

Seeker of the Way, on the other hand, I know I only have two. If I had three, I might run the third, but I don't think I would run four. Honestly, I don't think too many of them is that good. As a supporting creature it is wonderful, but without the actual Heroic keyword, I think the 1-of HoI is better for now. (It actually shows up relatively consistently, between all the scrying and drawing that is done)

December 3, 2014 9:35 a.m.

i like where this deck is going, if you have seen tom ross's blue white heroic then you know that its a very fun deck to play, one card i think you should run 3 or 4 of would be the pilgrim of heliod, i want you to consider dropping the stratus walk and with the sideboard it would be more efficient to drop the shorestalker for the negates or some form of counter magic that you find more appropriate. but yeah other than that there are probably some small tweaks that need to be made and i have a wu heroic deck in the making too so good luck

December 3, 2014 2:53 p.m.

KnyghtZero says... #16

I have seen Tom Ross's deck, and I've researched several other pro decks as well. I have looked at incorporating Heliod's Pilgrim, but I decided against it, as it slowed down the overall tempo and didn't provide enough benefit. Stratus Walk is one of the more iffy cards, and I will probably replace it soon.

December 3, 2014 5:27 p.m.

wolfboy says... #17

I really like this deck, I recently purchased the inspiring heroics event deck, and want to modify it so its more like this oneone. Its a solid deck, all I'd suggest is to add an Abzan Falconer which will make most of your heroics have flying, its a popular card. Great job on the deck and good luck at the FNM. +1

December 4, 2014 2:07 a.m.

KnyghtZero says... #18

@wolfboy Thank you! I have considered Abzan Falconer in the past, as well Abzan Battle Priest and Ainok Bond-Kin. I do still like the idea behind the Abzan Warriors, but Ainok Bond-Kin just didn't provide quite enough benefit when I already have some double strike and a lot of my attacks can't be blocked. I might play around with Falconer and Battle Priest at some point.

Once again, thanks for your suggestion and your comment!

December 4, 2014 2:32 p.m.

wolfboy says... #19

You're welcome, happy hunting.

December 5, 2014 12:50 a.m.

Abuttner says... #20

What do u think about using Heliod's Pilgrim as well as a Singing Bell Strike?

December 5, 2014 1:32 a.m.

jsorr2 says... #21

I'd drop Feat of Resistance for something less pricey. With so little land you're not going to have that much spare. Possibly add in Treasure Cruise or Dig Through Time because you'll be flying through the spells and your graveyard will pile up. Change to 4xTriton Tactics and 2xDefiant Strike because tactics triggers 2 heroics, and provides protection. Drop Fabled Hero for another Seeker of the Way, this deck is supposed to be fast, and fabled hero costs a bit too much. Daxos of Meletis isn't that great, and those 2 card slots could better be utilized (Remember this is a heroic deck). 4xAqueous Form is a bit much, you wouldn't want 3-4 in your hand, so why run that many. With only 1xHero of Iroas in the deck, don't run Battle Mastery at all, it's too costly.Would recommend Negate for control, Return to the Ranks for protection against board wipe, considering all your monsters are 1-2 drops.

December 5, 2014 1:51 a.m.

KnyghtZero says... #22

@Abuttner: Personally, I don't run Heliod's Pilgrim, as I found that it slowed down the overall tempo and didn't provide enough benefit for its cost. However, I know that other, similar decks can run it to great effect. It depends on how the individual deck is geared. As for Singing Bell Strike, I have considered it, but I think I have decided that it doesn't answer the threats that I have had issue with in the past. It would almost definitely be useful, but there are other cards that are more so.

@jsorr2: Feat of Resistance is easily one of the top five cards in the deck. It provides protection as well as two +1/+1 counters. There have been less than five situations in which I would have preferred to draw something else, and one of those was because I already had one in hand and only had one plains on the field. I have considered Treasure Cruise, but I haven't tested it out yet, and I think that it may be too slow for the pace of the deck. Dig Through Time is much the same story. I might drop one Defiant Strike for another Triton Tactics, but that is dependent on how Tactics continues to perform. Daxos of Meletis is an interesting card that I've debated on a lot, but I'm rather attached to him. You can see some of my reasoning above in my description. As for Battle Mastery, even at three mana it is pretty worthwhile. Even so, I'm looking for more Hero of Iroas to add to the deck. I've had Negate in and out of the deck since I made it, and it might be coming in again sometime soon. Return to the Ranks is one I hadn't seen before. It might work well here. Thanks for your suggestions!

December 5, 2014 3:19 a.m.

Wow, nice deck! I run a similar one (a bit less budget at around 50 bucks), and some suggestions are:

Sunbond - Combined with Daxos or Ordeal of Heliod, you can get some seriously beast creatures (I mean, play the ordeal and the next turn or two Sunbond, and you get 10 +1/+1 counters).

Aegis of the Gods - At least in the sideboard as a guarantee against discard or things like that.

I also play the Ajani's Pridemate and Nyx-Fleece Ram for Sunbond and +1/+1 counters every turn.

December 13, 2014 10:33 p.m.

KnyghtZero says... #24

@FAMOUSWATERMELON: Do you happen to have the deck uploaded? I'd like to take a look at it, out of curiosity. :-)

As for your suggestions, that's actually more where this deck started! I had Sunbond, Nyx-Fleece and others like Sungrace Pegasus and Dawnbringer Charioteers. Since then, it shifted away from lifegain and focused on Heroic. In return, the deck has a faster tempo, though the other strategy is also viable!

Aegis of the Gods is a bit different. I haven't really thought of it, but I'm not sure I need it. I played against a discard deck several times and wrecked it, so it doesn't really bother me.

Thanks for your comment though!

December 21, 2014 12:04 p.m.
December 21, 2014 2:15 p.m.

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